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« backPage 244 for words starting with E in the English-German dictionarynext page »
eremophobia Eremophobie {f}
Erenik (River)Erenik {m}
erenow [archaic] vorher
erepsinErepsin {n}
erethism Erethismus {m}
erethistic erethisch
Eretrians Eretrier {pl}
ereuthophobiaEreuthophobie {f}
erewhile [archaic] ehemals
ereyesterday [obs.]vorgestern
ere-yesterday [obs.] vorgestern
Erft (River) Erft {f}
Erfurt Erfurt {n}
Erfurt latrine disasterErfurter Latrinensturz {m}
Erfurt Program [Am.]Erfurter Programm {n}
Erfurt Programme [Br.]Erfurter Programm {n}
Erfurter radish [Raphanus sativus subsp. niger var. niger; syn.: Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus](Schwarzer) Winterrettich / Winter-Rettich {m}
erg Erg {m} [Gebiet sich bewegender Sanddünen in der Sahara]
erg [coll.] [ergometer, rowing machine]Ergo {n} [ugs.] [Ruderergometer, Fahrradergometer]
erg [coll.] [ergometer, rowing machine] Ergometer {n} [Ruderergometer, Fahrradergometer]
erg <erg>Erg {n} <erg>
Erg Chebbi Erg {m} Chebbi
ergasiophobia Ergasiophobie {f}
ergasiophobiaArbeitsscheu {f}
ergasiophygophyte Ergasiophygophyt {m}
ergasiophygophytic ergasiophygophytisch
ergastoplasm Ergastoplasma {n}
ergative ergativ
ergative Ergativ {m}
ergative case Ergativ {m}
ergativityErgativität {f}
ergatoid ergatoid
Erginus Erginos {m}
ergo ergo
ergo demzufolge
ergoebendrum [ugs.] [ergo, folglich]
ergo [coll.] [ergometer, rowing machine] Ergo {n} [ugs.] [Ruderergometer]
ergocalciferolErgocalciferol {n}
ergocracyErgokratie {f}
ergodic ergodisch
ergodic hypothesis Ergodenhypothese {f}
ergodic theoremErgodensatz {m}
ergodic theoryErgodentheorie {f}
ergodicityErgodizität {f}
ergodynamograph Ergodynamograph {m}
ergodynamographErgodynamograf {m}
ergogram Ergogramm {n}
ergograph Ergograph {m}
ergographErgograf {m}
ER-Golgi networkER-Golgi-Netzwerk {n}
ergoline Ergolin {n}
ergology Ergologie {f}
ergomania Ergomanie {f}
ergomaniaBeschäftigungsdrang {m}
ergometer Ergometer {n}
ergometer [rowing machine] Ruderergometer {n}
ergometrical ergometrisch
ergometrically ergometrisch
ergometryErgometrie {f}
ergonomic designergonomische Gestaltung {f}
ergonomic design ergonomisches Design {n}
ergonomic findings arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse {pl}
ergonomic findings ergonomische Erkenntnisse {pl}
ergonomic handleergonomische Griffform {f}
ergonomic handle ergonomischer Griff {m}
ergonomic keyboardergonomische Tastatur {f}
ergonomic office chair ergonomischer Bürostuhl {m}
ergonomic prerequisitesergonomische Voraussetzungen {pl}
ergonomic principle ergonomischer Grundsatz {m}
ergonomic product design ergonomische Produktgestaltung {f}
ergonomical ergonomisch
ergonomically ergonomisch
ergonomically / anatomically shaped casingergonomische Gehäuseform {f}
ergonomicsErgonomie {f}
ergonomics [treated as sg.] Arbeitswissenschaft {f}
ergonomics [treated as sg.] Arbeitswissenschaften {pl}
ergonomics administrator Beauftragter {m} für (die ergonomische) Arbeitsplatzgestaltung
ergonomistErgonomiker {m}
ergonomist Arbeitswissenschaftler {m}
ergonomistErgonom {m}
ergonomist [female] Ergonomin {f}
ergonomist [female]Arbeitswissenschaftlerin {f}
ergophobia Angst {f} vor Arbeit [Ergophobie]
ergophobiaErgophobie {f}
ergophobia Arbeitsplatzphobie {f}
ergoreceptor Ergorezeptor {m}
ergospirometry Ergospirometrie {f}
ergosterol Ergosterin {n}
ergosterol Ergosterol {n}
ergosterol contentErgosterolgehalt {m}
ergosterol content Ergosteringehalt {m}
ergot Mutterkorn {n}
ergot Sporn {m}
ergot alkaloid Ergotalkaloid {n}
« equiequiequierasereceremergoErmaeroserraerro »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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