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English-German Dictionary

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Does any of this look familiar to you? Kommt dir irgendwas davon bekannt vor? [ugs.]
Does anyone here speak English? Spricht hier jemand Englisch?
Does he ever lighten up? [coll.] Lacht der zwischendurch auch mal? [ugs.]
Does he not understand? Versteht er nicht?
Does he really earn more? -- Yes, several times as much. Verdient er wirklich mehr? -- Ja, das Mehrfache. / Ja, ein Mehrfaches.
Does it have to be today (of all days)? Muss das (ausgerechnet) heute sein?
Does it make sense to you? Werden Sie daraus klug? [formelle Anrede]
Does it surprise you how ...Wundert es Sie, wie ... [formelle Anrede]
Does it taste good? Schmeckt's?
doe's milk Geißenmilch {f}
Does not operate every day. [timetabled service]Verkehrt nicht an allen Tagen.
Does Ryanair always treat its customers like that?Behandelt Ryanair seine Kunden immer so?
Does she have a temperature?Hat sie Fieber?
Does she really care for him?Liebt sie ihn wirklich?
Does that answer your question? Beantwortet das Ihre Frage?
Does that include ... ?Gehört ... auch dazu?
Does that matter? Ist das wichtig?
Does that matter? Spielt das eine Rolle?
Does that matter?Ist das von Bedeutung?
Does that mean ... ? Heißt das ... ?
Does that mean ... ? Bedeutet das ... ?
Does that mean anything to you? Sagt Ihnen das etwas? [formelle Anrede]
Does that mean anything to you? [said to one person] Sagt dir das etwas?
Does that mean anything to you? [said to two or more people] Sagt euch das etwas?
Does that meet with your approval? Findet das Ihre Zustimmung? [formelle Anrede]
Does that meet with your approval? Findet das deine Zustimmung?
Does that name ring a bell? [coll.] Klingelt es bei dem Namen? [ugs.]
Does that name ring a bell? [coll.] [idiom] Erinnert Sie / dich der Name an jemanden?
Does that name ring a bell? [coll.] [idiom] Sagt Ihnen / dir der Name etwas?
Does the moon care when dogs bark at it. Was schert es die (deutsche) Eiche, wenn sich die Sau dran reibt.
Does the name ... mean anything to you?Sagt dir der Name ... irgendetwas?
Does the statement describe you? Trifft die Aussage auf Sie zu?
Does this argument carry any weight? Ist dies ein Argument von Gewicht?
Does this make sense to you?Werden Sie daraus klug? [formelle Anrede]
Does this make sense to you? [asked to one person] Wirst du daraus klug?
Does this make sense to you? [asked to two or more people] Werdet ihr daraus klug?
Does this mean anything to you?Ist Ihnen das ein Begriff?
Does this suit your taste?Entspricht das Ihrem Geschmack?
doesies [Max Knight] Rehlein {pl} [Christian Morgenstern] {Original}
doeskinRehfell {n}
doeskinRehleder {n}
Doesn't everyone? Tut das nicht jeder?
Doesn't he understand? Versteht er nicht?
Doesn't it just drive you round the bend? [coll.] [idiom] Ist das nicht zum Mäusemelken? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Doesn't matter. <dm, DM, Dm>Egal!
Doesn't mean anything to me. Sagt mir (überhaupt) nichts.
Doesn't work properly. Funktioniert nicht richtig.
dofetilideDofetilid {n}
doffed ausgezogen
dog Hund {m}
dog wenig erfolgreiches Produkt {n}
dog [adult male of a canine species] Rüde {m}
dog [attr.]Hunde-
dog [bench, horse]Bock {m} [Gestell]
dog [coll.] [unattractive woman]unattraktive Frau {f}
dog [pej.] [coll.] [unattractive woman]Schreckschraube {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
dog [tension element]Knagge {f}
dog / dog's fennel [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] (Stinkende) Hundskamille {f}
dog / dog's noseHundenase {f}
dog accessories {pl} Hundezubehör {n}
dog actHundenummer {f} [im Zirkus etc.]
dog agility Agility {n} [Hundesportart]
dog anatomy Hundeanatomie {f}
dog and bone [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: phone][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Telefon]
dog and cat foodHunde- und Katzenfutter {n}
dog and pony show [fig.] [chiefly Am.] [coll.]Werbezirkus {m} [Marketing-Maßnahme]
dog ape [baboon]Pavian {m}
dog ass [Am.] [sl.]Nulpe {f} [ugs.]
dog attackHundeangriff {m}
dog attack Hundeattacke {f}
dog ball Hundeball {m}
dog basketHundekorb {m}
dog beachHundestrand {m}
dog bed Hundebett {n}
dog behavior [Am.]Hundeverhalten {n}
dog behaviour [Br.]Hundeverhalten {n}
dog being left alone alleingelassener Hund {m} [vorübergehend alleingelassen]
dog bent [Agrostis canina]Hunds-Straußgras / Hundsstraußgras {n}
dog bent [Agrostis canina] Sumpf-Straußgras / Sumpfstraußgras {n}
dog biscuit Hundekeks {m}
dog biscuit Hundekuchen {m}
dog biteHundebiss {m}
dog bite prevention Hundebissprävention {f}
dog bowl Hundenapf {m}
dog brainHundehirn {n}
dog brain Hundegehirn {n}
dog bream [Aus.] [Lutjanus argentimaculatus] [mangrove jack, mangrove red snapper] Mangroven-Schnapper / Mangrovenschnapper {m} [Mangrovenbarsch]
dog breedHunderasse {f}
dog breeder Hundezüchter {m}
dog breeder [female]Hundezüchterin {f}
dog breeding Hundezucht {f}
dog breedingHundezüchtung {f}
dog breeding papersZuchtpapiere {pl} [Hundezucht]
dog breeds Hunderassen {pl}
dog brush Hundebürste {f}
dog buoyancy aid [dog life jacket] Hundeschwimmweste {f} [auch: Hunde-Schwimmweste]
dog cadaver Hundekadaver {m}
dog calendarHundekalender {m}
dog carcass Hundekadaver {m}
« DoctdoctdocudocudodeDoesdogcdogidogsdog-dogm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers