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dyspnea [Am.] Dyspnoe {f}
dyspnea [Am.] Atemnot {f}
dyspnea at rest [Am.]Ruhedyspnoe {f}
dyspnea at rest [Am.] Atemnot {f} in Ruhe
dyspnea at rest [Am.] Ruheatemnot {f}
dyspnea at rest [Am.]Dyspnoe {f} in Ruhe [Atemnot in Ruhe]
dyspnea on exertion [Am.] <DOE>Belastungsdyspnoe {f}
dyspnea on exertion <DOE> [Am.] Atemnot {f} unter Belastung
dyspnoea [Br.]Dyspnoe {f}
dyspnoea [Br.] Störung {f} der Atmung
dyspnoea [Br.] Atembeschwerden {pl}
dyspnoea [Br.] Dispnoe {f} [veraltet] [Dyspnoe]
dyspnoea [Br.] Atemnot {f}
dyspnoea at rest [Br.]Ruhedyspnoe {f}
dyspnoea at rest [Br.] Ruheatemnot {f}
dyspnoea at rest [Br.] Atemnot {f} in Ruhe
dyspnoea at rest [Br.]Dyspnoe {f} in Ruhe [Atemnot in Ruhe]
dyspnoea on exertion [Br.] <DOE>Belastungsdyspnoe {f}
dyspnoea on exertion [Br.] <DOE> Atemnot {f} unter Belastung
dysponesis Dysponesis {f}
dyspraxia Dyspraxie {f}
dysprosium <Dy>Dysprosium {n} <Dy>
dysprosium atomDysprosiumatom {n}
dysprosium dichloride [DyCl2] Dysprosiumdichlorid {n}
dysprosium isotope Dysprosiumisotop {n} [auch: Dysprosium-Isotop]
dysprosium nitrate [Dy(NO3)3] Dysprosiumnitrat {n}
dysprosium orthoferrite [DyFeO3]Dysprosium-Orthoferrit {m}
dysprosium oxideDysprosiumoxid {n}
dysprosium tribromide [DyBr3] Dysprosiumtribromid {n}
dysprosium trichloride [DyCl3] Dysprosiumtrichlorid {n}
dysprosium trifluoride [DyF3]Dysprosiumtrifluorid {n}
dysprosium trinitrate [Dy(NO3)3] Dysprosiumtrinitrat {n}
dysprosium(II) chloride [DyCl2]Dysprosium(II)-chlorid {n}
dysprosium(III) bromide [DyBr3]Dysprosium(III)-bromid {n}
dysprosium(III) chloride [DyCl3]Dysprosium(III)-chlorid {n}
dysprosium(III) fluoride [DyF3]Dysprosium(III)-fluorid {n}
dysprosium(III) nitrate [Dy(NO3)3]Dysprosium(III)-nitrat {n}
dysprosium(III) selenide [Dy2Se3] Dysprosium(III)-selenid {n}
dysprosium(III) sulfate [Am.] [Dy2(SO4)3]Dysprosium(III)-sulfat {n}
dysprosodyDysprosodie {f}
dysproteinaemia [Br.] Dysproteinämie {f}
dysproteinemia [Am.] Dysproteinämie {f}
dysraphiaDysraphie {f}
dysraphic syndromeDysraphie-Syndrom {n}
dysraphism Dysraphismus {m}
dysregulation Dysregulierung {f}
dysregulation Dysregulation {f}
dysregulationRegulationsstörung {f}
dysrhythmia Dysrhythmie {f} [Rhythmusstörung, z. B. des Herzens]
dysrhythmiaRhythmusstörung {f} [z. B. Herz]
dyssomnia Dyssomnie {f}
dysspermiaDysspermie {f}
dyssynergiaDyssynergie {f}
dyssynergic defecation Anismus {m}
dyssynergy Dyssynergie {f}
dystelectatic dystelektatisch
dysteleology Dysteleologie {f}
dysthymiaDysthymie {f}
dysthyroid orbitopathy <DO>endokrine Orbitopathie {f} <EO>
dystocia Dystokie {f}
dystocia [slow or difficult labor or delivery] Geburtsstörung {f}
dystokia [spv.]Dystokie {f}
dystonia Dystonie {f}
dystonia fehlerhafter Spannungszustand {m}
dystonia musculorum deformans Torsionsdystonie {f}
dystonic dyston
dystonic tremor <DT> dystoner Tremor {m} <DT>
dystopia Antiutopie {f}
dystopia Dystopie {f} [Antiutopie]
dystopia of the thyroid glandSchilddrüsendystopie {f}
dystopian Dystopiker {m}
dystopian [relating to a dystopia] dystopisch [Gegenteil von utopisch]
dystopian vision Schreckensvision {f}
dystopic dystopisch [Gegenteil von utopisch]
dystopic testis [less frequent than: undescended testis] dystoper Hoden {m}
dystrobrevinDystrobrevin {n}
dystroglycan Dystroglycan {n}
dystroglycan Dystroglykan {n}
dystroglycan complex Dystroglykan-Komplex {m}
dystrophia Dystrophie {f}
dystrophia myotonica [also: myotonia atrophica]Curschmann-Batten-Steinert-Syndrom {n}
dystrophic dystroph
dystrophic gait Watschelgang {m}
dystrophin Dystrophin {n}
dystrophyDystrophia {f}
dystrophyDystrophie {f}
dystrophy Ernährungsstörung {f}
dysuria Dysurie {f}
dysuria erschwerte, ggf. schmerzhafte Blasenentleerung {f}
dysuria [difficult urination]Harnstrenge {f}
dysvitaminosisDysvitaminose {f}
dyszoospermia Dyszoospermie {f}
dytiscids [family Dytiscidae]Dytisciden {pl}
dytiscids [family Dytiscidae] Schwimmkäfer {pl}
dzeren [Procapra gutturosa] [Mongolian gazelle] Mongolische Gazelle {f}
dzerin [Procapra gutturosa] [Mongolian gazelle] Mongolische Gazelle {f}
dzeron [Procapra gutturosa] [Mongolian gazelle]Mongolische Gazelle {f}
Dzerzhinsk Dserschinsk {n}
dzhalindite [In(OH)3] Dzhalindit {m}
dzharkenite [FeSe2] Dzharkenit {m}
« dyindynadynadyotdyskdyspdzhee[leeageeaglearc »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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