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drill sleeve Reduzierhülse {f} [Bohrer]
drill sleeveBohrerhülse {f}
drill socket Reduzierhülse {f} [Bohrer]
drill spindle Bohrspindel {f}
drill standBohrständer {m}
drill stemBohrstange {f} [geol. Bohrung]
drill step Exerzierschritt {m}
drill string [also: drillstring] [drilling technology]Bohrgestänge {n} [Bohrtechnik]
drill string [also: drillstring] [drilling technology]Bohrstrang {m} [Bohrtechnik]
drill test Bohrprobe {f}
drill towerBohrturm {m}
drill towerÜbungsturm {m}
(drill) bits Bohreinsätze {pl}
(drill) core dataBohrkerndaten {pl}
(drill) hole depth Bohrlochtiefe {f}
(drill) pipe rack [drilling rig] Gestängelager {n} [Bohrturm]
(drill) reamerAusräumer {m} [Bohrlochausräumer]
(drill) reamer Bohrlochausräumer {m}
drillabilityBohrbarkeit {f}
drill-and-blast heading Bohr- und Sprengvortrieb {m}
drill-and-blast method Bohr- und Sprengmethode {f}
drill-and-blast method Bohr- und Sprengverfahren {n}
drillbitBohrspitze {f}
Drillbit Taylor [Steven Brill] Drillbit Taylor – Ein Mann für alle Unfälle
drill-down [viewing data in greater detail] Drill-down {n} [detailliertere Anzeige von Daten]
drilled at an angleschräg gebohrt
drilled hole Bohrung {f}
drilled out ausgebohrt
drilled well Bohrbrunnen {m}
drilled wells Bohrbrunnen {pl}
(drilled) wellBohrloch {n}
driller Bohrer {m}
driller's report [also: well driller report]Schichtenbuch {n}
drill-finishing [boring]Ausspindeln {n}
drillheadBohrkopf {m}
drill-hole surveying Bohrlochmessung {f}
drillingBohrung {f}
drilling Drillen {n}
drilling Aufbohren {n}
drilling Bohren {n}
drilling Bohrarbeit {f}
drilling [triple-barrelled shotgun] Drilling {m} [dreiläufiges Gewehr]
drilling activities Bohrarbeiten {pl}
drilling activitiesBohraktivitäten {pl}
drilling and blasting heading Bohr- und Sprengvortrieb {m}
drilling ban Bohrverbot {n}
drilling capacity Bohrleistung {f}
drilling chip Bohrspan {m}
drilling collarSchwerstange {f} [Bohrtechnik]
drilling core Bohrkern {m}
drilling crewBohrmannschaft {f} [Erdöl-, Erdgasförderung, Bergbau usw.]
drilling debrisBohrklein {n}
drilling debris Bohrgut {n} [Bohrklein]
drilling depth Bohrtiefe {f}
drilling derrick Bohrturm {m}
drilling diameter Bohrdurchmesser {m}
drilling dustBohrmehl {n}
drilling engineerBohringenieur {m}
drilling equipment Bohrausrüstung {f}
drilling equipment Bohrgerät {n}
drilling equipment {sg} Bohrgeräte {pl}
drilling equipment {sg} Bohrgerätschaften {pl}
drilling fluid Bohrspülung {f} [Spülflüssigkeit]
drilling fluidBohrflüssigkeit {f}
drilling for oil Ölbohrung {f}
drilling head Bohrkopf {m}
drilling hose Bohrschlauch {m}
drilling jigBohrlehre {f}
drilling jig Bohrvorrichtung {f}
drilling jigBohrschablone {f}
drilling line [drill] Fahrseil {n} [Bohrtechnik]
drilling line [drilling cable] Bohrseil {n} [Bohrtechnik]
drilling machine Bohrmaschine {f}
drilling methodBohrverfahren {n}
drilling method Bohrmethode {f}
(drilling, milling and) tapping machine (Bohr-, Fräs- und) Gewindeschneidmaschine {f}
drilling mud Bohrschlamm {m}
drilling mud [oil drilling rig]Bohrspülung {f} [Erdölfördertechnik]
drilling off center [Am.]Bohren {n} außer der Mitte
drilling oilBohröl {n}
drilling operation Bohrbetrieb {m}
drilling operationsBohrarbeiten {pl}
drilling operations Bohraktivitäten {pl}
drilling pattern Bohrbild {n}
drilling platform Bohrplattform {f}
drilling platform type Bohrinseltyp {m}
drilling platforms Bohrinseln {pl}
drilling practice [operation, process] Bohrwesen {n}
drilling procedureBohrvorgang {m}
drilling process Bohrprozess {m}
drilling process Bohrverfahren {n}
drilling program [Am.] Bohrprogramm {n}
drilling programme [Br.]Bohrprogramm {n}
drilling rangeBohrbereich {m}
drilling resistance Bohrwiderstand {m}
drilling rig Bohrturm {m}
drilling rigBohrgerät {n}
drilling rig [offshore] Bohrinsel {f}
drilling rightsFörderrechte {pl} [Erdöl]
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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