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domestic airportnationaler Flughafen {m}
domestic airportInlandsflughafen {m}
domestic Americaninneramerikanisch
domestic and abroadim In- und Ausland
domestic and business premisesHaus- und Geschäftsräume {pl}
domestic and cross-border carriage innerstaatliche und grenzüberschreitende Beförderung {f}
domestic and foreign in- und ausländisch
domestic animalHaustier {n}
domestic animal bones Haustierknochen {pl}
domestic animals Haustiere {pl}
domestic appliance Haushaltsgerät {n}
domestic appliances Haushaltsgeräte {pl}
domestic apprenticeshipHaushaltungslehre {f}
domestic architecture Architektur {f} der Bürgerhäuser
domestic architecture Wohnarchitektur {f}
domestic architectureHausarchitektur {f} [Wohnhausarchitektur]
domestic architecture Wohnhausarchitektur {f}
domestic ass [Equus africanus f. asinus,also: Equus asinus asinus]Hausesel {m}
domestic assault shelterFrauenhaus {n}
domestic bankInlandsbank {f}
domestic bank transfer Inlandsüberweisung {f}
domestic banking Inlandsbankgeschäft {n}
domestic billInlandswechsel {m}
domestic birds {pl} Nutzgeflügel {n}
domestic bliss häusliches Glück {n}
domestic bliss Haussegen {m}
domestic bonds inländische Rentenwerte {pl}
domestic borrowing im Inland aufgenommenes Geld {n}
domestic burglariesWohnungseinbrüche {pl}
domestic businessInlandsgeschäft {n}
domestic business Inlandgeschäft {n} [schweiz.]
domestic call Inlandsgespräch {n}
domestic canary [Serinus canaria domestica]Kanarienvogel {m}
domestic capital Inlandskapital {n}
domestic caregiversPräsenzkräfte {pl} [häusliche Pflegekräfte]
domestic cattle Hausrinder {pl}
domestic cattle {pl} Nutzvieh {n}
domestic cattle [Bos primigenius taurus] Hausrind {n}
domestic cavy [Cavia porcellus] Hausmeerschweinchen {n}
domestic Chinese innerchinesisch
domestic coal [coal used for heating of residences] Hausbrand {m} [kein pl.] [Kohle zum Heizen von Wohnräumen]
domestic coal [for household use] Hausbrandkohle {f}
domestic code Haustafel {f}
domestic commerce Binnenhandel {m}
domestic competition Inlandskonkurrenz {f}
domestic consumersHaushaltsverbraucher {pl}
domestic consumptionInlandsverbrauch {m}
domestic consumptionVerbrauch {m} im eigenen Land
domestic content heimischer Wertschöpfungsanteil {m}
domestic creditInlandsdarlehen {n}
domestic credit Inlandskredit {m}
domestic cricket [Acheta domestica, syn. A. domesticus, A. melanocephalus, A. transversalis, Gryllulus domesticus, Gryllus domesticus, G. transversalis] Heimchen {n}
domestic cricket [Acheta domestica] Hausgrille {f}
domestic currency Landeswährung {f}
domestic customer Inlandskunde {m}
domestic danger Gefahr {f} im Innern
domestic debt Inlandsverschuldung {f}
domestic debt Binnenverschuldung {f}
domestic debtsInlandsschulden {pl}
domestic demandBinnennachfrage {f}
domestic demandInlandsnachfrage {f}
domestic demandinländische Nachfrage {f}
domestic disturbanceHausfriedensbruch {m}
Domestic Disturbance [Harold Becker]Tödliches Vertrauen
domestic duck [Anas platyrhynchos dom.]Hausente {f}
domestic duck breed Hausentenrasse {f}
domestic dutieshäusliche Pflichten {pl}
domestic earnings {pl} Inlandsertrag {m}
domestic (economic) trend Binnenkonjunktur {f}
domestic economy Hauswirtschaft {f}
domestic economy Binnenwirtschaft {f}
domestic economy heimische Wirtschaft {f} [Binnenwirtschaft]
domestic electrical installation Hausinstallation {f}
domestic electricity [Br.] Eigenstrom {m}
domestic energy marketEnergiebinnenmarkt {m}
domestic engineering Haustechnik {f}
domestic enterprise inländisches Unternehmen {n}
domestic factoringInlandsfaktoring {n}
domestic fareInlandsflugpreis {m}
domestic flight Inlandflug {m}
domestic flightInlandsflug {m}
domestic flight networkInlandsflugnetz {n}
domestic flights Inlandsflüge {pl}
domestic fowlHaushuhn {n}
domestic fowl Hausgeflügel {n}
domestic fowl [Gallus gallus] Bankivahuhn {n}
domestic fuel [fuel used for heating living spaces]Hausbrand {m} [kein pl.] [fester Brennstoff für Privathaushalte]
domestic fuel oil Heizöl {n} EL <HEL>
domestic fuel oil extra-leichtflüssiges Heizöl {n}
domestic fuel oil Heizöl {n} extra-leicht
domestic fuel oil leichtes Heizöl {n}
domestic gas meterHaushaltsgaszähler {m}
domestic German innerdeutsch
domestic goat [Capra aegagrus hircus]Hausziege {f}
domestic goddess [coll.]Küchengöttin {f} [fig.]
domestic goods einheimische Waren {pl}
domestic goose [Anser anser domestica]Hausgans {f}
domestic guinea pig [Cavia porcellus, also Cavia aperea f. porcellus]Hausmeerschweinchen {n}
domestic happiness Familienglück {n}
domestic harmony häuslicher Frieden {m}
« doledolldolldolpdomedomedomedomedomedomiDomi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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