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domestic heat pump Hauswärmepumpe {f}
domestic helpHaushaltshilfe {f}
domestic help [female] Haushaltsgehilfin {f}
domestic hen Haushuhn {n}
domestic holiday Inlandsurlaub {m}
domestic horse [Equus przewalskii f. caballus, also: Equus caballus, Equus ferus caballus]Hauspferd {n}
domestic house spider [Tegenaria domestica]Hauswinkelspinne {f}
domestic house spider [Tegenaria domestica] Hausspinne {f} [Hauswinkelspinne]
domestic house spider [Tegenaria domestica] Kellerspinne {f}
domestic hygiene Wohnhygiene {f}
domestic idyll häusliches Idyll {n}
domestic incident häuslicher Zwischenfall {m}
domestic income {sg}inländische Erträge {pl}
domestic industry heimische Industrie {f}
domestic industry heimische Wirtschaft {f}
domestic industry inländische Industrie {f}
domestic industry [cottage industry] Hausindustrie {f}
domestic inflation Binneninflation {f}
domestic intelligence service Inlandsgeheimdienst {m}
domestic internshipInlandspraktikum {n}
domestic investment income {sg} inländische Kapitalerträge {pl}
domestic investments Inlandsinvestitionen {pl}
domestic issue Inlandsemission {f}
domestic issuesinnenpolitische Fragen {pl}
domestic journeyinländische Fahrt {f}
domestic labor market [Am.]inländischer Arbeitsmarkt {m}
domestic labour market [Br.] inländischer Arbeitsmarkt {m}
domestic law inländisches Recht {n}
domestic law nationales Recht {n}
domestic law innerstaatliches Recht {n}
domestic league heimische Liga {f}
domestic lightingHausbeleuchtung {f}
domestic livestockNutzvieh {n}
domestic loanInlandsanleihe {f}
domestic luminaire Heimleuchte {f} [Hausleuchte]
domestic maintenance price list Inlandswartungspreisliste {f}
domestic management Hauswirtschaft {f}
domestic market Binnenmarkt {m}
domestic marketheimischer Markt {m}
domestic market Inlandsmarkt {m}
domestic market Heimatmarkt {m}
domestic media inländische Medien {pl}
domestic mediaInlandsmedien {pl}
domestic migration Binnenwanderung {f}
domestic missionaryInlandsmissionar {m}
domestic music Hausmusik {f}
domestic natural gas market Erdgasbinnenmarkt {m}
domestic needs {pl}Haushaltsbedarf {m}
domestic news {sg} Inlandsnachrichten {pl}
domestic non-banks inländische Nichtbanken {pl}
domestic novel Familienroman {m}
domestic operations Inlandsgeschäfte {pl}
domestic order Inlandsauftrag {m}
domestic order Inlandbestellung {f}
domestic partner Lebenspartner {m}
domestic partner Lebensgefährte {m}
domestic partner [female] Lebenspartnerin {f}
domestic partner [female] Lebensgefährtin {f}
domestic payment transactionZahlungsgeschäft {n} im Inland
domestic payment transactions inländische Zahlungsgeschäfte {pl}
domestic paymentsInlandszahlungen {pl}
domestic peaceHausfrieden {m}
domestic pet products Haustierprodukte {pl}
domestic pet treatments Behandlungen {pl} für Haustiere
domestic pig [Sus scrofa domestica] Hausschwein {n}
domestic pig skull Hausschweinschädel {m}
domestic pigeon [Columba livia domestica]Haustaube {f}
domestic place of general jurisdiction [forum domicili] allgemeiner Gerichtsstand {m} im Inland
domestic policy verbundene Hausratversicherung {f}
domestic policy Innenpolitik {f}
domestic policyinnere Politik {f}
domestic policy of Germany Deutschlandpolitik {f} [Innenpolitik]
domestic political innenpolitisch
domestic political innerpolitisch [selten]
domestic political crisis innenpolitische Krise {f}
domestic politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.] Innenpolitik {f}
domestic postage Inlandsporto {n}
domestic pots Haushaltskeramik {f}
domestic poultry Hausgeflügel {n}
domestic power socketHaushaltssteckdose {f}
domestic price Inlandspreis {m}
domestic problemsProbleme {pl} zu Hause
domestic producerinländischer Erzeuger {m}
domestic product einheimisches Produkt {n}
domestic product inländisches Erzeugnis {n}
domestic production Inlandsproduktion {f}
domestic production Inlandserzeugung {f}
domestic productionheimische Produktion {f}
domestic propaganda Inlandspropaganda {f}
domestic quarrel Ehestreit {m}
domestic rabbitHauskaninchen {n}
domestic rabbit Stallhase {m} [Hauskaninchen]
domestic real estate marketheimischer Immobilienmarkt {m}
domestic recoveryWiederbelebung {f} des Binnenmarktes
domestic refrigeratorHaushaltskühlschrank {m}
domestic refuseHausmüll {m}
domestic refuse collection Müllabfuhr {f}
domestic refuse collection Kehrichtabfuhr {f} [schweiz.]
Domestic Relations Law <DRL> [Am.] (amerikanisches) Familienrecht {n}
domestic remedy Hausmittel {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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