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English-German Dictionary

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doctrinal authority Lehrautorität {f}
doctrinal battleGlaubensschlacht {f}
doctrinal commissionGlaubenskommission {f}
doctrinal conceptLehrbegriff {m}
doctrinal consensusLehrkonsens {m}
doctrinal contentLehrgehalt {m}
doctrinal controversies Lehrstreitigkeiten {pl}
doctrinal conversations Lehrgespräche {pl}
doctrinal decision Lehrentscheidung {f}
doctrinal developmentLehrentwicklung {f}
doctrinal differencesLehrunterschiede {pl}
doctrinal discipline Lehrzucht {f}
doctrinal questionLehrfrage {f}
doctrinal statement Lehraussage {f}
doctrinal system Lehrgebäude {n}
doctrinal system Lehrsystem {n}
doctrinal traditionLehrtradition {f}
doctrinal tradition Lehrüberlieferung {f}
(doctrinal) theology Glaubenslehre {f}
doctrinally lehrmäßig
Doctrinaries [Congregatio Patrum Doctrinae Christianae] <D.C.>Doktrinarier {pl} <DC>
doctrine Doktrin {f}
doctrineLehre {f}
doctrine Lehrmeinung {f}
doctrineKonzeption {f}
doctrineFührungs- und Einsatzgrundsätze {pl}
doctrine Glaubenslehre {f}
doctrine Grundsatz {m}
doctrine Lehrstück {n} [Glaubenslehre]
doctrine Glaubenssatz {m}
doctrine {sg}Lehren {pl} [insgesamt]
doctrine of affectionsAffekttheorie {f}
doctrine of affectionsAffektenlehre {f}
doctrine of affects Affektenlehre {f}
doctrine of analogyAnalogielehre {f}
doctrine of attributesAttributenlehre {f}
doctrine of (Christ's) ubiquity Ubiquitätslehre {f}
doctrine of creation Schöpfungslehre {f}
doctrine of cy presGrundsatz {m} der wohlwollenden Auslegung [des Erblasserwillens]
doctrine of divine right Gottesgnadentum {n}
doctrine of election Erwählungslehre {f}
doctrine of equilibrium Gleichgewichtslehre {f}
doctrine of faith Glaubensdoktrin {f}
doctrine of figures Figurenlehre {f}
doctrine of forms [Plato] Ideenlehre {f} [Platon]
doctrine of God Gotteslehre {f}
doctrine of graceGnadenlehre {f}
doctrine of illuminationIlluminationslehre {f}
doctrine of immortalityUnsterblichkeitslehre {f}
doctrine of immortalityUnsterblichkeitsdoktrin {f}
doctrine of inspirationInspirationslehre {f}
doctrine of justificationRechtfertigungslehre {f}
doctrine of monadsMonadologie {f} [bes. G. W. Leibniz]
doctrine of monads Monadenlehre {f} [bes. G. W. Leibniz]
doctrine of nature [knowledge regarding the human body, man, the state, etc.] Naturlehre {f} [des menschlichen Körpers, des Menschen, des Staates, etc.]
doctrine of predestination Prädestinationslehre {f}
doctrine of principles Prinzipienlehre {f}
doctrine of providenceVorsehungslehre {f}
doctrine of recollection [Plato] Anamnesislehre {f} [Platon]
doctrine of reconciliation Versöhnungslehre {f}
doctrine of retribution Vergeltungsdogma {n}
doctrine of revelationOffenbarungslehre {f}
doctrine of salvationHeilslehre {f}
doctrine of salvation Erlösungslehre {f}
doctrine of satisfaction Satisfaktionslehre {f}
doctrine of ScriptureSchriftlehre {f}
doctrine of signaturesSignaturenlehre {f}
doctrine of sin Sündenlehre {f}
doctrine of subordination Subordinationslehre {f}
doctrine of the atonement Versöhnungslehre {f}
doctrine of the church Kirchenlehre {f}
doctrine of the Eucharist Abendmahlslehre {f}
doctrine of the Lord's Supper Abendmahlslehre {f}
Doctrine of the Mean [Confucius]Maß und Mitte
doctrine of the sacraments Sakramentenlehre {f}
doctrine of the Saviour [Br.] Erlöserlehre {f}
doctrine of the soulSeelenlehre {f}
doctrine of the three estatesDreiständelehre {f}
doctrine of the TrinityTrinitätslehre {f}
doctrine of the two kingdoms Zwei-Reiche-Lehre {f}
doctrine of tradition [esp. in religion]Traditionsdoktrin {f} [Traditions-Doktrin] [bes. relig.]
doctrine of transubstantiation Wandlungslehre {f}
doctrine of transubstantiation Transsubstantiationslehre {f}
doctrine of virtueTugendlehre {f}
doctrinesLehren {pl}
doctrinesGlaubenslehren {pl}
doctrines {pl} of faithGlaubenslehre {f}
docucam [coll.] [document camera] Dokumentenkamera {f}
docudramaDoku-Drama {n}
docufictionDoku-Fiktion {f}
documentDokument {n}
document Unterlage {f}
documentUrkunde {f}
documentHandelspapier {n}
document Schriftstück {n}
document Schrift {f} [Schriftstück]
document Aktenstück {n}
document [file, dossier] Akt {m} [bes. österr.] [Akte]
document [piece of written matter] Schriftsache {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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