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double-banded mock coral snake [Erythrolamprus bizona, syn.: E. bizonus]Doppelgebänderte Korallennatter {f}
double-banded plover [Charadrius bicinctus] Doppelband-Regenpfeifer {m}
double-banded pygmy tyrant [Lophotriccus vitiosus] Ährenschopftyrann {m}
double-banded sandgrouse [Pterocles bicinctus] Nachtflughuhn {n}
double-banded sandgrouse [Pterocles bicinctus] Doppelband-Flughuhn {n}
doublebar goby [Eviota bifasciata] Zweistreifen-Zwerggrundel {f}
double-barred finch [Taeniopygia bichenovii] Ringelastrild {m}
double-barred finch [Taeniopygia bichenovii]Ringelamadine {f}
(double-barred) Philippine false coral snake [Hemibungarus gemianulis]Visayas-Korallenotter {f}
double-barrel phenomenon Doppelflintenphänomen {n}
double-barreled [Am.] doppelläufig
double-barreled [Am.] [Aus.] [question, remark, etc.]zweideutig [doppelsinnig]
double-barreled [Am.] [Aus.] [strategy, approach, etc.] zweigleisig [fig.]
double-barreled name [Am.]Doppelname {m}
double-barreled shotgun [Am.]doppelläufiges Gewehr {n}
double-barreled shotgun [Am.]doppelläufige Flinte {f}
double-barrelled [Br.] doppelläufig
double-barrelled [Br.] [ambiguous]amphibolisch [geh.] [zweideutig, doppelsinnig]
double-barrelled engine U-Motor {m}
double-barrelled name [Br.]Doppelname {m}
double-barrelled name [Br.] [hyphenated name used by married couples in Switzerland]Allianzname {m} [schweiz.]
double-barrelled shotgun [Br.]doppelläufiges Gewehr {n}
double-barrelled shotgun [Br.]Doppelflinte {f}
double-base powder zweibasiges Pulver {n}
double-base powder doppelbasiges Pulver {n}
double-bass case Kontrabasskoffer {m}
double-bass clarinet [also: double bass clarinet] Kontrabassklarinette {f}
double-bass concerto Kontrabasskonzert {n} [Komposition]
double-bass player Kontrabassist {m}
double-bass stringKontrabasssaite {f}
double-bass trombone [also: double bass trombone] Kontrabassposaune {f}
double-beveled edge [Am.]zweifach gefaste Kante {f}
double-bevelled edge zweifach gefaste Kante {f}
double-bind theoryDoppelbindungstheorie {f}
double-bit error Doppelbitfehler {m}
double-bit key lock Doppelbartschloss {n}
double-bit key lock Doppelbartverschluss {m}
double-bitted zweischneidig [Axt]
double-blade shaverDoppelklingenrasierer {m}
double-blade shaver Doppelklingen-Rasierer {m} [ugs.]
double-bladed axe Doppelbeil {n}
double-bladed paddle Doppelpaddel {n}
double-blind (clinical) study(klinische) Doppelblindstudie {f}
double-blind crossover study doppelblinde Überkreuzstudie / Über-Kreuz-Studie {f}
double-blind crossover studyDoppelblind-Crossover-Studie {f}
double-blind experimentDoppelblindstudie {f}
double-blind experiment Doppelblindversuch {m}
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial [also: doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial]placebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie {f}
double-blind test Doppelblindversuch {m}
double-blind trial <DBT>Doppelblindversuch {m}
double-block brake Zweibackenbremse {f}
double-bookingDoppelbuchung {f}
double-breasted doppelreihig [Anzug, Jacke]
double-breasted suit zweireihiger Anzug {m}
double-breasted suitZweireiher {m} [Anzug]
double-breasted sunbird [Cinnyris/Nectarinia prigoginei] Marungunektarvogel {m}
double-bubble roof Double-Bubble-Dach {n}
double-butteddoppeldickend <DD> [doppelt konifiziert]
double-butted [attr.] doppelt konifiziert
double-chamber safety vacuum Zwei-Kammer-Sicherheitsvakuum {n}
double-checked nachkontrolliert
double-chested [attr.] [of a musical instrument] doppelt ausgebaucht
double-chested [attr.] [of a musical instrument] mit doppeltem Resonanzkörper [nachgestellt]
double-chested [attr.] [of a musical instrument]mit doppeltem Resonanzkasten [nachgestellt]
double-chin correctionDoppelkinnkorrektur {f}
double-chin surgery [operation] Doppelkinnoperation {f}
double-chirped [mirrors] doppelt gechirpt [Spiegel]
double-circuit transmission lineDoppelfreileitung {f}
double-clickDoppelklick {m}
double-clutch Zwischenkuppeln {n}
double-clutchZwischengas {n}
double-coated film Zweischichtfilm {m}
double-codingDoppelkodierung {f}
double-collared aracari [Pteroglossus bitorquatus] Rotnackenarassari {m} [auch: Rotnacken-Arassari]
double-collared seedeater [Sporophila caerulescens]Schmuckpfäffchen {n}
double-column [attr.] [e.g. magazine]zweireihig [z. B. Stangenmagazin]
double-column tariffZweispaltentarif {m}
double-columned zweispaltig
double-conical drumDoppelkonustrommel {f}
double-contrast barium enema <DCBE>Doppelkontrastbariumeinlauf {m}
double-contrast examination Doppelkontrastuntersuchung {f}
double-contrast mediumDoppelkontrastmittel {n}
double-contrast method Doppelkontrastverfahren {n}
double-contrast procedure Doppelkontrastverfahren {n}
double-contrast technique Doppelkontrasttechnik {f}
double-cream Schlagobers {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [Schlagsahne]
double-cream cheese [cheese made from milk with at least 60% butterfat] Doppelrahmstufe {m} [Käse mit Fettgehalt i. Tr. von mind. 60 %]
double-cream cheese [e.g. mascarpone]Doppelrahmfrischkäse {m} [auch: Doppelrahm-Frischkäse] [z. B. Mascarpone]
double-crested basilisk [Basiliscus plumifrons] [also: double crested basilisk]Federbuschbasilisk {m}
double-crested cormorant [Phalacrocorax auritus] Ohrenscharbe {f}
double-crossDoppelspiel {n}
double-crosser [coll.]falscher Hund {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
double-crosser [sl.]Betrüger {m}
double-crossover study Doppelcrossover-Test {m}
double-crossover trial Doppelcrossover-Test {m}
double-crystal monochromator <DCM>Doppelkristallmonochromator {m} <DKM>
double-curved (dental) scalerdoppelt gebogener Zahnreiniger {m}
double-cut zweihiebig [Feile]
« doubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoubdoub »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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