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drapes [chiefly Am.] (schwere) Vorhänge {pl}
drapes [folds]Falten {pl} [gewollt, gestaltet]
drapetomania [supposed mental illness among slaves] Drapetomanie {f} [sog. krankhafter Wandertrieb der Sklaven]
drapey lose fallend [Kleidungsstücke]
draping drapierend
draping hüllend
drastic drastisch
drastic einschneidend
drastic durchgreifend
drastic [loss of hearing, of eyesight, etc.] hochgradig
drastic (agent) [strong purgative]Drastikum {n} [starkes Abführmittel]
drastic agents [strong purgatives] Drastika {pl}
drastic cureRadikalkur {f}
drastic cure Gewaltkur {f} [ugs.] [radikale therapeutische Maßnahme zur Heilung oder Besserung]
drastic cureRosskur {f} [ugs.]
drastic measureeinschneidende Maßnahme {f}
drastic measuresdrastische Maßnahmen {pl}
drastic measures {pl} Radikalkur {f}
drastic measures {pl}hartes Durchgreifen {n}
drastic reduction of prices drastischer Preisnachlass {m}
drastic remedy (for) Radikalkur {f} (gegen) [auch fig.]
drastic rise in pricesdrastische Preiserhöhung {f}
drastic slashing of prices drastischer Preisnachlass {m}
drastic solution drastische Lösung {f}
drastic solution radikale Lösung {f}
drastic steps drastische Schritte {pl}
Drastic times call for drastic measures. In harten Zeiten muss man hart durchgreifen.
drastic treatment Rosskur {f} [ugs.]
drastic treatment Pferdekur {f} [selten]
Drat (it)! Verflixt! [ugs.]
Drat that child! [coll.] Dieses verflixte Kind! [ugs.]
dratted [coll.]verflixt [ugs.]
draught [Br.] Luftzug {m}
draught [Br.] Zug {m} [Schornstein, Luftzug]
draught [Br.] Schluck {m}
draught [Br.]Tiefgang {m}
draught [Br.]Ausformschräge {f}
draught [Br.] Durchzug {m} [Luft]
draught [Br.]Formschräge {f}
draught [Br.]Fischfang {m}
draught [Br.]Zugluft {f}
draught [Br.] [dated] [medicinal drink] Arzneitrank {m}
draught ale [Br.] Fassbier {n}
draught animal [Br.] Zugtier {n}
draught animals [Br.] Zugtiere {pl}
draught beer [Br.]Bier {n} vom Fass
draught beer [Br.] Fassbier {n}
draught cattle {pl} [Br.] Zugvieh {n}
draught cattle [Br.] Anspann {m} [veraltet] [Gespann]
draught dog [Br.]Ziehhund {m}
draught effect of cooling tower [Br.]Kaminzugwirkung {f} des Kühlturms
draught excluder [Br.] [Dichtungsmaterial gegen Zugluft]
draught horse [Br.] Zugpferd {n}
draught of Lethe [poet.] Lethetrunk {m} [dicht.]
draught ox [Br.]Zugochse {m}
draught screen [Br.] Windfangscheibe {f} [z. B. in Zügen, S-Bahnen]
draught shield [Br.] Windschutz {m}
draught stopper [Br.]Zugluftstopper {m}
draught strip [Br.]Dichtungsband {n}
draughtboard [Br.] Damebrett {n}
draughtboard pattern [Br.] Schachbrettmuster {n}
draughtboard shark [Cephaloscyllium laticeps] Australischer Schwellhai {m}
draught-free [Br.] zugfrei
draughtier [Br.] windiger
draughtier [Br.] zugiger
draughtiest [Br.] zugigste
draughtiness [Br.]Zugigkeit {f}
draughting [Br.] [technical drawing] technisches Zeichnen {n}
draughtproof [Br.] winddicht
draughts Luftzüge {pl}
draughts [Br.] Damespiel {n}
draughts [treated as sg.] [Br.]Dame [ohne Artikel] [kurz für: Damespiel]
draughtsboard shark [Cephaloscyllium isabellum]Damebretthai {m}
draughtsman [Br.] Konstrukteur {m}
draughtsman [Br.]Zeichner {m}
draughtsman [Br.]Damestein {m}
draughtsman's table [drafting table] Zeichentisch {m}
draughtsmanship [Br.]Zeichenkunst {f}
draughtsmanship [Br.] [skill] zeichnerisches Können {n}
draught-stop [Br.] Windschott {n}
draughtswoman [Br.]Zeichnerin {f}
draughty [Br.]zugig
draughty [Br.]windig [dem Wind ausgesetzt]
draughty room zugiger Raum {m}
draugr [also: draug, draugur, draugar, dreygur, draugen] [the draug; an undead creature from Norse mythology] Draugr {m}
Drava (River) Drau {f}
Drava Valley Drautal {n}
Drave Drau {f}
Dravidian languagedrawidische Sprache {f}
Dravidians Draviden {pl}
dravite [NaMg3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4]Dravit {m} [ein Turmalin]
draw Ziehanlage {f} [Werkzeugbau, Blechumformung]
draw [appeal] Anziehungskraft {f} [Attraktivität]
draw [attraction]Magnet {m} [fig.] [etwas Anziehendes]
draw [e.g. chess] Punkteteilung {f} [z. B. Schach]
draw [e.g. lottery draw]Ziehung {f}
draw [event, person]Attraktion {f}
« dragdraidraidraidramdrapdrawdrawdrawdrawDrea »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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