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English-German Dictionary

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dole bludger [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [pej.] Sozialschmarotzer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dole level [Aus.] [New Zealand] [Irish] Sozialhilfeniveau {n}
dole money [Br.]Arbeitslosenunterstützung {f}
dole money [Br.] Stempelgeld {n}
dole office [Br.] [coll.] Arbeitsamt {n} [ugs.]
dole office [Br.] [coll.]Stempelstelle {f} [ugs.] [Arbeitsamt] [veraltet]
doleful trübselig
doleful tieftraurig
doleful klagend
doleful expression Leichenbittermiene {f} [ugs.]
dolefully traurig
dolefully trübsinnig
dolefully tieftraurig
dolefulness Kummer {m}
doleriteDolerit {m}
dolerophanite [Cu2(SO4)O]Dolerophanit {m}
doles Arbeitslosenunterstützungen {pl}
doles Spenden {pl}
dole-sponger [Br.] [coll.] Abzocker {m} von Arbeitslosenhilfe [ugs.]
dole-ups [sl.] [roll-up cigarettes] Selbstgedrehte {pl} [Zigaretten]
doli [drum]Doli {f} [Trommel]
doli incapax [rare] schuldunfähig
dolichocephalic dolichokephal
dolichocephaly Dolichozephalie {f}
dolichocephalyDolichokephalie {f}
dolichocephalyLangköpfigkeit {f}
dolichocolon Dolichokolon {n}
dolichocolon Dolichokolie {f}
dolichocrany Dolichokranie {f}
dolichocrany Langschädligkeit {f}
dolichocrany Dolichocranie {f} [selten] [Dolichokranie]
dolichoderine ants [subfamily Dolichoderinae] Drüsenameisen {pl}
dolichodial [C10H14O2] Dolichodial {n}
dolichol Dolichol {n}
dolichostenomeliaDolichostenomelie {f}
Dolime ® / dolime [dolomitic lime] [CaMgO2] Dolomitkalk {m} <DL>
dolina Doline {f}
doline Doline {f}
dolipore Dolipore {f}
doliporeDoliporus {m}
Dolittle [Stephen Gaghan] Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle
doliumDolium {n}
Dolius Dolios {m}
doll Puppe {f}
doll Zierpuppe {f}
doll Docke {f} [südd.] [österr.] [veraltet] [Puppe]
dollDockennandl {n} [bayer.]
doll [Am.] [coll.] [young woman]Puppe {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Mädchen]
doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind man] prima Kerl {m}
doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind person] Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
doll [attr.] [e.g. collector, factory, maker, repairer] Puppen- [z. B. Sammler, Fabrik, Macher, Doktor]
doll accessoriesPuppensachen {pl} [Puppenzubehör]
doll buggy [Am.] [coll.] Puppenwagen {m}
doll carriage [Am.] Puppenwagen {m}
doll carriage [Am.]Puppenkinderwagen {m}
doll clothes Puppenkleider {pl}
doll collection Puppensammlung {f}
doll collectorPuppensammler {m}
doll collector [female] Puppensammlerin {f}
doll cornerPuppenecke {f}
doll eyes Puppenaugen {pl}
doll factoryPuppenfabrik {f}
doll festival [hina-matsuri, Japan, 3 March] [Girls' Day] Mädchenfest {n}
doll furniture {sg}Puppenmöbel {pl}
doll headPuppenkopf {m}
doll house [Am.] Puppenhaus {n} [auch fig. kleines Haus]
doll house [Am.] Puppenstube {f}
doll maker Puppenmacher {m}
doll maker [female]Puppenmacherin {f}
doll mommy [Am.] Puppenmutti {f} [ugs.]
doll mommy [Am.] Puppenmama {f} [ugs.]
doll mommy [Am.] Puppenmami {f} [ugs.]
doll mummy [Br.] Puppenmutti {f} [ugs.]
doll mummy [Br.] Puppenmama {f} [ugs.]
doll mummy [Br.]Puppenmami {f} [ugs.]
Doll Peak Doll Peak {m}
doll repairer Puppendoktor {m}
doll setPuppenset {n} {m}
doll shoe [child's toy] Puppenschuh {m}
doll shoe [Mary Jane shoe] Spangenschuh {m} [hier: Mary-Jane-Schuhmodell]
doll shoes [child's toy]Puppenschühchen {pl}
doll with bisque headBisque-Puppe {f}
dollar <$, dlr> Dollar {m} <$>
dollar acceptanceDollarakzept {n}
dollar amountDollarbetrag {m}
dollar area Dollarblock {m}
dollar areaDollarraum {m}
dollar bill [Am.]Dollarnote {f}
dollar bill [Am.]Dollarschein {m}
dollar bills Dollarnoten {pl}
dollar bond Dollaranleihe {f}
dollar check [Am.]Dollarscheck {m}
dollar cheque [Br.]Dollarscheck {m}
« dogpdogwdoggdog'Dohadoledolldolldolpdomedome »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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