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epic failure Riesenreinfall {m} [ugs.]
epic film Monumentalfilm {m}
epic film Filmepos {n}
epic morphism Epimorphismus {m}
Epic Movie [Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer] Fantastic Movie
Epic of EtanaEtana-Epos {n}
Epic of GilgameshGilgamesch-Epos {n}
epic poemHeldengedicht {n}
epic poemVersepos {n}
epic (poem)Epos {n}
epic (poem)Heldenlied {n}
epic poems Heldengedichte {pl}
epic poemsEpen {pl}
epic poet Epiker {m}
epic poetry Epik {f}
epic poetryHeldendichtung {f}
Epic theatre [Br.]episches Theater {n}
epic work Monumentalwerk {n}
epical episch
epically episch
epicalyx Epicalyx {m}
epicalyx Außenkelch {m}
epicanthal fold [epicanthus] Mongolenfalte {f} [veraltet] [Epikanthus]
epicanthic fold Mongolenfalte {f}
epicanthic foldEpikanthus-Falte {f}
epicanthic fold doppelte Lidfalte {f} [Epikanthus-Falte]
epicanthic foldEpikanthus medialis {f}
epicanthoplastyEpikanthoplastik {f}
epicanthus Mongolenfalte {f}
epicanthus [epicanthal fold]Epikanthus {m} [Mongolenfalte]
epicardia {pl}Epikardien {pl}
epicardial epikardial
epicardiumEpikard {n}
epicaricacy [archaic] [rare] [also: epicharicacy]Schadenfreude {f}
epicarp Epikarp {n}
epicatechinEpicatechin {n}
epicede Grabgesang {m}
epicediumGrabgesang {m}
epicene verweichlicht
epicene [belonging to both sexes]beiderlei Geschlechts [nachgestellt]
epicene [belonging to both sexes]für beide Geschlechter zutreffend [zu beiden Geschlechtern gehörend]
epicene [effeminate] unmännlich
epicene [effeminate] verweiblicht
epicene [having the characteristics of both sexes] beiden Geschlechtern zugehörig
epicene [of neither sex]geschlechtslos
epicene namegeschlechtsneutraler Name {m}
epicenter [Am.] Epizentrum {n}
epicenter [Am.] [focal point; often considered nonstandard in this sense]Mittelpunkt {m}
epicenter distance [Am.] Epizentralentfernung {f}
epicenters Mittelpunkte {pl}
epicentral distanceEntfernung {f} vom / zum Epizentrum
epicentre [Br.]Epizentrum {n}
epicentre [Br.] [focal point; often considered nonstandard in this sense]Mittelpunkt {m}
epicentre distance [Br.]Epizentralentfernung {f}
epicentrumEpizentrum {n}
epicercal epizerk
epicercal epicerk
epicerebral epicerebral
epichile Epichil {n}
epichile Vorderlippe {f} [Epichil]
epichlorohydrin <ECH> [C3H5ClO] Epichlorhydrin {n}
epichlorohydrin <ECH> [C3H5ClO] Epichlorohydrin {n} [selten]
epichordal epichordal
epicillin Epicillin {n}
epicist [epic poet] Epiker {m}
epiclesis Epiklese {f}
epicletic epikletisch
epicly [sl., also epically] hochgradig [ugs. in einem negativen Zusammenhang]
epicondyle [Epicondylus] Epikondylus {m}
epicondyle [Epicondylus] Epicondylus {m}
epicondyle [Epicondylus]Epikondyle {f}
epicondylitisEpikondylitis {f}
epicontinental epikontinental
epicontinental seaBinnenmeer {n}
epicormic epikormisch
epicormic branch Klebast {m}
epicormic shoot [water shoot]Wasserreis {n} [Wasserschoss, -trieb]
epicormic shoot [water shoot] Wasserschoss {m} [Wassertrieb, -reis]
epicotyl Epikotyl {n}
epicoxal Epicoxal-
epicranial epikranial
epicranial sutureEpicranialnaht {f}
epicranial suture Epikranialnaht {f}
epicranium Epikranium {n}
epicraniumKopfschwarte {f} [Haut, Aponeurose, Muskeln]
epicratonic epikratonisch
epicrisis Epikrise {f}
epicrisisSchlussbeurteilung {f}
epicritic epikritisch
epicritic sensibilitygnostische Sensibilität {f} [epikritische Sensibilität]
epicsEpen {pl}
epics {pl} [collectively]Epik {f}
Epictetus Epiktet {m}
epicureGenießer {m}
epicure Feinschmecker {m}
epicureGourmet {m}
epicurean genusssüchtig
epicurean Feinschmecker {m}
epicurean Gourmet {m}
« envienvienzyeonseperepicepicepidepigepilepip »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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