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double time [also: double-time]Laufschritt {m}
double tonguing Doppelzunge {f} [Blastechnik]
double top C <c4, c''''>viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''>
double tower Doppelturm {m}
double trackDoppelspur {f}
double track bridge Doppelspurbrücke {f}
double track railwaydoppelgleisige Eisenbahn {f}
double track sectionDoppelspurabschnitt {m}
double tracked zweigleisig
double traditionDoppelüberlieferung {f}
double treble crochet <dtr> dreifaches Stäbchen {n} <dreif Stb, Dreifstb> [Häkeln]
double treble crochet <dtr> Dreifachstäbchen {n} <dreif Stb, Dreifstb> [Häkeln]
double tree [whippletree] Ortscheit {n}
double triodeDoppeltriode {f}
double trombone Contraposaune {f}
Double Trouble [Norman Taurog] Zoff für zwei
double truth doppelte Wahrheit {f}
double tubule Doppeltubulus {m}
double umbel Doppeldolde {f}
double unbroken white line [Br.] weiße ununterbrochene Doppellinie {f}
double vagina [Vagina duplex]Doppelscheide {f}
double vassalage Doppelvasallität {f}
double vertical scissors {pl}Doppelvertikalschere {f}
double virginal Doppelvirginal {n}
double virgule <//> Doppelvirgel {f} <//>
double visionDiplopie {f}
double visionDoppeltsehen {n}
double visionDoppelsehen {n} [Diplopie]
double vision {sg} [diplopia]Doppelbilder {pl}
double volute pump Doppelspiralgehäusepumpe {f}
double vowel Doppelvokal {m}
double wallDoppelmauer {f}
double wall Doppelwand {f}
double wall zweischalige Wand {f}
double weddingDoppelhochzeit {f}
double whammy [Am.] [coll.] doppeltes Pech {n}
double whammy [Am.] [coll.] doppelter Schlag {m} [Rückschlag, Pech]
double whammy [Am.] [coll.] Doppelunglück {n}
double whammy [Am.] [coll.]Doppelschlag {m}
double whiptail [Pentapodus emeryii] Emerys Scheinschnapper {m}
double (whole) note Brevis {f}
double width doppelte Breite {f}
double win Doppelsieg {m}
double window Doppelfenster {n}
double winnerDouble-Gewinner {m}
double wordDoppelwort {n}
double wound R-clipFederstecker {m} mit doppelter Windung
double yellow angel's trumpet [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa]Metelstechapfel {m}
double yoke pieces for span trunnion Kreuzkloben {m} für Hangerkloben [DIN 82048]
double yolk Doppeldotter {m} {n}
double yolkerEi {n} mit zwei Dottern
Double your money!Verdopple dein Geld!
double zig zagDoppelspitzkehre {f}
(double) bass player Bassgeiger {m}
(double) cinnamon rose [Rosa majalis, syn.: Rosa cinnamomea var. petropolitana] Zimtrose {f} [Zimt-Rose (fachspr.)]
(double) cinnamon rose [Rosa majalis, syn.: Rosa cinnamomea var. petropolitana]Mairose {f} [Mai-Rose (fachspr.)]
(double) yellow angel's trumpet [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] Asiatischer Stechapfel {m}
(double) yellow angel's trumpet [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa]Indischer Stechapfel {m}
(double) yellow angel's trumpet [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa]Weichhaariger Stechapfel {m}
(double) yellow angel's trumpet [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] Flaumiger Stechapfel {m}
double-acting doppeltwirkend
double-acting doppelt wirkend
double-acting hammer Rammhammer {m} [Bauhammer]
double-acting hammer Schnellschlaghammer {m}
double-acting hammer Oberdruckhammer {m}
double-acting pumpdoppeltwirkende Pumpe {f}
double-action [e.g. scissors, jaws] doppelbeweglich [z. B. Greifzange]
double-action disc harrow [Br.] Doppelscheibenegge {f}
double-action disk harrow [Am.] Doppelscheibenegge {f}
double-action harp Doppelpedalharfe {f}
double-action only pistolSpannabzugpistole {f}
double-action pistolPistole {f} mit Spannabzug
double-action pump Doppelhubpumpe {f}
double-action revolver Trommelrevolver {m} mit Spannabzug
double-action revolver Revolver {m} mit Spannabzug
double-action (trigger)Spannabzug {m} [bei Pistolen und Revolvern]
double-angle formula Doppelwinkelformel {f}
double-angle function Doppelwinkelfunktion {f}
double-angled doppelt gewinkelt
double-angled doppelt abgewinkelt
double-apron, barbed-wire fence Flandernzaun {m}
double-apron fence [field fortification] Flandernzaun {m} [Feldbefestigung]
double-arch bridge [also: double arch bridge]zweibogige Brücke {f}
double-arch bridge [also: double arch bridge]doppelbogige Brücke {f}
double-arched bridgedoppelbogige Brücke {f}
double-arched bridge zweibogige Brücke {f}
double-arched bridgedoppelbögige Brücke {f}
double-arm claspDoppelarmklammer {f}
double-arm claspZweiarmklammer {f}
double-arm systemDoppelarmsystem {n}
double-articulated bus Doppelgelenkbus {m}
double-balloon occlusion technique Doppelballon-Okklusionstechnik {f}
double-balloon urethrography <DBU>Doppelballonurethrographie {f} <DBU>
double-balloon urethrography <DBU> Doppelballonurethrografie {f} <DBU>
double-banded courser [Smutsornis africanus, syn.: Rhinoptilus africanus]Doppelband-Rennvogel {m}
double-banded false coral snake [Erythrolamprus bizona]Doppelband-Korallenschlange {f}
double-banded grass-veneer (moth) [Crambus pascuella]Dunkler Graszünsler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
double-banded graytail [Xenerpestes minlosi] [Am.]Bindengrauschwanz {m}
double-banded greytail [Xenerpestes minlosi] [Br.] Bindengrauschwanz {m}
« doubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoub »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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