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epithelialization Epithelisierung {f}
epithelialization Epithelialisierung {f}
epithelially epithelial
epithelial-mesenchymal transition <EMT> epithelial-mesenchymale Transition {f} <EMT>
epitheliochorial epitheliochorial
epitheliochorial placentaepitheliochoriale Plazenta {f}
epitheliod epithelähnlich
epithelioid cell naevus [Br.] [Spitz nevus]Epitheloidzellnävus {m} [Spitz-Nävus]
epithelioid cell nevus [Am.] [Spitz nevus]Epitheloidzellnävus {m} [Spitz-Nävus]
epithelioid sarcoma Epitheloidsarkom {n}
epitheliomaEpitheliom {n}
epitheliomuscular cell Epithelmuskelzelle {f}
epithelisation [Br.]Epithelisierung {f}
epithelisation [Br.]Epithelisation {f}
epithelisation phase [Br.]Epithelisierungsphase {f}
epitheliumEpithel {n}
epithelium Epithelium {n}
epitheliums Epithele {pl}
epithelization Epithelisierung {f}
epithelizationEpithelisation {f}
epithelization phaseEpithelisierungsphase {f}
epitheloid Epitheloid {n}
epitheloid trophoblastic tumor <ETT> [Am.]epitheloider Trophoblasttumor {m} <ETT>
epithermal epithermal
epitheses Epithesen {pl}
epithesis Epithese {f}
epithetBeiwort {n}
epithetBeiname {m}
epithetEpitheton {n}
epithet [insulting name] Schimpfname {m}
epithetics Epithetik {f}
epitheton necessarium Epitheton {n} necessarium
epitheton ornans Epitheton {n} ornans
epithets Beiwörter {pl}
epithets Epitheta {pl}
epitoke Epitoke {f}
epitoky Epitokie {f}
epitomatorEpitomator {m}
epitomeAuszug {m}
epitome Inbegriff {m}
epitome Verkörperung {f} [Inbegriff]
epitome kurze Darstellung {f}
epitome Ausbund {m}
epitome Beispiel {n} par excellence
epitome Inbild {n} [geh.]
epitome Summarium {n} [veraltet] [Inbegriff]
epitome [brief summery, abstract] Abriss {m} [kurze Zusammenfassung]
epitome [brief summery, synopsis] Inhaltsangabe {f} [kurze Zusammenfassung]
epitome [of something bad] Ausgeburt {f} [pej.] [geh.] [Inbegriff]
epitome [summary of a written work; an abstract] Epitome {f} [Auszug aus einem Schriftwerk; wissenschaftlicher oder geschichtlicher Abriss]
epitome of sth. Inbegriff {m} etw. [Gen.]
epitome (of) Versinnbildlichung {f}
epitome (of)klassisches Beispiel {n}
epitomes Auszüge {pl}
epitomising verkörpernd
epitomized versinnbildlicht
epitomizing kurz darstellend
epitonic überanstrengt
epitopeEpitop {n}
epitope mapping Epitopkartierung {f}
epitopes Epitope {pl}
epitrachelionEpitrachelion {n}
epitriteEpitrit {m}
epitrochoid Epitrochoide {f}
epitympanic recess [Recessus epitympanicus]Kuppelraum {m}
epitympanum Epitympanon {n}
epitympanum Paukenkuppel {f}
epitype Epityp {m}
epitypeEpitypus {m}
epixylic epixylisch
epixylous epixylisch
epizeuxis Epizeuxis {f}
epizone Epizone {f}
epizoochorous epizoochor
epizoochoryEpichorie {f}
epizoochory Epizoochorie {f}
epizoochory Klebausbreitung {f} [von Pflanzensamen]
epizootic epizootisch
epizootic (disease) Tierseuche {f}
epizootic (disease) Viehseuche {f}
epizootic (disease)Epizootie {f}
epizootiology Veterinärepidemiologie {f}
epizootiology Epizootiologie {f}
epizooty Epizootie {f}
epizooty Tierseuche {f}
Epler GlacierEpler-Gletscher {m}
Epley maneuver [Am.] Epley-Manöver {n}
Epley manoeuvre [Br.]Epley-Manöver {n}
epochEpoche {f}
epoch Zeitraum {m} [Zeitalter]
« epigepilepipepisepisepitepocEpstequaequaequa »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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