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English-German Dictionary

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engine preheaterMotorheizung {f} [ugs.]
engine pressure ratio indicator EPR-Anzeige {f}
engine pressure ratio indicatorliechkeit EPR-Anzeige {f}
engine producer Motorenhersteller {m}
engine production Motorenproduktion {f}
engine production lineMotorenfertigungslinie {f}
engine propulsion thrustTriebwerksschub {m} [Strahltriebwerk]
engine pulley coverKeilriemenabdeckung {f}
engine rangeMotorenpalette {f}
engine rating Leistungsangabe {f} (eines Motors)
engine rating Motorleistung {f}
engine remainder heat utilisation [Br.] Motorrestwärmeausnutzung {f}
engine repair Motorreparatur {f}
engine repair Maschinenreparatur {f}
engine replacement Remotorisierung {f}
engine retarderMotorbremse {f}
engine retarder Motorstaudruckbremse {f}
engine retarderAuspuffklappenbremse {f}
engine revolutionMotordrehzahl {f}
engine room Maschinenraum {m}
engine room telegraph Maschinentelegraph {m} [Rsv.]
engine rotor Triebwerksrotor {m} [Gasturbine]
engine run Motorenlauf {m}
engine runawayHochdrehen {n} des Motors
engine running speedMotordrehzahl {f}
engine run-on Nachdieseln {n} [eines Motors]
engine shaftMaschinenwelle {f}
engine shaftMotorwelle {f}
engine shed [Br.]Lokschuppen {m}
engine shed [Br.]Lokomotivschuppen {m}
engine shield Motorabschirmung {f}
engine shroudTriebwerksgehäuse {n}
engine size Hubraum {m}
engine sizingStoffleimung {f}
engine sizingMasseleimung {f}
engine specifications Motordaten {pl}
engine specificationsTriebwerksdaten {pl}
engine speedMotordrehzahl {f}
engine speed Drehzahl {f} [eines Motors]
engine speed Motorgeschwindigkeit {f}
engine speed governor mechanischer Drehzahlregler {m}
engine speed limiterMotordrehzahlbegrenzer {m}
engine speed limiterDrehzahlbegrenzer {m} eines Motors
engine speed rangeMotordrehzahlbereich {m}
engine speed sensor Drehzahlgeber {m}
engine speed sensor Motordrehzahlfühler {m}
engine sprocket Motorkettenrad {n}
engine stand Motorständer {m}
engine stand Motorbock {m}
engine starter Motoranlasser {m}
engine subframeMotorhilfsrahmen {m}
engine subframeMotorträger {m}
engine sump Motorölwanne {f}
engine sumpMotorölsumpf {m}
engine support Motoraufhängung {f}
engine support Motorlagerung {f}
engine suspensionMotorlagerung {f}
engine suspensionMotoraufhängung {f}
engine technology Motorentechnologie {f}
engine telegraphMaschinentelegraf {m} [im Schiff]
engine temperature gaugeMotortemperaturanzeige {f}
engine temperature sender Motortemperaturfühler {m}
engine temperature senderMotor-Temperaturfühler {m}
engine temperature sensor Motor-Temperaturfühler {m}
engine temperature sensorMotortemperaturfühler {m}
engine terminal Bahnbetriebswerk {n}
engine terminal Lokomotivbetriebswerk {n}
engine terminal Betriebswerk {n}
engine test bedMotorenprüfstand {m}
engine test benchMotorprüfstand {m}
engine tester Motortester {m}
engine thrust Triebwerksschub {m}
engine timing Motorsteuerung {f}
engine timingMotoreinstellung {f}
engine timing Ventilsteuerzeiten {pl}
engine timingSteuerzeiten {pl} [Motor]
engine torque Motordrehmoment {n}
engine torqueMotormoment {n}
engine tractive force Motorzugkraft {f}
engine transmission unitMotor-Getriebe-Einheit {f}
engine troubleMaschinenschaden {m}
engine trouble Motorschaden {m}
engine trouble Triebwerkstörung {f}
engine type Motortyp {m}
engine type and identification number Motorkennnummer {f}
engine type and identification number Motor-Identifikationsnummer {f}
engine type and identification numberMotornummer {f}
engine unit Antriebsaggregat {n}
engine valuesMotorkennwerte {pl}
engine valve timing Ventilsteuerzeiten {pl}
engine valve timingSteuerzeiten {pl} (der Ventile)
engine washMotorwäsche {f}
engine wiring harness Motorkabelbaum {m}
engine with direct injectionMotor {m} mit Direkteinspritzung
engine with direct injectiondirekteinspritzender Motor {m}
engine with direct injection DI-Motor {m}
engine with direct injectionDirekteinspritzer {m}
engine with four valves per cylinderVierventiler {m}
engine with four valves per cylinderMotor {m} mit vier Ventilen pro Zylinder
engine with fuel injection Einspritzmotor {m}
« enerenfoengaengiengiengiengiengiEnglEnglEngl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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