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English-German Dictionary

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epiphyllous epiphyllisch
epiphyseal epiphysär
epiphyseal die Epiphyse betreffend
epiphyseal dysplasia <ED>epiphysäre Dysplasie {f}
epiphyseal fractureEpiphysenfraktur {f}
epiphyseal fusion Schließen {n} der Wachstumsfuge [Epiphysenfuge]
epiphyseal fusion Epiphysenfugenschluss {m}
epiphyseal nucleus Epiphysenkern {m}
epiphyseal plate Epiphysenfuge {f}
epiphyseal plate [Lamina epiphysialis]Epiphysenplatte {f}
epiphysial [spv.] [esp. Am.] epiphysär
epiphysial plate [spv.] [Lamina epiphysialis]Epiphysenfuge {f}
epiphysiolysis Epiphysiolyse {f}
epiphysiolysisEpiphyseolyse {f}
epiphysiolysis Epiphysenlösung {f}
epiphysisEpiphyse {f}
epiphysisZirbeldrüse {f}
epiphysis [Cartilago epiphysialis]Knochenende {n} der Röhrenknochen
epiphysis [Cartilago epiphysialis] Knochenepiphyse {f}
epiphytal epiphytal
epiphyteEpiphyt {m}
epiphyte Aufsitzerpflanze {f}
epiphyte Epidermophyt {m}
epiphyte community Epiphytengemeinschaft {f}
epiphyte diversity Epiphytendiversität {f}
epiphyte floraEpiphytenflora {f}
epiphyte growth Epiphytenwachstum {n}
epiphyte layer Epiphytenschicht {f}
epiphyte speciesEpiphytenart {f}
epiphyte vegetationEpiphytenvegetation {f}
epiphytesEpiphyten {pl}
epiphytes Epidermophyten {pl}
epiphytesAufsitzerpflanzen {pl}
epiphytical epiphytisch
epiphytically epiphytisch
epiphytism Epiphytismus {m}
epiphytologyPflanzenkrankheitslehre {f}
epiphyton Epiphyton {n}
epipialepipial [auf der Pia mater (liegend)]
epiplasm Epiplasma {n}
epiploce Epiploke {f}
epiploic epiploisch
epiploitis Epiploitis {f}
epiploon Epiploon {n}
epipodEpipodit {m} {n}
epipodal [epipodial]epipodal [epipodial]
epipodite Epipodit {m} {n}
epipodiumEpipodium {n}
epipolar geometry Epipolargeometrie {f}
epipotamal Epipotamal {n}
epipotamal epipotamal
epipotamon Epipotamon {n}
epiproctEpiprokt {n}
epiproct Epiproct {n}
epipsammic epipsammisch
epipsammonEpipsammon {n}
epipubic bone [Os epipubis]Beutelknochen {m}
epipygus Epipygus {m}
epireliefEpirelief {n}
epiretinal epiretinal
epiretinal gliosis epiretinale Gliose {f}
epiretinal membrane epiretinale Membran {f}
epirhithral Epirhithral {n}
epirhithron Epirhithron {n}
epirostrum Epirostrum {n}
Epirrhoe molluginata [syn.: Euphyia molluginata] [moth of the Geometridae family]Hellgrauer Labkrautspanner {m}
epirubicin [C27H29NO11] Epirubicin {n}
Epirus minnow [Pelasgus epiroticus, syn.: Paraphoxinus epiroticus, Phoxinellus epiroticus, Pseudophoxinus epiroticus] Epirus-Elritze {f}
Epirus water frog [Pelophylax epeiroticus, syn.: P. epeirotica, Rana epeirotica] Epirus-Wasserfrosch {m}
Epirus water frog [Pelophylax epeiroticus, syn.: P. epeirotica, Rana epeirotica]Epirusfrosch {m}
episclera [Lamina episcleralis (sclerae)]Episklera {f}
episcleral [episcleralis] episkleral
episcleritis Episkleritis {f}
episcopacybischöfliche Verfassung {f}
episcopacyEpiskopat {m} [selten {n}] [Amt]
episcopal bischöflich <bfl.>
episcopalepiskopal <ep., epis., episk.>
episcopal capitularies Bischofskapitularien {pl}
episcopal church [cathedral]Bischofskirche {f}
Episcopal Church <TEC> [Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America]Episkopalkirche {f} der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
episcopal city Bischofsstadt {f}
episcopal collegeBischofskollegium {n}
episcopal conferenceBischofskonferenz {f}
episcopal consecrationBischofsweihe {f}
episcopal crozier Bischofsstab {m}
episcopal dignity Bischofswürde {f}
episcopal electionBischofswahl {f}
episcopal list Bischofsliste {f}
episcopal nomination Bischofsernennung {f}
episcopal office Episkopat {m} [selten {n}] [Amt]
episcopal officeBischofsamt {n}
episcopal palaceBischofspalast {m}
episcopal sealBischofssiegel {n}
episcopal seeBischofssitz {m}
episcopal structure [form of church polity based on bishops] Episkopalstruktur {f}
episcopal synodBischofssynode {f}
episcopal throne Bischofsstuhl {m}
« epicepicepidepigepilepipepisepisepitepocepul »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers