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English-German Dictionary

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dog exclusion area Hundeverbotszone {f}
dog excrementHundekot {m}
dog fancierHundeliebhaber {m}
dog fancier [female]Hundeliebhaberin {f}
dog fashion Hundemode {f}
dog fennel (chamomile) [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida]Stink-Hundskamille {f}
dog fever [Febris pappataci] Hundskrankheit {f} [ugs.]
dog fever [Febris pappataci]Hundsfieber {n} [ugs.]
dog figurineHundefigur {f}
dog figwort [Scrophularia canina] Hunds-Braunwurz {f} [auch: Hundsbraunwurz]
dog finkle [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] (Stinkende) Hundskamille {f}
dog flap Hundeklappe {f}
dog flea [Ctenocephalides canis]Hundefloh {m}
dog fleas Hundeflöhe {pl}
dog flu Hundegrippe {f}
dog fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Wadenstecher {m} [ugs.] [Gemeine Stechfliege]
dog fly [Stomoxys calcitrans]Wadenbeißer {m}
dog fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Gemeine Stechfliege {f}
dog fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Brennfliege {f}
dog fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Stallfliege {f}
dog follicle mite [Demodex canis] Haarbalgmilbe {f}
dog follicle mite [Demodex canis] Akarusmilbe {f}
dog follicle mites [various species: Demodex canis, Demodex cornei, Demodex injai, ] Haarbalgmilben {pl} des Hundes
dog foodHundefutter {n}
dog food brand Hundefuttermarke {f}
dog foulingHundedreck {m}
dog fouling bag [Br.] Gassisackerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
dog fouling bag [Br.]Hundebeutel {m} [zum Gassigehen]
dog fox Fuchsrüde {m}
dog fox [Vulpes cana]Afghanfuchs {m}
dog fur Hundefell {n}
dog grass [Elymus repens subsp. repens; syn.: Elytrigia repens, Agropyron repens, Triticum repens] Kriech-Quecke {f}
dog grass [Elymus repens subsp. repens; syn.: Elytrigia repens, Agropyron repens, Triticum repens] (Gemeine) Quecke {f}
dog grass [Elymus repens subsp. repens; syn.: Elytrigia repens, Agropyron repens, Triticum repens] Gewöhnliche Quecke {f}
dog grass [Elymus repens, syn.: E. repens subsp. repens, Agropyron repens, Elytrigia repens, Triticum repens] Kriechende Quecke {f}
dog groomerHundefrisör {m}
dog groomer Hundefellpfleger {m} [Hundefriseur]
dog groomer Hundefriseur {m}
dog groomer [female] Hundefrisörin {f}
dog groomer [female]Hundefriseurin {f}
dog grooming schoolHundeschule {f}
dog guardHundeschutzgitter {n}
dog guard Hundegitter {n}
dog hair {sg} Hundehaare {pl}
dog hair [single hair]Hundehaar {n}
dog hair allergy Hundehaarallergie {f}
dog handler Hundeabrichter {m}
dog handlerHundeführer {m}
dog handler [female]Hundeführerin {f}
dog handling unit Hundeführereinheit {f}
dog harness Hundegeschirr {n}
dog hotel Hundehotel {n}
dog house Hundehaus {n}
dog house [Am.] Hundehütte {f}
dog houses Hundehütten {pl}
dog hutch Hundehütte {f}
dog in the manger Neidhammel {m} [ugs.]
dog instructor Hundeerzieher {m}
dog kennel [doghouse] Hundehütte {f}
dog Latin Küchenlatein {n}
dog lead [Br.] Hundeleine {f}
dog leash [Am.] Hundeleine {f}
dog leg (bend) Hundskurve {f}
dog licence [Br.] Hundesteuer {f}
dog licence fee [Br.]Hundesteuer {f}
dog licence tag [Br.] Steuermarke {f} [Hundesteuermarke]
dog license fee [Am.]Hundesteuer {f}
dog license tag [Am.]Steuermarke {f} [Hundesteuermarke]
dog life jacketHundeschwimmweste {f} [auch: Hunde-Schwimmweste]
dog loverHundefreund {m}
dog loverHundeliebhaber {m}
dog lover [female]Hundefreundin {f}
dog lover [female] Hundeliebhaberin {f}
dog marketHundemarkt {m}
dog massacreHundemassaker {n}
dog maul victim Hundebissopfer {n}
dog mauling victim Hundebissopfer {n}
dog meatHundefleisch {n}
dog meat [food for dogs]Hundefutter {n}
dog mercury [Mercurialis perennis]Wildhanf {m} [Wald-Bingelkraut]
dog mercury [Mercurialis perennis]Wald-Bingelkraut {n}
dog mercury [Mercurialis perennis]Ausdauerndes Bingelkraut {n}
dog minding Hundehüten {n}
dog mushing Hundeschlittenfahren {n}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] (Gemeine) Hanfnessel {f}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Gewöhnliche Hanfnessel {f}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Gewöhnlicher Hohlzahn {m}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Gemeiner Hohlzahn {m}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Stechender Hohlzahn {m}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Stacheliger Hohlzahn {m}
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Dorn-Hohlzahn {m} [auch: Dornhohlzahn]
dog nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Kleiner Hohlzahn {m}
dog obedience schoolHundeschule {f}
dog on the chain Hund {m} an der Kette
dog owner Hundebesitzer {m}
dog owner Hundehalter {m}
dog owner [female] Hundehalterin {f}
dog owner [female] Hundebesitzerin {f}
dog owners' group Hundegruppe {f} [Gruppe von Hundehaltern nebst ihren Hunden]
dog paddleHundepaddeln {n} [Schwimmstil]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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