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« backPage 185 for words starting with E in the English-German dictionarynext page »
engine drive Motorantrieb {m}
engine driverMaschinist {m}
engine driverkuckuckMaschinist {m}
engine driver [Br.] Lokomotivführer {m}
engine driver [Br.] Lokführer {m}
engine drivers' strike [Br.]Lokführerstreik {m}
engine durability testMotordauerlauf {m}
engine efficiencyMotorwirkungsgrad {m}
engine encloser Motorkapsel {f}
engine encloser Geräuschkapsel {f} [im Motorraum]
engine exhaust (gas)Motorabgas {n}
engine facilities {pl} Bahnbetriebswerk {n}
engine facilities {pl} Betriebswerk {n}
engine facilities {pl} Lokomotivbetriebswerk {n}
engine factoryMotorenfabrik {f}
engine failureMotorschaden {m}
engine failure Triebwerksausfall {m}
engine failure Triebwerkausfall {m}
engine failure Motorenausfall {m}
engine failureMotorausfall {m}
engine failure Triebwerksstörung {f}
engine failure Motorpanne {f} [ugs.]
engine fault Maschinenfehler {m}
engine fire Triebwerksbrand {m}
engine fireMotorbrand {m}
engine fitter Maschinenschlosser {m}
engine flexibility Motorelastizität {f}
engine flywheelMotorschwungrad {n}
engine foundation Maschinenfundament {n}
engine frame Maschinenrahmen {m}
engine friction Reibungsleistung {f}
engine front cover Steuergehäusedeckel {m}
engine fuel Motorkraftstoff {m}
engine functionMotorfunktion {f}
engine gasketMotordichtung {f}
engine governor Motordrehzahlregler {m}
engine ground strap Motor-Masseband {n}
engine ground strap Motormasseband {n}
engine guard plate Motorschutzblech {n}
engine heat storage tank Wärmespeicher {m}
engine heat storage tankMotorwärmespeicher {m}
engine hoistMotorheber {m}
engine hoistWerkstattkran {m}
engine hoursMotorbetriebsstunden {pl}
engine identification number Motorkennnummer {f}
engine identification number Motor-Identifikationsnummer {f}
engine identification number Motornummer {f}
engine idle Leerlauf {m}
engine immobiliser [Br.] Wegfahrsperre {f}
engine immobilizer Wegfahrsperre {f}
engine inertiaMotorträgheit {f}
engine instrument and crew alert system <EICAS> (elektronisches) Flugkontroll- und Besatzungswarnsystem {n}
engine knock Klopfen {n} [Motor]
engine knock Zündungsklopfen {n} [Motor]
engine knockKlingeln {n} [Motor]
engine latheDrehmaschine {f}
engine latheDrehbank {f}
engine lifting device Motorheber {m}
engine lifting deviceWerkstattkran {m}
engine load Last {f} [Motor]
engine load Motorlast {f}
engine lubricating system Motorschmiersystem {n}
engine lubricating system Motorölkreislauf {m}
engine lubricationMotorschmierung {f}
engine lubrication systemMotorschmiersystem {n}
engine lubrication system Motorölkreislauf {m}
engine maker Motorenhersteller {m}
engine managementMotormanagement {n}
engine management system Motor-Management-System {n}
engine management system kombiniertes Zünd- und Einspritzsystem {n}
engine manufacturer Motorenhersteller {m}
engine manufacturer Triebwerkshersteller {m}
engine map Kennfeld {n} [Motor-Management]
engine minecart Motorlore {f}
engine modifications motorinterne Maßnahmen {pl}
engine modificationsmotorseitige Maßnahmen {pl}
engine mount Motorblock {m}
engine mountTriebwerksaufhängung {f}
engine mountMotoraufhängung {f}
engine mountMotorlagerung {f}
engine mountMotorbock {m}
engine mount Motorlager {n}
engine mountMotorhalterung {f}
engine mount damperMotor-Schwingungsdämpfer {m}
engine mount damper Motorschwingungsdämpfer {m}
engine mount systemTriebwerklagerung {f}
engine mounting Triebwerksaufhängung {f}
engine mountingMotoraufhängung {f}
engine mounting Motorlagerung {f}
engine mounting Motorlager {n}
engine mountings {pl} Motoraufhängung {f}
engine nacelle Triebwerksgondel {f}
engine nacelle Triebwerkgondel {f}
engine nacelleMotorgondel {f}
engine noiseMotorgeräusch {n}
engine noiseMotorengeräusch {n}
engine noise {sg} [aircraft] Triebwerksgeräusche {pl}
engine noise [loud and roaring]Motorenlärm {m}
engine of warKriegsmaschine {f}
engine oil Motoröl {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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