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elementary educationElementarunterricht {m} [auch: Elementar-Unterricht]
elementary educationElementarbildung {f}
elementary English {sg} Grundkenntnisse {pl} in Englisch
elementary event Elementarereignis {n}
elementary fact Grundtatsache {f}
elementary familyKernfamilie {f}
elementary feederMutterverteiler {m} [Tribologie]
elementary filter Elementarfilter {m}
elementary functionElementarfunktion {f}
elementary geometryElementargeometrie {f}
elementary (grade) school [Am.] Grundschule {f}
elementary instruction Anfangsunterricht {m}
elementary instruction Elementarunterricht {m}
elementary interactions elementare Wechselwirkungen {pl}
elementary item Element {n}
elementary item entryDatenelementerklärung {f}
elementary knowledgeElementarwissen {n}
elementary knowledge Vorkenntnis {f}
elementary knowledge {sg}Grundkenntnisse {pl}
elementary laws Grundsätze {pl}
elementary levelGrundstufe {f}
elementary levelUnterstufe {f}
elementary levelElementarstufe {f}
elementary magnet Elementarmagnet {m}
elementary mathematics [usually treated as sg.]elementare Mathematik {f}
elementary mathematics [usually treated as sg.] Elementarmathematik {f}
elementary mistakeElementarfehler {m}
elementary mistake grober Fehler {m}
elementary movement kleinste Einheit {f} der Bewegung
Elementary, my dear Watson. [The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes] Elementar, mein lieber Watson.
elementary needs elementare Bedürfnisse {pl}
elementary number theory elementare Zahlentheorie {f}
elementary particleElementarteilchen {n}
elementary particle model <EPM>Elementarteilchenmodell {n}
elementary particle physics [treated as sg.] Elementarteilchenphysik {f}
elementary pencilElementarbündel {n}
elementary periodTaktperiode {f}
elementary power Urkraft {f}
elementary principleGrundprinzip {n}
elementary questioneinfache Frage {f}
elementary reactionElementarreaktion {f}
elementary ruleGrundregel {f}
elementary school [Am.] Volksschule {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Grundschule]
elementary school [Am.] Grundschule {f}
elementary school [Am.]Elementarschule {f} [veraltet] [Grundschule]
elementary school [trivium school]Trivialschule {f}
elementary school age Grundschulalter {n}
elementary school age [Am.] [also: elementary school-age] Volksschulalter {n} [österr.] [sonst veraltet]
elementary school child [Am.]Grundschulkind {n}
elementary school children [Am.]Volksschüler {pl} [österr.]
elementary school teacher [Am.] Grundschullehrer {m}
elementary school teacher [female] [Am.] Grundschullehrerin {f}
elementary school years {pl} [Am.] Grundschulzeit {f}
elementary school years [Am.] Grundschuljahre {pl}
elementary (school) student [Am.]Grundschüler {m}
elementary species Elementarart {f}
elementary stageAnfangsstadium {n}
elementary state unentwickelter Zustand {m}
elementary step Elementarschritt {m}
elementary stream <ES>Elementarstream {m} <ES>
elementary students Studenten {pl} im Grundstudium
elementary studentsStudienanfänger {pl}
elementary studies {pl} Grundstudium {n}
elementary substance Grundbestandteil {m}
elementary symmetric elementarsymmetrisch
elementary symmetric polynomialelementarsymmetrisches Polynom {n}
elementary teacher Volksschullehrer {m}
elementary teacher Grundschullehrer {m}
elementary teacher [female]Grundschullehrerin {f}
elementary teacher [female] Volksschullehrerin {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst hist.]
elementary theoryElementartheorie {f}
elementary therapy Elementartherapie {f}
elementary waveElementarwelle {f}
element-naming controversyElementnamensgebungskontroverse {f}
elementsAnfangsgründe {pl}
elements Elemente {pl}
elementsGrundbestandteile {pl}
elements Grundlagen {pl}
elements Bestandteile {pl}
elementsTeileinheiten {pl}
elements {pl} Wetter {n}
elements {pl} of an offense [Am.]Tatbestand {m}
elements at risk Risikoelemente {pl}
elements of mathematics Grundlagen {pl} der Mathematik
elements of music Elemente {pl} der Musik
elements of natureElemente {pl} der Natur
elements of scienceGrundlagen {pl} der Wissenschaft
elements of the BundesbankOrgane {pl} der Bundesbank
elements of the futureZukunftsbereiche {pl}
Elements of the Philosophy of Right Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts [G. W. F. Hegel]
elements of (the) faithGlaubenselemente {pl}
element-wise elementweise
elemi Elemiharz {n}
elemiElemi {n}
elemi [Canarium luzonicum] Manilaelemibaum {m}
elemi [Canarium luzonicum] Elemibaum {m}
elemi canary tree [Canarium luzonicum, syn.: Pimela luzonica]Manilaelemibaum {m} [auch Manilaelemi]
elemi canary tree [Canarium luzonicum, syn.: Pimela luzonica] Elemibaum {m}
elemi frankincense [Boswellia frereana] Elemi-Weihrauch {m}
elemi frankincense [Boswellia frereana]Afrikanischer Weihrauch / Weihrauchbaum {m} [Elemi-Weihrauch]
« elecelecelecelegelegelemelemelepelevelevelf  »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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