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emerald [Be3(Al,Cr)2Si6O18]Smaragd {m}
Emerald [Phyllis Taylor Pianka] Gewagte Wette um die Liebe
emerald ash borer [Agrilus planipennis, syn.: A. feretrius, A. marcopoli] Asiatischer Eschenprachtkäfer {m}
emerald catfish [Corydoras splendens, syn.: Brochis splendens] Grüner Panzerwels {m}
emerald catfish [Corydoras splendens, syn.: Brochis splendens]Smaragd-Panzerwels {m} [auch: Smaragdpanzerwels]
Emerald City [Michael Jenkins] Trendsetters – Jahrmarkt der Illusionen
Emerald City [nickname for Seattle, WA] smaragdgrüne Stadt {f} [auch: Smaragdstadt] [Spitzname für Seattle, US-Staat Washington]
Emerald City [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz]Smaragdstadt [Der Zauberer von Oz]
emerald cockroach wasp [Ampulex compressa] Juwelwespe {f}
emerald cuckoo [Chrysococcyx cupreus] [African emerald cuckoo] Smaragdkuckuck {m}
emerald cut [gemstones]Smaragdschliff {m} [Edelsteine]
emerald damselfly [Lestes sponsa] Gemeine Binsenjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
emerald depositSmaragdlagerstätte {f}
emerald deposit Smaragdvorkommen {n}
emerald dragonflies [family Corduliidae] Falkenlibellen {pl}
emerald dragonflies [family Corduliidae]Corduliiden {pl}
emerald feather [Asparagus densiflorus, syn.: Protasparagus densiflorus] Zier-Spargel / Zierspargel {m}
emerald fern [Asparagus densiflorus, syn.: Protasparagus densiflorus]Zier-Spargel / Zierspargel {m}
Emerald Germs of Ireland [Patrick McCabe]Die schwarze Pfanne
emerald green smaragdgrün
Emerald Green Smaragdgrün [Kerstin Gier]
emerald green [Paris green] Pariser Grün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
emerald green [RAL 6001]Smaragdgrün {n} [RAL 6001]
emerald green betta [Betta smaragdina] Smaragd-Kampffisch {m}
emerald gudgeon [Romanogobio skywalkeri] Smaragdgressling {m}
emerald horned pitviper [Ophryacus smaragdinus] Smaragd-Horn-Lanzenotter {f}
Emerald Isle [Canada] Emerald-Insel {f}
emerald long-tailed lizard [Takydromus smaragdinus, syn.: Tachysaurus japonicus] [green grass lizard] Smaragd-Langschwanzechse {f} [Grüne Langschwanzeidechse]
emerald lorikeet [Neopsittacus pullicauda]Orangeschnabel-Berglori {m}
emerald nerite [Smaragdia rangiana, syn.: Neritella puella, Neritina viridissima, N. rangiana] Smaragd-Nerite / Smaragdnerite {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
emerald nerite [Smaragdia rangiana, syn.: Neritella puella, Neritina viridissima, N. rangiana] Rangs Neritina {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
emerald nerite [Smaragdia rangiana, syn.: Neritella puella, Neritina viridissima, N. rangiana] Kiwischnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
emerald palm (plant) [Zamioculcas zamiifolia, syn.: Caladium zamiaefolium, Zamioculcas loddigesii, Z. lanceolata]Glücksfeder {f}
emerald parakeet [Enicognathus ferrugineus] Smaragdsittich {m}
emerald snake [Hapsidophrys smaragdinus] Kielschuppige Smaragdnatter {f}
emerald spreadwing [Lestes dryas] Glänzende Binsenjungfer {f}
emerald starling [Coccycolius iris] Schillerglanzstar {m}
Emerald State [nickname] [State of Washington][Spitzname für den Bundesstaat Washington, USA]
emerald swift [Sceloporus malachiticus] Malachit-Stachelleguan {m}
emerald swift [Sceloporus malachiticus]Malachitgrüner Stachelleguan {m}
Emerald Tablet [Hermes Trismegistus]Smaragdtafel [hermetischer Text]
emerald tanager [Tangara florida] Smaragdtangare {f}
emerald toucanet [Aulacorhynchus prasinus] Laucharassari {m}
emerald toucanet [Aulacorhynchus prasinus]Mexikanischer Laucharassari {m}
emerald tree [Radermachera sinica, syn.: Stereospermum sinicum, Radermachera tonkinensis] Zimmeresche {f}
emerald tree boa [Corallus caninus] Grüner Hundskopfschlinger {m} [Boa]
emerald tree boa [Corallus caninus] Grüne Hundskopfboa {f}
emerald (tree) monitor [Varanus prasinus] Smaragdwaran {m}
emerald wasps [family Chrysididae] Goldwespen {pl}
emerald-bellied puffleg [Eriocnemis alinae] Smaragdschneehöschen {n}
emerald-bellied puffleg [Eriocnemis aline] Weißbrust-Höschenkolibri {m}
emerald-chinned hummingbird [Abeillia abeillei] Abeillekolibri {m}
emerald-chinned hummingbird [Abeillia abeillei]Smaragdkehlkolibri {m}
emerald-collared parakeet [Psittacula calthorpae] Blauschwanzsittich {m}
emerald-eyed treefrog [Hyla crepitans] Gladiator-Laubfrosch / Gladiatorlaubfrosch {m}
emerald-eyed treefrog [Hypsiboas crepitans, syn.: Hyla crepitans] Jadegrüner Laubfrosch {m}
emeraldsSmaragde {pl}
emeralds [family Corduliidae] Falkenlibellen {pl}
emeralds [family Corduliidae]Corduliiden {pl}
emerald-spotted wood dove [Turtur chalcospilos] Bronzeflecktaube {f}
emerald-spotted wood dove [Turtur chalcospilos] Bronzeflecktäubchen {n}
emerald-spotted wood dove [Turtur chalcospilos]Bronzeflügeltaube {f}
emerged aufgetaucht
emergence Emergenz {f}
emergence Erscheinung {f} [Auftauchen, Aufkommen]
emergence Auftauchen {n}
emergence Genese {f}
emergence Hervortreten {n}
emergenceAufkommen {n} [Entstehung]
emergence Entstehung {f}
emergence Entstehen {n}
emergence Aufgang {m} [Sterne]
emergence Hervorgang {m}
emergenceFulguration {f} [Emergenz] [nach Konrad Lorenz]
emergence [development]Herausbildung {f}
emergence [rise]Aufstieg {m}
emergence hole [beetles, insects]Flugloch {n} [Käfer, Insekten]
emergence hole [exit hole of an insect] Ausbohrloch {n} [Austrittsloch eines Insekts]
emergence into sth. [new era]Aufbruch {m} in etw.
emergence of lifeEntstehung {f} des Lebens
emergence philosophy Emergenzphilosophie {f}
emergencesErscheinungen {pl}
emergencies Notfälle {pl}
emergencies Überraschungen {pl}
emergency Notfall {m}
emergency Notlage {f}
emergency Notsituation {f}
emergencyDringlichkeit {f}
emergency Ernstfall {m}
emergency [attr.]notfallmäßig
emergency [attr.] [e.g. bridge] Behelfs- [z. B. Brücke]
emergency [attr.] [e.g. centre, drill, function, fund, measure, medicine]Notfall- [z. B. Zentrum, Übung, Funktion, Fonds, Maßnahme, Medizin]
emergency [attr.] [e.g. exit, operation, landing] Not- [z. B. Ausgang, Operation, Landung]
emergency [attr.] [e.g. reserves, stock] eisern [fig.] [unantastbar] [z. B. Reserven, Vorräte]
emergency accessNotzugang {m}
emergency accommodationNotunterkunft {f}
emergency accommodation Notfallunterkunft {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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