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daubers Schmierer {pl}
daubery Geschmiere {n}
daubing schmierend
daubing verschmierend
daubing Gekritzel {n} [Malen]
daubing [pej.] [of paint by an artist]Gekleckse {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [plumpe Malerei]
daubréeite [BiO(OH,Cl)]Daubréeit {m}
daubreelite [FeCr2S4]Daubréelith {m}
daubryGeschmiere {n}
Daudebardia brevipes [terrestrial semi-slug in the family Oxychilidae]Kleine Daudebardie {f}
Daudebardia brevipes [terrestrial semi-slug in the family Oxychilidae] Kleine Schlundschnecke {f}
Daudin's bronzeback [Dendrelaphis tristis]Baum-Bronzenatter {f}
dauer larva Dauerlarve {f}
dauer stage [endurance stage]Dauerzustand {m}
Daugava Düna {f}
DaugavpilsDünaburg {n}
daughterTochter {f}
daughter cell Tochterzelle {f}
daughter cellsTochterzellen {pl}
daughter centriole Tochterzentriole {f}
daughter centriole Tochtercentriole {f}
daughter chromosome Tochterchromosom {n}
daughter colony Tochterkolonie {f}
daughter company Konzerntochter {f}
daughter company Tochterunternehmen {n}
daughter cyst Tochterblase {f}
daughter elementFolgeprodukt {n}
daughter filament Tochterfilament {n}
daughter house Tochterhaus {n}
daughter ion Tochterion {n}
daughter isotope Tochterisotop {n}
daughter language abgeleitete Sprache {f}
daughter living at homebei den Eltern lebende Tochter {f}
daughter living at homezu Hause lebende Tochter {f}
daughter nucleus Tochterkern {m}
daughter nuclide Tochternuklid {n}
daughter ofTochter {f} von
daughter of a billionaireMilliardärstochter {f}
daughter of a pastorPfarrerstochter {f} [Tochter eines Pfarrers]
daughter of a shoemaker Schuhmacherstochter {f}
daughter of a working class familyArbeitertochter {f}
daughter of an industrialistIndustriellentochter {f}
daughter of Eve [fig.] typische Frau {f}
Daughter of Fortune [Isabel Allende] Fortunas Tochter
daughter of the pastorPfarrerstochter {f} [Tochter des Pfarrers]
Daughter of Troy [Sarah B. Franklin] Eine Tochter Trojas
daughter particleTochterteilchen {n}
daughter polypTochterpolyp {m}
daughter population Tochterpopulation {f}
daughter productZerfallsprodukt {n}
daughter (product) Tochterprodukt {n}
daughter redia Tochterredie {f}
daughter sporocyst Tochtersporocyste {f}
daughter sporocystTochtersporozyste {f}
daughter strand Tochterstrang {m}
[daughter of an immigrant family in Switzerland] Seconda {f} [schweiz.] [Einwanderertochter]
daughterboardZusatzplatine {f}
daughter-heir [the inheriting daughter]Erbtochter {f}
daughterhood Tochterschaft {f}
daughter-in-law Schwiegertochter {f}
daughter-in-lawSöhnerin {f} [veraltet] [Schwiegertochter]
daughter-in-lawSchnur {f} [veraltet, noch regional] [Schwiegertochter]
daughter-in-law Schwiegerkind {n} [Schwiegertochter]
daughterless ohne Tochter / Töchter
daughterly wie eine Tochter
daughtersTöchter {pl}
daughter's child Kind {n} der Tochter
Daughters Four [Dixie Lee McKeone]Reizende Rivalinnen
daughters of manMenschentöchter {pl}
daughters-in-law Schwiegertöchter {pl}
Dauis WatchtowerDauis-Wachturm {m}
Daulis Daulis {f}
daunorubicin <DNR> [C27H29NO10] Daunorubicin {n} <DNR>
daunted eingeschüchtert
daunting einschüchternd
daunting beängstigend
daunting task beängstigende Aufgabe {f}
dauntless unerschrocken
dauntless kühn
dauntless unverzagt
dauntless verwegen
dauntless beherzt
dauntlessness Unerschrockenheit {f}
dauntlessness Furchtlosigkeit {f}
dauntlessness Verwegenheit {f}
dauphinfranzösischer Kronprinz {m}
dauphin Dauphin {m}
dauphineGemahlin {f} des Dauphins
Dauphiné Dauphiné {f}
Dauphiné Alps Dauphiné Alpen {pl}
dauphine potatoesPommes Dauphine {pl}
dauphine potatoes Kartoffeln {pl} auf Kronprinzessinart
dauphinessGemahlin {f} des Dauphins
dauphiny Dauphiné {f}
« datadatadatedatedatedaubDaurDavydayadaylDayo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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