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English-German Dictionary

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doormen Portiers {pl}
doornailTürnagel {m}
doorplateTürschild {n}
doorpostTürpfosten {m}
doorsTüren {pl}
Doors Open [Ian Rankin]Der Mackenzie Coup
doors open 6 pm Einlass 18.00 Uhr
doors that open off the hall Türen {pl}, die vom Flur abgehen
doorsillTürschwelle {f}
doorstep Eingangsstufe {f}
doorstepStufe {f} vor der Haustür
doorstepTürstufe {f}
doorstepSchwelle {f} [steinern]
doorstep [also fig.] Türschwelle {f} [auch fig.]
doorstep [extra-thick slice of bread] [hum.]dicke Scheibe {f} Brot
doorstep brigade Drückerkolonne {f}
doorstep deal Haustürgeschäft {n}
doorstep deliveryLieferung {f} ans Haus
doorstep saleVerkauf {m} an der Haustür
doorstep transaction Haustürgeschäft {n}
doorstone [gravestone in the form of a door]Türstein {m} [Grabstein in der Form einer Tür]
doorstop Türstopper {m}
doorstop Türpuffer {m}
doorstopperTürstopper {m}
door-to-door [fig.] [comprehensive] umfassend
door-to-door campaign Tür-zu-Tür-Wahlkampf {m}
door-to-door collection Haussammlung {f}
door-to-door delivery Lieferung {f} von Haus zu Haus
door-to-door enquiries {pl} [Br.]Tür-zu-Tür-Befragung {f}
door-to-door saleHaustürgeschäft {n}
door-to-door seller Drücker {m} [ugs.]
door-to-door seller [Am.] Haustürverkäufer {m}
door-to-door selling Haus-zu-Haus-Verkauf {m}
door-to-door selling Tür-zu-Tür-Verkauf {m}
door-to-door sellingHaustürverkauf {m}
door-to-door selling Hausieren {n}
door-to-door time Durchlaufzeit {f}
door-to-door traffic Haus-zu-Haus-Verkehr {m}
door-to-door visibility vollständige Sendungsverfolgung {f}
door-to-door witness search Zeugensuche {f} durch Anwohnerbefragung
doorway Eingang {m} [Tür, Tor]
doorwayTorweg {m}
doorway Zugang {m}
doorwayEinfahrt {f}
doorway Türdurchgang {m}
doorway Türöffnung {f}
doorway jumper Türhopser {m}
doorway page Brückenseite {f}
doorwaysEingänge {pl}
doorweed [Polygonum aviculare, syn.: P. aviculare subsp. aviculare](Echter) Vogelknöterich {m}
doorweed [Polygonum aviculare, syn.: P. aviculare subsp. aviculare] Acker-Vogelknöterich / Ackervogelknöterich {m}
doorwoman Portierin {f}
dooryard [esp. Am.]Vorgarten {m}
door-yard / dooryard dock [Rumex longifolius, syn.: R. domesticus]Haus-Ampfer {m}
door-yard / dooryard dock [Rumex longifolius] Gemüse-Ampfer {m}
door-yard / dooryard dock [Rumex longifolius] Langblättriger Ampfer {m}
door-yard / dooryard dock [Rumex longifolius] Nordischer Ampfer {m}
door-yard dock [Rumex longifolius, syn.: R. domesticus] Dorf-Ampfer / Dorfampfer {m}
dooryard sowbug [Oniscus asellus](Gemeine) Mauerassel {f}
dooryard violet [Am.] [Viola sororia, syn.: V. affinis , V. missouriensis, V. novae-angliae, V. nephrophylla, V. papilionacea, V. pratincola, V. priceana, V. septentrionalis] Pfingst-Veilchen {n}
do-over [Am.] [coll.]erneuter Versuch {m}
doozie [Am.] [coll.] Prachtexemplar {n} [ugs.]
doozie [Am.] [coll.]erste Sahne [ugs.]
doozy [Am.] [coll.] Prachtexemplar {n} [ugs.]
doozy [Am.] [coll.]erste Sahne [ugs.]
dopamine [C8H11NO2] Dopamin {n}
dopamine (active) transporter <DAT, SLC6A3> Dopamintransporter {m} <DAT, SLC6A3>
dopamine agonistDopaminagonist {m}
dopamine antagonistDopamin-Antagonist {m}
dopamine antagonists Dopamin-Antagonisten {pl}
dopamine depletion Dopaminentleerung {f}
dopamine depletionDopamindepletion {f}
dopamine hypothesis of schizophreniaDopaminhypothese {f} der Schizophrenien
dopamine level Dopaminspiegel {m}
dopamine metabolism Dopaminstoffwechsel {m} [auch: Dopamin-Stoffwechsel]
dopamine receptorDopamin-Rezeptor {m}
dopamine receptor antagonist Dopaminrezeptorantagonist {m}
dopamine reuptake inhibitor <DRI, DARI>Dopamin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer {m}
dopamine squirt Dopaminschuss {m}
dopaminergic dopaminerg
dopantDotand {m}
dopant Dotiermittel {n}
dopant Dotierungsstoff {m}
dopantDotierstoff {m}
dopant solutionDotierlösung {f}
dope Aufputschmittel {n}
dope {sg} [coll.] [drugs] Drogen {pl}
dope {sg} [sl.] [information] Informationen {pl}
dope [sl.] [Am.]cool
dope [sl.] [Am.] ergreifend
dope [sl.] [Am.] berauschend
dope [coll.] Dussel {m} [ugs.] [Dummkopf]
dope [coll.]Depp {m} [ugs.]
dope [coll.]Stoff {m} [ugs.]
dope [coll.]Rauschgift {n}
dope [coll.]Dope {n} [ugs.]
dope [coll.] [idiot]Dumpfbacke {f} [ugs.] [salopp]
dope [coll.] [pej.] [stupid person] Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dope [coll.] [ignorant person]Nulpe {f} [ugs.]
dope [coll.] [information] Information {f}
« Don'Don'Don'doomdoordoordopeDoppdormdorsdosa »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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