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dog sport Hundesport {m}
dog stable [kennel] Hundestall {m}
dog starHundsstern {m}
Dog Star Sirius {m}
dog stinkhorn [Mutinus caninus] Gemeine Hundsrute {f}
dog stinkhorn [Mutinus caninus] Gewöhnliche Hundsrute {f}
dog stinkhorn [Mutinus elegans] Vornehme Hundsrute {f}
dog stinkhorn [Mutinus ravenelii]Himbeerrote Hundsrute {f}
dog strollerHundebuggy {m}
dog (sucking) louse [family: Linognathidae] Hundelaus {f}
dog sweater Hundepullover {m}
dog tag Erkennungsmarke {f}
dog tag [also Mil.: sl.]Hundemarke {f} [Erkennungsmarke eines Hundes] [auch Mil.: ugs.]
dog tapeworm [Echinococcus granulosus]Hundebandwurm {m}
dog tapeworm [Echinococcus granulosus] Hülsenwurm {m}
dog tapeworm disease Hundebandwurmkrankheit {f}
dog tax Hundesteuer {f}
dog team Hundegespann {n}
dog tends sheep or cattleHund hütet Schafe oder Kühe
dog tooth [canine tooth] Hundszahn {m} [ugs.] [Eckzahn]
dog trackHunderennbahn {f}
dog trainer Hundetrainer {m}
dog trainerKynopädagoge {m} [fachspr.] [Hundetrainer]
dog trainer [female]Hundetrainerin {f}
dog training Hundetraining {n}
dog training Hundeerziehung {f}
dog training collar [prong (dog) collar]Erziehungshalsband {n} [Stachelhundehalsband]
dog training facility Hundeplatz {m}
dog training field [Am.] Hundeplatz {m}
dog transport boxHundetransportbox {f}
dog treat Hundeleckerli {n}
dog treats Hundeleckerli {pl}
dog turd [coll.]Hundehaufen {m}
dog turd [vulg.]Hundescheiße {f} [vulg.]
dog type Schlag {m} [Hundezucht]
dog unit [Br.] [of the police]Hundepatrouille {f}
dog veterinarian [Am.]Zyniater {m} [selten] [Hundearzt]
dog veterinarian [Am.]Hundearzt {m}
dog veterinarian [female] [Am.] Hundeärztin {f}
dog violet [Viola canina, syn.: V. montana, V. ruppii, V. sylvestris] Hundsveilchen / Hunds-Veilchen {n}
dog violet [Viola canina, syn.: V. montana, V. ruppii, V. sylvestris] Ross-Veilchen / Rossveilchen {n} [alt; Roßveilchen]
dog violet [Viola riviniana] Hain-Veilchen {n}
dog violet [Viola riviniana] Rivinus-Veilchen {n}
dog walk Gassigehen {n} [ugs.]
dog walker Hundeausführer {m}
dog walker [female] Hundeausführerin {f}
dog walkersHundeausführer {pl}
dog walking Hundeausführen {n}
dog walking areaHundeauslaufgebiet {n}
dog waste bag Hundetüte {f}
dog waste bagHundekotbeutel {m}
dog waste bag dispenser Hundetütenspender {m}
dog whistle [silent, inaudible to humans]Hundepfeife {f} [für Menschen unhörbar]
Dog With a Blog [It's a Laugh Productions, Diphthong Productions] Hund mit Blog
Dog Years Hundejahre [Günter Grass]
(dog) bone wrenchFahrradknochen {m} [ugs.] [Kopfschlüssel]
(dog) bootiesHundeschuhe {pl}
(dog) chew bone Kauknochen {m}
(dog) kennel [breeding establishment] Hundezuchtstation {f}
(dog) kennel [breeding establishment] Hundezucht {f} [Zuchtstation]
(dog) pinch collarStachelhalsband {n}
(dog) pinch collarStachelwürger {m} [Stachelhalsband]
(dog) poop bag dispenser [coll.]Hundetütenspender {m}
dog-actuated anschlagbetätigt
dogaressa Dogaressa {f}
dogate Dogenamt {n}
dogate Dogenwürde {f}
dogate Sitz {m} des Dogen
dog-ate-my-homework excuseAusrede {f} à la "der Hund hat meine Hausaufgaben gefressen"
dogbane [genus Apocynum, family Apocynaceae]Hundsgift {n}
dogbane family {sg} [family Apocynaceae]Hundsgiftgewächse {pl}
dogbane family {sg} [family Apocynaceae] Immergrüngewächse {pl}
dogbane family {sg} [family Apocynaceae]Apocynaceen {pl}
dogbanes [family Apocynaceae]Apocynaceen {pl}
dogbanes [family Apocynaceae] Hundsgiftgewächse {pl}
dogbanes [family Apocynaceae] Immergrüngewächse {pl}
dogberry [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Blutroter Hartriegel {m}
dogberry [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Roter Hartriegel {m}
dogberry [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Rotes Beinholz {n}
dogberry [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Hundsbeere {f} [Roter Hartriegel]
dogberry [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Roter Hornstrauch {m}
dogberry [Sorbus americana] Kanada-Eberesche {f}
dogberry [Sorbus americana] Nordamerikanische Eberesche {f}
Dogberry and Verges [characters in Much Ado About Nothing]Holzapfel und Schlehwein
dog-bone modelHundeknochenmodell {n} [auch: Dog-Bone-Modell]
dog-cockle / dog cockle [Glycymeris glycymeris] Meermandel {f}
dog-cockle / dog cockle [Glycymeris glycymeris]Gemeine Samtmuschel {f}
dog-cockle / dog cockle [Glycymeris glycymeris] Mandelmuschel {f}
dog-cockle / dog cockle [Glycymeris glycymeris] Archenkammmuschel {f}
dog-cockle / dog cockle [Glycymeris glycymeris]Englisches Pastetchen {n} [Meermandel]
dog-daisy [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida]Stink-Hundskamille {f}
dog-doo [coll.]Hundehaufen {m}
dog-doo [coll.]Hundehäufchen {n}
doge Doge {m}
dog-ear [folded page corner] Eselsohr {n} [ugs.] [umgeknickte Ecke einer Buchseite]
dog-eared abgewetzt [durch übermäßige Inanspruchnahme]
dog-eared eselsohrig [ugs.]
dog-eared mit Eselsohren [Buchseite, Blatt Papier, Folie etc.] [nachgestellt]
dog-eared book Buch {n} mit Eselsohren
dog-eat-dog mentality Ellbogenmentalität {f}
« docudodeDoesdogcdogidogsdog-dogmdog-do-idoll »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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