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emergency situation Notlage {f}
emergency situationNotsituation {f}
emergency situation Notfallsituation {f}
emergency slaughterNotschlachtung {f}
emergency solution Notlösung {f}
emergency special session Dringlichkeitssitzung {f}
emergency spillway Notüberlauf {m}
emergency splint behelfsmäßige Schiene {f}
emergency stablization Notfallstabilisierung {f}
emergency staircase Nottreppe {f}
emergency stairs {pl} Fluchttreppe {f}
emergency standby power system <ESPS>Netzersatzanlage {f} <NEA>
emergency standby system Netzersatzanlage {f} <NEA>
emergency startingStarthilfe {f}
emergency stash [coll.] Notreserve {f}
emergency stash [coll.]Notfallreserve {f}
emergency steps Notmaßnahmen {pl}
emergency stock Notvorrat {m}
emergency stockNotbevorratung {f} [Amtssprache] [Notvorrat]
emergency stopVollbremsung {f}
emergency stopNotaus {m} [Notschalter]
emergency stop Stillsetzen {n} im Notfall [seltener für: Not-Halt]
emergency stopNothalt {m}
emergency stop Not-Stop- [alt]
emergency stop Not-Stopp-
emergency stop Notstopp {m}
emergency stop [e.g. function, switch, button] [ANSI] Not-Halt {m} [z. B. Funktion, Schalter, Knopf] [ISO, EN]
emergency stop buttonNothaltknopf {m}
emergency stop buttonNot-Aus-Schalter {m}
emergency stop button Not-Aus-Taster {m}
emergency stop device <e-stop device>Einrichtung {f} zum Stillsetzen im Notfall
emergency stop equipmentNot-Aus-Einrichtung {f}
emergency stop functionNot-Aus-Funktion {f}
emergency stop switch Notausschalter {m} [ugs.]
emergency stop switchNothaltschalter {m}
emergency strategyNotfallstrategie {f}
emergency stretcherNotfalltrage {f}
emergency summit Dringlichkeitsgipfel {m}
emergency suppliesHilfslieferungen {pl}
emergency supplyNotvorrat {m}
emergency surgeonNotfallchirurg {m}
emergency surgeon [Am.] Unfallchirurg {m}
emergency surgeon [female] Notfallchirurgin {f}
emergency surgeon [female] [Am.]Unfallchirurgin {f}
emergency surgery Notfallchirurgie {f}
emergency surgery [Am.] [branch of medicine] Unfallchirurgie {f} [Teilgebiet der Chirurgie]
emergency surgery [operation]Notoperation {f}
emergency surgery [operation] Dringlichkeitsoperation {f}
emergency switch Notschalter {m}
emergency switching off Ausschalten {n} im Notfall [ugs.] [Not-Aus]
emergency switching off [function, switch, button for complete system] [ANSI]Not-Aus {m} [Funktion, Schalter, Knopf für Gesamtsystem] [ISO, EN]
emergency switch-over Notumschaltung {f}
emergency system Notsystem {n}
emergency system Notrufsystem {n}
emergency takeoverNotübernahme {f}
emergency talksKrisengespräche {pl}
emergency teamRettungsteam {n}
emergency telephone Notruftelefon {n}
emergency telephone number Notrufnummer {f}
emergency telephone number Notruf {m} [Nummer]
emergency telephone number [after plane crash etc.] Nummer {f} des Sondertelefons
emergency telephone number [for technical help] Hotlinenummer {f}
emergency telephone number [of individual]Nummer {f} für dringende Notfälle
emergency tiller Notpinne {f}
emergency timetable Notfahrplan {m}
emergency toolWerkzeug {n} für den Ernstfall
emergency tool kitNotfallkoffer {m} [Werkzeugkoffer]
emergency tourniquetNotfall-Tourniquet {n}
emergency transport unit [Star Trek]mobiler Notfalltransporter {m} [Star Trek]
emergency trauma roomSchockraum {m} [Krankenhaus]
emergency travel documents Reisedokumente {pl} in Notfällen
emergency treatment Notversorgung {f}
emergency treatmentNotfallbehandlung {f}
emergency tripNotabschaltung {f}
emergency tripping Notauslösung {f}
emergency trolley [medical cart on the ward]Notfallwagen {m} [auf der Station]
emergency tug Bergungsschlepper {m}
emergency tug Notfallschlepper {m}
emergency turn Ausweichmanöver {n}
emergency unit Notdienst {m}
emergency use authorisation [Br.] Notfallzulassung {f} [auch: Notfall-Zulassung]
emergency use authorizationNotfallzulassung {f} [auch: Notfall-Zulassung]
emergency vaccination Notimpfung {f}
emergency vehicle Noteinsatzfahrzeug {n}
emergency vehicleRettungsfahrzeug {n}
emergency vehicle Einsatzfahrzeug {n}
emergency vehicles only [road sign] Einsatzfahrzeuge frei [Verkehrsschild]
emergency ventilation Brandbelüftung {f}
emergency ventilation Brandlüftung {f}
emergency ventilation buttonNotentlüftungsknopf {m}
emergency walkwayNotgehweg {m}
emergency ward <EW> Unfallnotaufnahme {f}
emergency ward <EW>Unfallstation {f}
emergency (ward) <EW> Notaufnahmeabteilung {f}
emergency water landingNotwasserung {f}
emergency wellNotbrunnen {m}
emergency wheel Notrad {n}
emergency work {sg} Notfallarbeiten {pl}
emergency worker Rettungskraft {f}
[EMERGENCY road sign or sign over the entrance designed for use by ambulances] Liegendanfahrt {f} [Hinweisschild / Gebotsschild bei Einfahrt zum Klinik-Gelände]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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