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English-German Dictionary

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encephalitis lethargica <EL>europäische Schlafkrankheit {f} [Enzephalitis lethargica]
encephalitozoonosis Encephalitozoonose {f}
encephalization Enzephalisation {f}
encephalizationEnzephalisierung {f}
encephalization quotient Enzephalisationsquotient {m}
encephalo-arteriography Enzephaloarteriographie {f}
encephaloceleEnzephalozele {f}
encephalogramEnzephalogramm {n}
encephalographic enzephalografisch
encephalographical enzephalografisch
encephalographically enzephalografisch
encephalographyEnzephalographie {f}
encephalography Enzephalografie {f}
encephalomalacia <EM>Hirnerweichung {f}
encephalomalacia <EM> Enzephalomalazie {f}
encephalomyelitis <EM>Enzephalomyelitis {f} <EM>
encephalomyocarditis <EMC> Enzephalomyokarditis {f} <EMC>
encephalonEncephalon {n}
encephalon [brain] Gehirn {n}
encephalopathyEnzephalopathie {f}
encephalotrigeminal angiomatosisencephalotrigeminale Angiomatose {f}
enchained gefesselt
enchaining fesselnd
enchanted bezaubert
enchanted verzaubert
Enchanted [Kevin Lima] Verwünscht
Enchanted April [Mike Newell] Verzauberter April
enchanted castle Zauberschloss {n}
Enchanted Cornwall [Daphne du Maurier]Mein Cornwall
enchanted forest Zauberwald {m}
enchanted forestMärchenwald {m}
Enchanted Forest ™Sagaland ™
enchanted placeverwunschener Ort {m} [positiv]
enchantedly verzaubert [fasziniert]
enchanter Zauberer {m}
enchanter Charmeur {m}
enchanterVerzauberer {m}
enchanter Charmebolzen {m} [ugs.]
enchanter's nightshade [Circaea lutetiana] Großes Hexenkraut {n}
enchanter's nightshade [Circaea lutetiana] Gewöhnliches Hexenkraut {n}
enchanter's nightshade [Circaea lutetiana] Gemeines Hexenkraut {n}
enchanter's nightshade bug [Metatropis rufescens] Hexenkrautwanze {f}
enchanting amüsant
enchanting bezaubernd
enchanting entzückend
enchantingberückend [geh.]
enchanting hinreißend
enchanting liebreizend [veraltend] [geh.]
enchantingly bezaubernd
enchantingly entzückend
enchantingly zauberhaft
enchantingly berückend
enchantingly hinreißend
enchantment Bezauberung {f}
enchantmentVerzauberung {f}
enchantmentReiz {m}
enchantment Zauberei {f}
enchantmentZauber {m}
enchantmentEntzücken {n}
enchantments Verzauberungen {pl}
enchantressZauberin {f}
enchantress bezaubernde Frau {f}
enchantress Magierin {f}
enchantressesZauberinnen {pl}
enchilada Enchilada {f}
enchiridion Handbuch {n} [zu einem Thema]
enchiridion Leitfaden {m} [Buch]
enchiridion [literary] Enchiridion {n} [veraltet]
enchondromaEnchondrom {n}
enchondromatosisEnchondromatose {f}
Enchytraeidae [a family of microdrile oligochaetes]Enchyträen {pl}
encierro [Spanish bull-run]Encierro {m} [spanischer Stierlauf]
enciphering chiffrierend
enciphering verschlüsselnd
encipherment Verschlüsselung {f}
encircled eingekreist
encircled umschlossen
encircled by flames [postpos.] von Flammen umzingelt
encirclementUmzingelung {f}
encirclementEinkreisung {f}
encirclementEinschließung {f}
encirclement Einkesselung {f}
encirclement battleKesselschlacht {f}
encirclement battleUmfassungsschlacht {f}
encirclements Umzingelungen {pl}
encircling einkreisend
encircling Einkreisung {f}
encirclingrings um
encircling ring Einschließungsring {m}
encircling wallEinfriedung {f}
encircling wallUmmauerung {f}
enclave Enklave {f}
« emptemuaengaenamenamenceenclencoencoencuendc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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