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East Midlands Östliches Mittelengland {n}
East Nordic ostnordisch
east of östlich von
East Of Desolation [Jack Higgins] Eishölle
East of Eden [book: John Steinbeck, film: Elia Kazan] Jenseits von Eden
East of FranceOstfrankreich {n}
east of the Elbe [postpos.] ostelbisch
east of the Rhineostrheinisch
east of the Rhine (River) rechtsrheinisch <rrh.>
East of the River [Alfred E. Green] Zum Bösen verdammt
East Ore Mountains {pl}Osterzgebirge {n}
East Pacificostpazifisch
East Pacific red octopus [Octopus rubescens]Pazifischer Roter Krake {m} [ugs. auch Pazifische Rote Krake {f}]
East Pacific Rise Ostpazifischer Rücken {m}
East Pakistan [now Bangladesh]Ostpakistan {n} [heute Bangladesch]
east pediment Ostgiebel {m}
East Phrygianostphrygisch
East PrussiaOstpreußen {n}
East Prussian Ostpreuße {m}
East Prussian ostpreußisch
East Prussian [female]Ostpreußin {f}
East Quartzite Range East Quartzite Range {f}
east ridge Ostgrat {m}
East Roman Empire Oströmisches Reich {n}
East Rome [Byzantium] Ostrom {n}
East SaxoniaOstsachsen {n}
East Saxony Ostsachsen {n}
East Scandinavianostskandinavisch
East Sea [also Sea of Japan] Ostmeer {n} [auch Japanisches Meer]
East Siberian Sea Ostsibirische See {f}
East Sibirian fir [Abies nephrolepis, syn.: A. sibiriconephrolepis, A. koreana f. prostrata, A. sibirica var. nephrolepis]Ostsibirische Tanne {f}
East Sibirian fir [Abies nephrolepis, syn.: A. sibiriconephrolepis, A. koreana f. prostrata, A. sibirica var. nephrolepis] Mandschurische Tanne {f}
east sideOstseite {f}
east side östliche Seite {f}
east side of the Alps Ostseite {f} der Alpen [auch: Alpenostseite]
East Slavic ostslawisch
East SlavsOstslawen {pl}
east station Ostbahnhof {m}
East Sudan Ostsudan {m}
East Syrian ostsyrisch
East Tanzanian nocturnal tree snake [Dipsadoboa werneri] Osttansanische Nachtbaumnatter {f}
East ThuringiaOstthüringen {n}
East Timor <.tl, formerly .tp> Osttimor {n}
East Timoreseosttimorisch
East Timorese Osttimorer {m}
East Timorese [female] Osttimorerin {f}
east towerOstturm {m}
East TurkestanOstturkestan {n}
East Turkestanostturkestanisch
East Turkistan Ostturkestan {n}
East TyrolOsttirol {n}
East Tyrol Alps Osttiroler Alpen {pl}
east wall Ostwand {f} [Gebäude, Berg]
east wallOstmauer {f}
East, west - home's best. Osten, Westen - daheim am besten.
East, West [Salman Rushdie] Osten, Westen
East Westphalia Ostwestfalen {n}
East Westphalia-LippeOstwestfalen-Lippe {n}
East Westphalian ostwestfälisch
east windOstwind {m}
East Wind - West Wind [Pearl S. Buck] Ostwind - Westwind
east window Ostfenster {n}
east wingOstflügel {m}
(East) Indian swampweed / swamp weed [Hygrophila polysperma, syn.: Justicia polysperma] Indischer Wasserfreund {m}
(East) Javan langur [Trachypithecus auratus] Schwarzer Haubenlangur {m}
eastbound nach Osten gehend
eastbound in Richtung Osten [nachgestellt]
eastbound [leading towards the east]ostwärts führend
eastbound [travelling towards the east] ostwärts fahrend
east-coast / east coast akalat [Sheppardia gunningi, syn.: Erithacus gunningi] Blauflügelrötel {m} [auch: Blauflügel-Rötel]
Easter Ostern {n} [regional, österr., schweiz., in Wunschformeln: {pl}]
Easter Osterfest {n}
Easter [attr.] österlich
Easter [attr.]Oster-
easter [wind]Ostwind {m}
Easter basketOsternest {n}
Easter basket Osterkorb {m}
Easter bilby [Aus.] [bilby made of chocolate, an Australian alternative to the Easter Bunny]Osterbilby {m} [australische Alternative zum Osterhasen]
Easter blessingOstersegen {m}
Easter bonfire Osterfeuer {n}
Easter braid Osterzopf {m}
Easter bread Osterbrot {n}
Easter breakOsterurlaub {m}
Easter break {sg} Osterferien {pl}
Easter bunny [Br.] [also: Easter Bunny] Osterhase {m}
Easter cactus [Hatiora gaertneri, syn.: Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, Epiphyllopsis gaertneri, Schlumbergera gaertneri] Osterkaktus {m}
Easter cakeOsterfladen {m}
Easter calendar Osterkalender {m}
Easter candle Osterkerze {f}
Easter cardOsterkarte {f}
Easter celebrations Osterfeierlichkeiten {pl}
Easter cleaningOsterputz {m} [Reinemachen]
Easter contemplation Osterbesinnlichkeit {f}
Easter customOsterbrauch {m}
Easter customsOsterbräuche {pl}
Easter cycle Osterzyklus {m}
Easter Day Ostersonntag {m}
Easter Day Ostertag {m}
Easter decorations {pl}Osterschmuck {m}
« eartearteasieastEastEastEastEasteasteasteast »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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