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emergency power supply system Notstromanlage {f}
emergency power supply unit <EPSU, emergency PSU> Notstromeinheit {f}
emergency power system Notstromsystem {n}
emergency power system Notstromanlage {f}
emergency power unit <EPU>Notstromeinheit {f}
emergency power unit <EPU> Notaggregat {n} [Notstromeinheit]
emergency powers {pl} Notstandsermächtigung {f}
emergency preparedness Notfallvorsorge {f}
emergency preparedness Notfallbereitschaft {f}
emergency preparedness and responseNotfallvorsorge und Gefahrenabwehr
emergency preparedness and responseNotfallvorsorge und -maßnahmen [veraltet]
emergency procedure Verfahren {n} im Notfall
emergency procedure Notverfahren {n}
emergency procedures Notverfahren {pl}
emergency procedures Notfallmaßnahmen {pl}
emergency programme [Br.] Sofortprogramm {n}
emergency protection Notfallschutz {m}
emergency protocol Notfallprotokoll {n}
emergency provisions Notration {f}
emergency psychiatryAkutpsychiatrie {f}
emergency psychiatryNotfallpsychiatrie {f}
emergency ration Noteinsatzverpflegung {f}
emergency rationsNotverpflegung {f}
emergency reactionNotfall-Reaktion {f}
emergency receiver Notempfänger {m}
emergency regulations {pl} Notverordnung {f}
emergency releaseNotentriegelung {f}
emergency release buttonNotauslöser {m}
emergency reliefNothilfe {f}
emergency reliefKatastrophenhilfe {f}
emergency reliefSoforthilfe {f}
emergency relief coordinatorNothilfe-Koordinator {m}
emergency relief coordinator Nothilfekoordinator {m}
emergency relief co-ordinator [esp. Br.] Nothilfekoordinator {m}
emergency relief coordinator [female]Nothilfekoordinatorin {f}
emergency repair disk <ERD> Notfalldiskette {f}
emergency rescue helicopter Rettungshubschrauber {m}
emergency reserveReserve {f} für den Notfall
emergency reserve Notreserve {f}
emergency responderErsthelfer {m}
emergency responseNotfallreaktion {f} [auch: Notfall-Reaktion]
emergency response Krisenreaktion {f}
emergency response Notmaßnahme {f}
emergency response Notfallmaßnahme {f}
emergency responseNotfalleinsatz {m}
emergency response Gefahrenabwehr {f}
emergency response Notfallschutz {m}
emergency response drillKatastrophenübung {f}
emergency response organizationEinsatzorganisation {f} [Organisationen im Sicherheitswesen]
emergency response plan Notfallplan {m}
emergency response staff Notfallstab {m}
emergency response systemRufhilfe-System {n} [auch: Rufhilfesystem] [Notrufsender + Basisstation]
emergency response team <ERT> Notfallteam {n}
emergency rest stop [Am.] Nothaltebucht {f}
emergency roadBehelfsstraße {f}
emergency roadside telephoneNotruftelefon {n} [am Straßenrand]
emergency room <ER> [Am.]Notaufnahme {f} [Station, Raum]
emergency room <ER> [Am.] Sanitätsraum {m}
emergency room <ER> [Am.]Unfallstation {f}
emergency room <ER> [Am.]Notfallambulanz {f}
emergency room <ER> [Am.] Notfallaufnahme {f}
emergency room doctor [Am.] Notfallarzt {m} [schweiz.] [in Krankenhaus, Ambulanz etc.]
emergency (room) physician [Am.]Unfallarzt {m}
emergency (room) physician [female] [Am.] Unfallärztin {f}
emergency rope Notauslösung {f} [für eisernen Vorhang]
emergency rule Ausnahmezustand {m}
emergency safe altitudeNotfallmindesthöhe {f}
emergency scenario Notfallszenario {n} [auch: Notfall-Szenario]
emergency sender Notsender {m}
emergency service Notdienst {m}
emergency service Notfalldienst {m}
emergency serviceHilfsdienst {m}
emergency serviceNotfallversorgung {f}
emergency serviceBereitschaftsdienst {m}
emergency servicesNotdienste {pl}
emergency services Rettungsdienste {pl}
emergency services Notrufträger {pl} <NRT>
emergency services {pl}Rettungswesen {n}
emergency services {pl}Notdienst {m}
emergency services {pl}Katastrophenschutz {m} [Organisation]
emergency services {pl}Einsatzorganisation {f} [Organisationen im Sicherheitswesen]
emergency session Krisensitzung {f}
emergency session Notfallsitzung {f}
emergency shelter Notunterkunft {f}
emergency shelterNotquartier {n}
emergency shelter for asylum seekersAsylnotunterkunft {f}
emergency shelter for asylum seekersNot-Asylzentrum {n}
emergency shelters Notunterkünfte {pl}
emergency shower Feuerlöschbrause {f}
emergency showerNotbrause {f}
emergency showerNotdusche {f}
emergency shutdown Not-Aus-Einrichtung {f}
emergency shut-down Schnellabschaltung {f} [Sicherheitstechnik]
emergency shutdown Notabschaltung {f} [von Maschinen, Anlagen, Systemen]
emergency shut-down Notabschaltung {f} [von Maschinen, Anlagen, Systemen]
emergency shutdownNot-Aus-
emergency sign Rettungszeichen {n}
emergency signal Notsignal {n}
emergency sitting [e.g. of a committee] Dringlichkeitssitzung {f}
emergency situation Ausnahmezustand {m}
« embremeremeremeremeremeremerEmeremigemisemis »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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