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earth mother Erdmutter {f}
earth mother [sl.]Vollweib {n} [ugs.]
earth mound Erdwall {m}
earth moundErdaufschüttung {f}
earth movement Erdbewegung {f}
earth mover's distance <EMD> [Wasserstein metric] Wasserstein-Metrik {f} [auch: Wassersteinmetrik]
earth observation [also: Earth observation] Erdbeobachtung {f}
earth observation mission [also: Earth observation mission] Erdbeobachtungsmission {f}
earth observation satelliteErdbeobachtungssatellit {m}
Earth Observing System <EOS> Erdbeobachtungssystem {n} [NASA]
earth ovenErdofen {m}
Earth Overshoot Day Welterschöpfungstag {m}
Earth Overshoot Day <EOD> Erdüberlastungstag {m}
earth pillarErdpyramide {f}
earth pin [Br.] Erdungsstift {m}
earth pitchErdpech {n}
earth plate [Br.] [IEV number 604-04-10]Plattenerder {m} [IEC 60050]
earth plate [esp. Br.] Erdungsplatte {f}
earth plate [esp. Br.] Erdplatte {f}
earth potential Erdpotential {n}
earth pressure Erddruck {m}
earth pressure at rest Erdruhedruck {m}
earth pressure distribution Erddruckverteilung {f}
earth pyramids Erdpyramiden {pl}
Earth radiusErdradius {m}
earth rail [Br.]Erdungsschiene {f}
earth rammerErdstampfer {m} [Maschine]
earth rays <E-rays>Erdstrahlen {pl} <E-Strahlen>
earth receiving stationBodenstation {f}
earth resistanceErdwiderstand {m}
earth resistance Ausbreitungswiderstand {m} [Erdausbreitungswiderstand]
earth resistance [Br.]Erdungswiderstand {m}
earth resistance [Br.]Erdausbreitungswiderstand {m}
earth resistivity [esp. Br.] spezifischer Erdwiderstand {m} [Bodenwiderstand]
earth resistivity [esp. Br.] Bodenwiderstand {m}
earth resources technology satellite Erderkundungssatellit {m}
earth returnErdleitung {f}
earth road [Br.] unbefestigter Feldweg {m}
earth rod [Br.] [als: earthing rod]Erdungsstange {f} [auch: Erdungsstab]
earth rod [Br.] [IEV number 604-04-09] Staberder {m} [IEC 60050]
earth rollerAckerwalze {f}
earth satellite Erdsatellit {m}
earth scienceErdwissenschaft {f}
earth science Geowissenschaft {f}
earth sciences Geowissenschaften {pl}
Earth sciences [capitalization varies] Erdwissenschaften {pl} [bes. österr. / schweiz.]
earth scientistGeowissenschaftler {m}
earth scientistGeowissenschafter {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
earth scientist [female]Geowissenschaftlerin {f}
earth screw [Br.] Masseschraube {f}
earth sculpture Erdskulptur {f}
earth sign [Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn]Erdzeichen {n} [Stier, Jungfrau, Steinbock]
earth sleeve Erdungshülse {f}
earth smoke [Fumaria officinalis]Gewöhnlicher Erdrauch {m}
earth smoke [Fumaria officinalis] Gemeiner Erdrauch {m}
earth spirit Erdgeist {m}
Earth SpiritErdgeist [Tragödie in vier Aufzügen von Frank Wedekind]
earth stake Masse- / Erdungsspieß {m}
Earth Star Voyager [James Goldstone]Die Galaxis der Gesetzlosen
earth station Erdstation {f}
earth station Bodenstation {f}
earth strap [Br.] Erdungsband {n}
earth strap [Br.] Masseband {n}
earth strip Banderder {m}
Earth Summit [in Rio] Umweltgipfel {m}
earth switch [Br.]Erdungsschalter {m}
earth symbolMasse-Symbol {n}
earth symbol [Br.] Erdungssymbol {n}
earth systemErdsystem {n}
Earth system modelErdsystemmodell {n}
Earth system research Erdsystemforschung {f}
earth system scienceErdsystemwissenschaft {f}
earth terminal Masseklemme {f}
earth terminalMassepol {m}
earth terminal [Br.] Erdklemme {f}
earth terminal [esp. Br.] [IEC 60050] Erdanschlusspunkt {m} [IEC 60050]
earth termination system [Br.]Erdungsanlage {f}
earth testerErdungsmessgerät {n}
earth testingMasseprüfung {f}
earth thermometerErdbodenthermometer {n}
earth thermometer Erdboden-Thermometer {n}
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.
earth tones Erdtöne {pl}
earth tones [a color palette of browns, tans, warm grays, and greens] Erdfarben {pl}
earth tremorErdstoß {m}
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers [Fred F. Sears]Fliegende Untertassen greifen an
Earth vs. the Spider [Scott Ziehl] Spinnen des Todes
earth wallErdwall {m}
earth wallsErdwälle {pl}
earth wire [Br.]Erdleiter {m}
earth wire [Br.] Schutzleiter {m}
earth wire [Br.]Erdleitung {f}
earth wire [Br.] Erdungsleiter {m}
earth wire [Br.] Erdungsseil {n}
earth work [Am.]Bauarbeit {f}
earth year [also: Earth year] Erdjahr {n}
Earth: Final ConflictMission Erde – Sie sind unter uns
(earth) orbitErdumlaufbahn {f}
(earth) tremorsErdstöße {pl}
earthalmond [Cyperus esculentus] Erdmandel {f}
« earlearlearnearneartearteartEarteartearteasi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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