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epicycloid Epizykloide {f}
epideictic behavior [Am.] epideiktisches Verhalten {n}
epideictic behaviour [Br.] epideiktisches Verhalten {n}
epideictical epideiktisch
epideicticsEpideiktik {f}
epidemicEpidemie {f}
epidemicSeuche {f}
epidemic ansteckend
epidemic seuchenartig
epidemicKrankheitswelle {f}
epidemic controlSeuchenbekämpfung {f}
epidemic diseaseansteckende Krankheit {f}
epidemic eradication Seuchentilgung {f}
epidemic failureSerienfehler {m} [wiederkehrender Produktfehler]
epidemic of diarrhea [Am.] Durchfallepidemie {f}
epidemic of dysentery Ruhrepidemie {f}
epidemic of malariaMalariaepidemie {f}
epidemic parotitis Parotitis epidemica {f}
epidemic parotitis Mumps {m} [regional auch {f}]
epidemic parotitis [Parotitis epidemica, Salivitis epidemica]Rubula {f} [Mumps]
epidemic parotitis [Parotitis epidemica] Ziegenpeter {m} [ugs.]
epidemic plague Seuche {f}
epidemic plagues Seuchen {pl}
epidemic pleurodyniaepidemische Pleurodynie {f}
epidemic typhus Fleckfieber {n}
epidemic typhus Flecktyphus {m}
epidemical seuchenartig
epidemical epidemisch
epidemically epidemieartig
epidemicsEpidemien {pl}
epidemics Seuchen {pl}
epidemics controlSeuchenbekämpfung {f}
epidemiologic epidemiologisch
epidemiological examination [study]epidemiologische Untersuchung {f} [Studie]
epidemiological investigation epidemiologische Untersuchung {f}
epidemiological reporting systemepidemiologisches Meldesystem {n}
epidemiological situationepidemiologische Lage {f}
epidemiological studies epidemiologische Studien {pl}
epidemiologically epidemiologisch
epidemiologist Epidemiologe {m}
epidemiologist [female]Epidemiologin {f}
epidemiology Epidemiologie {f}
epidemiologySeuchenlehre {f}
epidemiology of infectious diseasesInfektionsepidemiologie {f}
epidermal epidermal
epidermal barrier functionepidermale Barrierefunktion {f}
epidermal canalEpidermiskanal {m}
epidermal cell Epidermiszelle {f}
epidermal cystEpidermalzyste {f}
epidermal cyst Epidermiszyste {f}
epidermal cysts Epidermalzysten {pl}
epidermal growth factor <EGF> Epidermalwachstumsfaktor {m} <EGF>
epidermal growth factor receptor <EGFR, EGF receptor> epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor {m} <EGFR, EGF-Rezeptor>
epidermal invaginationEpidermiseinstülpung {f}
epidermal layersEpidermisschichten {pl}
epidermal necrolysis <EN>epidermische Nekrolyse {f} <EN>
epidermal neuromast Epidermalneuromast {m}
epidermal papuleepidermale Papel {f}
epidermal proteins epidermale Proteine {pl}
epidermal scale [squama]Squama {f} [Hautschuppe]
epidermal tumor [Am.]epidermaler Tumor {m}
epidermal tumour [Br.] epidermaler Tumor {m}
epidermal wounds epidermale Wunden {pl}
epidermisEpidermis {f} [Oberhaut]
epidermisOberhaut {f}
epidermisAbschlussgewebe {n}
epidermitis Epidermitis {f}
epidermitis Epidermisentzündung {f}
epidermoid cyst <EC>Epidermoidzyste {f}
epidermolysis Epidermolysis {f}
epidermolysis Epidermolyse {f}
epidermolysis bullosa <EB> Schmetterlingskrankheit {f}
epidermolysis bullosa <EB> Epidermolysis bullosa {f} <EB>
epidermolysis bullosa simplex <EBS> Epidermolysis bullosa simplex {f} <EBS>
epidermolytic epidermolytisch
epidermolyticdie Epidermolysis betreffend
epidermolytic hyperkeratosis <EHK>epidermolytische Hyperkeratose {f} <EHK>
epidermomycosisEpidermomykose {f}
epidermophyton [causes e.g. Tinea cruris, athlete's foot] Epidermophyt {m} [krankheitserregender Hautpilz]
epidermophytosis Epidermophytie {f}
epidiascope Epidiaskop {n}
epididymal epididymal
epididymal Nebenhoden-
epididymal cystepididymale Zyste {f}
epididymal cystNebenhodenzyste {f}
epididymal duct [Ductus epididymidis]Nebenhodengang {m}
epididymal hypertension <EH> epididymale Hypertension {f}
epididymal tissueNebenhodengewebe {n}
epididymectomyEpididymektomie {f}
epididymectomyNebenhodenentfernung {f}
epididymidesNebenhoden {pl}
« envienzyeospepheepicepicepidepigepimepipepis »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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