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documentary (film) debut Dokumentarfilm-Debüt {n}
documentary (film) directorDokumentarfilmregisseur {m}
documentary filmmakerDokumentarist {m}
documentary filmmakerDokumentarfilmer {m}
documentary filmmaker Dokfilmer {m} [schweiz.]
documentary filmmaker [female] Dokumentaristin {f}
documentary filmmaker [female] Dokumentarfilmerin {f}
documentary flick [coll.] Dokstreifen {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
documentary fraudDokumentenbetrug {m}
documentary hypothesis(neuere) Urkundenhypothese {f}
documentary letter of credit Dokumentenakkreditiv {n}
documentary materialDokumentationsmaterial {n}
documentary materialAktenmaterial {n}
documentary movie [Am.] Dokumentarfilm {m}
documentary narrative dokumentarische Erzählung {f}
documentary papyriPapyrusurkunden {pl}
documentary photography Dokumentarphotographie {f} [Genre]
documentary photographyDokumentarfotografie {f} [Genre]
documentary practices {pl} Praxis {f} im Umgang mit Dokumenten
documentary proof schriftlicher Nachweis {m}
documentary proof urkundlicher Nachweis {m}
documentary reportDokumentation {f}
documentary reportTatsachenbericht {m}
documentary report / film Bildreportage {f}
documentary series Doku-Serie {f}
documentary style Dokumentarstil {m}
documentary toolDokumentationswerkzeug {n}
documentary-style movie dokumentarischer Spielfilm {m}
documentationDokumentation {f}
documentationDokumentierung {f}
documentation {sg} Urkunden {pl}
documentation {sg}Unterlagen {pl}
documentation center [Am.]Dokumentationsstelle {f}
documentation center [Am.] Dokumentationszentrum {n}
documentation centre [Br.]Dokumentationszentrum {n}
documentation centre [Br.]Dokumentationsstelle {f}
Documentation Centre of Austrian ResistanceDokumentationsarchiv {n} des österreichischen Widerstands <DÖW>
documentation components Dokumentationsunterlagen {pl}
documentation departmentDokumentationsabteilung {f}
documentation gap Dokumentationslücke {f}
documentation manager Dokumentationsmanager {m}
documentation manager [female] Dokumentationsmanagerin {f}
documentation obligation Dokumentationspflicht {f}
documentation representativeDokumentationsbevollmächtigter {m}
documentation requirements [ISO]Dokumentationsanforderungen {pl} [DIN EN ISO]
documentation system Dokumentationssystem {n}
documented dokumentiert
documented belegt
documenteddurch Urkunden belegt
documented urkundlich belegt
documented evidence {sg} schriftliche Belege {pl}
document-proof quality [of e. g. inks or writing material] Dokumentenechtheit {f} [von Schreibmaterialien]
document-quality dokumentenecht
document-related technologies <DRTs>Dokumenten-Technologien {pl}
document-related technology <DRT> Dokumententechnologie {f}
documents Akten {pl}
documentsDokumente {pl}
documentsFahrzeugpapiere {pl}
documents Urkunden {pl}
documents Unterlagen {pl}
documentsAnwendungsdateien {pl}
documents Papiere {pl} [Urkunden]
documents {pl} Aktenmaterial {n}
documents accompanying the product Produktbegleitpapiere / Produkt-Begleitpapiere {pl}
documents against acceptance Dokumente {pl} gegen Wechselakzept
documents against acceptanceHandelspapiere {pl} gegen Akzeptierung
documents against acceptance <D/A> Dokumente {pl} gegen Akzeptanz
documents against acceptance <D/A> Dokumente {pl} gegen Akzept <D/A>
documents against payment Handelspapiere {pl} gegen Zahlung
documents against payment <D/P> Kasse gegen Dokumente
documents against payment <D/P>Dokumente {pl} gegen Zahlung
documents against payment <D/P> Dokumenteninkasso {n} [Dokumente gegen Zahlung]
Documents are tendered. Dokumente werden vorgelegt.
Documents are to be presented. Dokumente müssen vorgelegt werden.
documents as defined belowunten definierte Dokumente {pl}
documents collected Inkassodokumente {pl}
documents for accepted bills Dokumente {pl} gegen Wechselakzept
documents for collectionDokumente {pl} zum Inkasso
documents from (the) archives Archivdokumente {pl}
documents mentioned erwähnte Dokumente {pl}
documents of value wertvolle Urkunden {pl}
documents receivedeingegangene Dokumente {pl}
documents received erhaltene Dokumente {pl}
documents requirederforderliche Dokumente {pl}
documents required erforderliche Grenzpapiere {pl}
documents requirederforderliche Papiere {pl}
Documents will only be released, if ...Dokumente werden nur freigegeben, wenn ...
docusate sodiumDocusat-Natrium {n}
docuseriesDokumentarserie {f}
docusoapDoku-Soap {f}
docusoap Dokusoap {f}
docu-soapDokusoap {f}
docutainment [portmanteau of "documentation" and "entertainment"]Docutainment {n} [Kofferwort aus Dokumentation und Entertainment]
docutainment [portmanteau of "documentation" and "entertainment"] Dokutainment {n} [Kofferwort aus Dokumentation und Entertainment]
dodder [Cuscuta epithymum]Quendel-Seide {f}
dodder seed [Semen cuscutae] Teufelszwirnsamen {m}
dodder-grass [Briza media]Gemeines Zittergras {n}
dodder-grass [Briza media]Gewöhnliches Zittergras {n}
« dockdoctdoctdoctdocudocudodddoe[dogbdoggdogs »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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