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« backPage 217 for words starting with E in the English-German dictionarynext page »
enzyme formation Enzymbildung {f}
enzyme function Enzymfunktion {f}
enzyme groupEnzymgruppe {f}
enzyme groups Enzymgruppen {pl}
enzyme histochemistry Enzymhistochemie {f}
enzyme immunoassay <EIA>Enzymimmunoassay {m} <EIA>
enzyme inductionEnzyminduktion {f}
enzyme inhibition Enzymhemmung {f}
enzyme inhibition Enzyminhibition {f}
enzyme inhibitor Enzymhemmstoff {m}
enzyme inhibitor Enzyminhibitor {m}
enzyme inhibitor Enzymhemmer {m}
enzyme kinetics Enzymkinetik {f}
enzyme mix Enzym-Mix {m}
enzyme pattern Enzymmuster {n}
enzyme polymorphismEnzympolymorphismus {m} [auch: Enzym-Polymorphismus]
enzyme precursor Enzymvorstufe {f}
enzyme production Enzymproduktion {f}
enzyme protein Enzymprotein {n}
enzyme reactionEnzymreaktion {f}
enzyme regulation Enzymregulation {f}
enzyme release Enzymfreisetzung {f}
enzyme repressionEnzymrepression {f}
enzyme sample Enzymprobe {f}
enzyme secretionEnzymsekretion {f}
enzyme sequenceEnzymsequenz {f}
enzyme structureEnzymstruktur {f}
enzyme substitutionEnzymsubstitution {f}
enzyme synthesisEnzymsynthese {f}
enzyme systemEnzymsystem {n}
enzyme technology Enzymtechnologie {f}
enzyme unit Enzymeinheit {f}
enzyme variantEnzymvariante {f}
enzyme-bound enzymgebunden
enzyme-catalysed [Br.]enzymkatalysiert
enzyme-catalysed oxidation [Br.] enzymkatalysierte Oxidation {f}
enzyme-catalysed reaction [Br.]enzymkatalysierte Reaktion {f}
enzyme-catalysed reactions [Br.] enzymkatalysierte Reaktionen {pl}
enzyme-catalyzed [Am.] enzymkatalysiert
enzyme-catalyzed [esp. Am.] enzymatisch katalysiert
enzyme-catalyzed oxidation [Am.] enzymkatalysierte Oxidation {f}
enzyme-catalyzed reaction [Am.] enzymkatalysierte Reaktion {f}
enzyme-catalyzed reactions [Am.] enzymkatalysierte Reaktionen {pl}
enzyme-coupled enzymgekoppelt
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay <ELISA> enzymgekoppelter Immunadsorptionstest {m}
enzymes Enzyme {pl}
enzymes Fermente {pl}
enzyme-substrate complex Enzym-Substrat-Komplex {m}
enzymic enzymatisch
enzymic reaction [enzymatic reaction] Enzymreaktion {f}
enzymically enzymatisch
enzymically catalyzed [spv.] enzymisch katalysiert
enzymological enzymologisch
enzymologically enzymologisch
enzymologist Enzymologe {m}
enzymologist Enzymforscher {m}
enzymologist [female] Enzymforscherin {f}
enzymology Enzymologie {f}
eo ipso [by that itself, by that fact alone] eo ipso [geh.]
Eoarchean Eoarchaikum {n}
Eocene Eozän {n}
Eocene eozän
eocrinoids [Eocrinoidea] [extinct] Eocrinoiden {pl}
eocrinoids [Eocrinoidea] [extinct]Ur-Seelilien {pl}
eolation [Am.] Winderosion {f} [äolische Erosion]
eolation [Am.] äolische Erosion {f}
eolian [Am.] äolisch
eolian corrasion [Am.] Sandschliff {m}
eoline [Am.] [rare] Äoline {f} [Orgelregister]
eolipile [Am.] [spv.] [aeolipile]Aeolipile {f}
eomesodermin Eomesodermin {n}
eon(sehr langer) Zeitraum {m}
eonWeltalter {n}
eonÄon {m}
eonWeltenzeitraum {m}
eons [Am.]Ewigkeiten {pl}
eons [spv.]Äonen {pl}
eons of timeÄonen {pl} der Zeit
EORI number [economic operators' registration and identification system] EORI-Nummer {f} [Nachfolger der Zollnummer (DE) auf EU-Ebene]
Eos Eos {f}
eosinEosin {n}
eosine [spv.]Eosin {n}
eosinophil eosinophil
eosinophil [Granulocytus eosinophilicus]Eosinophiler {m} [eosinophiler Granulozyt]
eosinophil granulocytes eosinophile Granulozyten {pl}
eosinophile [spv.] [Granulocytus eosinophilicus]Eosinophiler {m} [eosinophiler Granulozyt]
eosinophilia Eosinophilie {f}
eosinophilic eosinophil
eosinophilic granulocyte [Granulocytus eosinophilicus] eosinophiler Granulozyt {m}
eosinophilic granulocyteseosinophile Granulozyten {pl}
eosinophilic granuloma <EG> eosinophiles Granulom {n} <EG>
eosinophilic granuloma complex <EGC>eosinophiler Granulom-Komplex {m} <EGK>
eosinophilic granuloma complex <EGC>eosinophiler Granulomkomplex {m} <EGK>
eosinophilic inflammationeosinophile Entzündung {f}
eosinophilic leukaemia <EL> [Br.]eosinophile Leukämie {f} <EL>
eosinophilic leukemia <EL> [Am.]eosinophile Leukämie {f} <EL>
eosinophils Eosinophile {pl}
eosophobia Eosophobie {f}
« Envienvienvienvienvienzyeospepheepicepicepid »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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