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English-German Dictionary

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epiglottic carina [Carina epiglottica] Carina epiglottica {f}
epiglottic cartilage [Cartilago epiglottica] Kehldeckelknorpel {m}
epiglottis Kehldeckel {m}
epiglottis Epiglottis {f}
epiglottis stalk [Petiolus epiglottidis]Epiglottisstiel {m}
epiglottitis Epiglottitis {f}
epiglottitisKehldeckelentzündung {f}
epigon [spv.] Epigone {m} [Literatur, Kunst, etc.]
epigonationEpigonation {n}
epigone Epigone {m} [Literatur, Kunst, etc.]
epigone [imitator; female]Epigonin {f}
epigone [imitator] Epigone {m}
Epigoni [sons of the Seven against Thebes]Epigonen {pl}
epigonic [rare]epigonal
epigonism Epigonentum {n}
epigram Sinngedicht {n}
epigramSinnspruch {m}
epigram Epigramm {n}
epigramXenie {f}
epigrammatic epigrammatisch
epigrammatical epigrammatisch
epigrammatically epigrammatisch
epigrammatism Epigrammatik {f}
epigrammatism epigrammatischer Charakter {m}
epigrammatism epigrammatischer Stil {m}
epigrammatist Epigrammatiker {m}
epigramsSinngedichte {pl}
epigraph Inschrift {f}
epigraphEpigraf {n}
epigraph Sinnspruch {m}
epigraph [at beginning of book, chapter] Motto {n}
epigraph [inscription]Epigraph {n}
epigrapher Epigraphiker {m}
epigrapherEpigrafiker {m}
epigrapher [female] Epigraphikerin {f}
epigraphic inschriftlich
epigraphic material Inschriftenmaterial {n}
epigraphical epigraphisch
epigraphical epigrafisch
epigraphicsEpigraphik {f}
epigraphistEpigrafiker {m}
epigraphist Epigraphiker {m}
epigraphist [female]Epigrafikerin {f}
epigraphist [female]Epigraphikerin {f}
epigraphsInschriften {pl}
epigraphy Epigraphik {f} [Rsv.]
epigraphy Epigrafik {f}
epigraphy Inschriftenkunde {f}
epihymenium Epihymenium {n}
epi-illumination Auflicht {n}
epikeratophakia Epikeratophakie {f}
Epilam ® layerEpilamschicht {f} [Epilam ®]
epilamization Epilamisierung {f}
epilating wax Epilierwachs {n}
epilation Haarentfernung {f}
epilation Epilation {f}
epilatorEpiliergerät {n}
epilatorEpilierer {m} [ugs.] [Epiliergerät]
epilayerDepositionsschicht {f}
epilepsian [obs.]epileptisch
epilepsyEpilepsie {f}
epilepsy Fallsucht {f} [veraltet] [Epilepsie]
epilepsyKrampfleiden {n} [Epilepsie]
epilepsy helmet Epilepsiehelm {m}
epilepsy surgery Epilepsiechirurgie {f}
epileptic Epileptiker {m}
epileptic fallsüchtig [veraltet]
epileptic epileptisch
epileptic [female]Epileptikerin {f}
epileptic activityepileptische Aktivität {f}
epileptic cryInitialschrei {m} [Aufschreien im Beginn eines epileptischen Anfalls]
epileptic disorderepileptische Erkrankung {f}
epileptic disorderepileptische Krankheit {f}
epileptic encephalopathy <EE> epileptische Enzephalopathie {f} <EE>
epileptic fitepileptischer Anfall {m}
epileptic fit Epilepsieanfall {m} [selten]
epileptic seizure epileptischer Anfall {m}
epileptic seizures epileptische Anfälle {pl}
epileptic shock epileptischer Anfall {m}
epileptic-like epilepsieähnlich
epileptics Epileptiker {pl}
epileptiform epileptiform
epileptologistEpileptologe {m}
epileptologist [female]Epileptologin {f}
epileptology Epileptologie {f}
epilimnetic epilimnisch
epilimnial epilimnisch
epilimnic [rare] epilimnisch
epilimnionEpilimnion {n} [Gewässerkunde]
epilithic epilithisch
epilithonEpilithon {n}
epilithophyte [rare] [petrophyte]Epilithophyt {m}
epilittoral zone Epilitoral {n}
epilog [Am.] Epilog {m}
epilog [Am.]Nachwort {n}
« eonseperepicepicepidepigepilepipepisepisepit »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers