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« backPage 245 for words starting with E in the English-German dictionarynext page »
erodibility Erodibilität {f}
erodible erodierbar
eroding ausfressend
eroding zerfressend
eroding machine Erodiermaschine {f}
erogenous erogen
erogenous tissueerogenes Gewebe {n}
erogenous zone erogene Zone {f}
Eroica [Beethoven's Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, Op. 55] Eroica {f} [L. v. Beethoven, Symphonie Nr. 3 in Es-dur, op. 55]
Eros Eros {m}
eros Eros {m}
Eros blue [Polyommatus eros] [butterfly]Eros-Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
erosion Erosion {f}
erosionAushöhlung {f}
erosionAbtrag {m}
erosionAbtragung {f}
erosion Auswaschung {f}
erosion Ausnagung {f} [Erosion]
erosion areaErosionsfläche {f}
erosion chamber Erosionskammer {f}
erosion channel Erosionsrinne {f}
erosion channel Erosionskanal {m}
erosion controlErosionsschutz {m}
erosion corrosionErosionskorrosion {f}
erosion cycle Erosionszyklus {m}
erosion damage {sg} Erosionsschäden {pl}
erosion depthErosionstiefe {f}
erosion dynamics [treated as sg.] Erosionsdynamik {f}
erosion hazardErosionsgefahr {f}
erosion map Erosionskarte {f}
erosion map Ausnagungskarte {f}
erosion problemErosionsproblem {n}
erosion problems Erosionsprobleme {pl}
erosion processErosionsprozess {m}
erosion process Erosionsvorgang {m}
erosion profileErosionsprofil {n}
erosion rate Erosionsrate {f}
erosion riskErosionsgefahr {f}
erosion risk Erosionsrisiko {n}
erosion velocityErosionsgeschwindigkeit {f}
(erosion) gullyErosionsrinne {f}
erosional erosiv [durch Erosion entstanden]
erosion-proof abtragungsbeständig
erosion-proof ausnagungsbeständig
erosion-proof ausnagungssicher
erosion-proof abtragungssicher
erosion-proof erosionssicher
erosion-proof erosionsbeständig
erosion-resistant abtragungsbeständig
erosion-resistant ausnagungsbeständig
erosion-resistant ausnagungssicher
erosion-resistant erosionssicher
erosion-resistant erosionsbeständig
erosions Erosionen {pl}
erosive erodierend
erosive [effect of acid, etc.] ätzend
erosive [effect of water, wind, etc.] abtragend
erosive cotyloiditis [Cotyloiditis erosiva] Cotyloiditis erosiva {f}
erosive force Erosionskraft {f}
erosive forceserodierende Kräfte {pl}
erosive gastritis Magenschleimhauterosion {f}
erosive velocityErosionsgeschwindigkeit {f}
(erosive) burning (erosiver) Abbrand {m}
erosivity Erosivität {f}
erostrate ungeschnäbelt
erostrate schnabellos
erotic erotisch
erotic sinnlich [erotisch]
erotic art (die) erotische Kunst {f}
erotic asphyxiation <EA> Atemkontrolle {f} [Sexualpraktik]
erotic dancer [female] Erotiktänzerin {f}
erotic dancer [male]Erotiktänzer {m}
erotic dictionaryErotikwörterbuch {n}
erotic fetishismsexueller Fetischismus {m}
erotic filmErotikfilm {m}
erotic film erotischer Film {m}
erotic flick [coll.] Erotikfilm {m}
erotic jealousy syndrome [Othello syndrome]Eifersuchtswahn {m} [Othello-Syndrom, psychotische Eifersucht]
erotic magazineErotikmagazin {n}
erotic movie Erotikfilm {m}
erotic shop Erotikshop {m}
erotic shopEroticshop {m} [Rsv.]
erotic thriller Erotikthriller {m}
(erotic) spanking Spanking {n} [Sexualpraktik]
(erotic) zoophiliaZoophilia erotica {f} [geschlechtliche Erregung durch Liebkosen von Tieren]
eroticaErotika {pl}
erotica [treated as sg. or pl.] die erotische Kunst {f}
erotically erotisch
erotically charged erotisch geladen
eroticisation [Br.] Erotisierung {f}
eroticised [Br.] erotisiert
eroticising [Br.]erotisierend
eroticism Erotik {f}
eroticist Erotiker {m}
eroticization Sexualisierung {f}
« equieraserecergaEriceroderoterroerroerroerst »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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