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English-German Dictionary

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during the election period zu Wahlzeiten
during the fall months [Am.]in den Herbstmonaten
during the fall months [Am.] während der Herbstmonate
during the festive periodüber die Festtage
during the further procedure im weiteren Verfahren
during the great migrations während der Völkerwanderungszeit
during the holidaysüber die Festtage
during the inspection and testing bei / während der Besichtigung und Prüfung
during the last days of the war kurz vor Kriegsende
during the last days of the war während der letzten Kriegstage
during the last few dayswährend der letzten Tage
during the lifetime of sb.bei Lebzeiten jds. [veraltet für: zu Lebzeiten]
during the midday hours in den Mittagsstunden
during the morning vormittägig
during the morning während des Vormittages / Vormittags
during the Nazi period zur Nazizeit
during the night nachts
during the nightnachtsüber
during the nightwährend der Nachtstunden
during the night in der Nacht
during the nightdes Nachts
during the non-breeding seasonaußerhalb der Brutsaison
during the operation während des Betriebes
during the operation während des Betriebs
during the papacy of ... unter Papst ...
during the past few monthswährend der letzten Monate
during the past two months während der vergangenen zwei Monate
during the past weekin der vergangenen Woche
during the payment process während des Zahlungsvorgangs
during the period in der Zeit
during the Ptolemaic reignwährend der Herrschaft der Ptolemäer
during the remaining time in der übrigen Zeit
during the remaining timewährend der übrigen Zeit
during the reporting periodin der Berichtszeit
during the Second World Warwährend des Zweiten Weltkriegs / Weltkrieges
during the summer months in den Sommermonaten
during the summer months während der Sommermonate
during the termwährend des Trimesters
during the term [of validity] während der Laufzeit
during the term of the contract während der Laufzeit des Vertrags
during the term of validity während der Laufzeit
during the tulip bloom während der Tulpenblüte
during the war während des Krieges
during the war während des Kriegs
during the week in der Woche [unter der Woche]
during the week unter der Woche
during the week commencing the 15th of April in der am 15. April beginnenden Woche
during the whole day während des gesamten Tages
during the whole daywährend des ganzen Tages
during the winter monthsin den Wintermonaten
during the winter months während der Wintermonate
during the year unterjährig
during the yearim Jahresverlauf [während des Jahres]
during (the) apple blossom season während der Apfelblüte
during (the) apple blossom seasonzur Zeit der Apfelblüte
during (the) biology lesson während des Biologieunterrichts [ugs. auch: während dem Biologieunterricht]
during (the) carriagewährend des Transports
during (the) cherry blossom season zur Zeit der Kirschblüte
during (the) cherry blossom seasonwährend der Kirschblüte
during (the) holidays [esp. Br.] während der Ferien
during (the) vacation [Am.] während der Ferien
during (the) winter wintersüber
during their courtship [dated]während er um sie warb
during their joint livessolange sie beide leben / lebten
during this timewährend dieser Zeit
during thunderstorms bei Gewitter
during transportunterwegs
during two lambing seasons während zwei Ablammperioden
during vacation [at the university]in den Semesterferien
during vacation [at the university] während der Semesterferien
during waking hoursim Wachzustand
... during which time ... ..., während welcher Zeit ... [veraltet]
... during which time ... ..., (und) in dieser Zeit ...
... during which time ......, (und) während dieser Zeit ...
DurkheimiansDurkheimianer {pl}
durmast oak [Quercus petraea, syn.: Quercus sessiliflora, Quercus sessilis] Traubeneiche {f}
durmast oak [Quercus petraea, syn.: Quercus sessiliflora, Quercus sessilis] Trauben-Eiche {f}
durmast oak [Quercus petraea, syn.: Quercus sessilis, Quercus sessiliflora] Wintereiche {f}
Durmitor massif Durmitor-Massiv {n} [auch: Durmitormassiv]
durn [Am.] [coll.] [darn] verdammt [ugs.]
duromerDuromer {n}
durometer Durometer {n}
durophagous durophag
durophagyDurophagie {f}
duroplast [composite thermosetting plastic] Duroplast {m}
duroplastic dauerplastisch
durotaxis Durotaxis {f}
Duroziez's double murmurDuroziez-Doppelgeräusch {n}
Duroziez's sign [also: Duroziez sign] Duroziez-Zeichen {n}
durra [Sorghum bicolor] Mohrenhirse {f}
durra [Sorghum bicolor] Durrakorn {n}
durra [Sorghum bicolor] Besenkorn {n}
durra stalk borer [Chilo partellus, syn.: C. zonellus]Blassroter Stängelbohrer {m} [alt: Blassroter Stengelbohrer]
durra stem borer [Chilo partellus, syn.: C. zonellus]Blassroter Stängelbohrer {m} [alt: Blassroter Stengelbohrer]
durry [Aus.] [sl.] [cigarette] Kippe {f} [ugs.] [Zigarette]
durry [Aus.] [sl.] [cigarette] Fluppe {f} [ugs.] [Zigarette]
durum [Triticum durum]Hartweizen {m}
durum wheat Hartweizen {m}
durum wheat flour Hartweizenmehl {n}
durum (wheat) [Triticum durum, Triticum turgidum ssp. durum, Triticum pyramidale] Durum {m}
« duodduplduplduradurcduriduruduskduskDüssdust »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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