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« backPage 490 for words starting with D in the English-German dictionarynext page »
driving device Antriebsvorrichtung {f}
driving direction Fahrtrichtung {f}
driving directionsFahranweisungen {pl}
driving disk Triebrolle {f}
driving disk [Am.] Mitnehmerscheibe {f}
driving distance Fahrstrecke {f}
driving dog Drehherz {n}
driving drum Antriebstrommel {f}
driving dynamics Fahrdynamik {f}
driving end Antriebsseite {f}
driving energyAntriebsenergie {f}
driving engine Antriebsmaschine {f}
driving enjoyment Fahrspaß {m}
driving error Fahrfehler {m}
driving examiner [Br.]Fahrprüfer {m}
driving experience Fahrpraxis {f}
driving eyesight testFührerscheinsehtest {m}
driving factors Antriebsfaktoren {pl}
driving force treibende Kraft {f}
driving force Triebkraft {f}
driving force Antriebskraft {f}
driving force Triebfeder {f} [fig.]
driving forceMovens {n} [geh.]
Driving Force [Dick Francis]Sporen
driving force [in sth.] Motor {m} [fig.]
driving force [person] Spiritus Rector {m} [geh.]
driving function Fahrfunktion {f}
driving headPotentialdifferenz {f}
driving (hunt) [battue]Treiben {n} [Treibjagd]
driving impression Fahreindruck {m}
driving in einschlagend
driving in (a) convoyKolonnenfahrt {f} [das Fahren in einer Fahrzeugkolonne]
driving instruction Fahrausbildung {f}
driving instructionFahrunterricht {m}
driving instructions Fahranweisungen {pl}
driving instructor Fahrlehrer {m}
driving instructorFahrschullehrer {m}
driving instructor [female] Fahrschullehrerin {f}
driving instructor [female]Fahrlehrerin {f}
driving instructors Fahrlehrer {pl}
driving into einfahrend
driving lesson Fahrstunde {f}
driving lessons Fahrstunden {pl}
driving licence {sg} [Br.] Fleppen {pl} [ostd.] [Führerschein]
driving licence {sg} [Br.] Flebben {pl} [regional] [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driving licence [Br.] Führerschein {m}
driving licence [Br.] Fahrerlaubnis {f}
driving licence [Br.] Billett {n} [schweiz.]
driving licence [Br.] Lappen {m} [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driving licence [Br.] Pappe {f} [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driving licence [Br.] Führerausweis {m} [schweiz.] [amtl.]
driving licence [Br.] Fahrausweis {m} [schweiz.] [Führerschein]
driving licence check [Br.] Führerscheinkontrolle {f}
driving licences [Br.]Führerscheine {pl}
driving license [Am.] Autopermis {n} [schweiz.] [Führerschein]
driving license [Am.]Führerausweis {m} [schweiz.]
driving license [Am.]Fahrerlaubnis {f}
driving license [Am.]Billett {n} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driving maneuver [Am.] Fahrmanöver {n}
driving manoeuvre [Br.] Fahrmanöver {n}
driving mechanism Triebwerk {n} [z. B. Turmuhr]
driving mirror Rückspiegel {m}
Driving Miss Daisy [Alfred Uhry] [play and film script] Miss Daisy und ihr Chauffeur
driving mistakeFahrfehler {m}
driving modeFahrweise {f}
driving moment [drive moment] Antriebsmoment {n}
driving motive treibendes Motiv {n}
driving on antreibend
driving on ... Befahren {n}
driving on the left Linksverkehr {m}
driving on the left Linksfahren {n}
driving on the right Rechtsfahren {n}
driving on the right Rechtsverkehr {m}
driving operations [tunnel, shaft works] Vortriebsarbeiten {pl} [Tunnel-, Schachtarbeiten]
driving outaustreibend
driving past [postpos.]vorüberfahrend
driving performanceFahrleistung {f}
driving performanceFahrverhalten {n}
driving performance {sg} [of various vehicles]Fahrleistungen {pl}
driving periodLenkzeit {f}
driving permitFahrerlaubnis {f}
driving physics [treated as sg.] [physics of driving a vehicle]Fahrphysik {f}
driving pin Mitnehmerbolzen {m}
driving plate Mitnehmerscheibe {f}
driving pleasure Freude {f} am Fahren
driving pleasure Fahrvergnügen {n}
driving position Führerstand {m}
driving positionFahrerposition {f}
driving power Treibkraft {f}
driving powerAntriebsleistung {f}
driving power Antriebsenergie {f}
driving practice groundsVerkehrsübungsplatz {m}
driving pressureAntriebsdruck {m}
driving pulley Antriebsscheibe {f}
driving pulleyTriebscheibe {f}
driving qualityFahreigenschaft {f}
driving rainströmender Regen {m}
driving rainSchlagregen {m}
driving rain peitschender Regen {m}
driving rangeGolfübungsplatz {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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