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English-German Dictionary

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Easter Day Ostersonntag {m}
Easter Day Ostertag {m}
Easter decorations {pl}Osterschmuck {m}
Easter dramaOsterspiel {n}
Easter egg Osterei {n}
Easter egg [hidden feature in video games, computer programs, etc.] Easter Egg {n} [verborgenes Feature in Medien oder Programmen]
Easter egg hunt Ostereiersuchen {n}
Easter egg huntOstereiersuche {f}
Easter egg huntOstereierjagd {f}
Easter egg rollOstereierschieben {n}
Easter eggs Ostereier {pl}
Easter event Ostergeschehen {n}
Easter excursionOsterfahrt {f}
Easter experience Ostererfahrung {f}
Easter fair [also: Easter Fair]Ostermesse {f}
Easter feast Osterschmaus {m}
Easter feast Osterfest {n}
Easter festivalOsterfest {n}
Easter fire Osterfeuer {n}
Easter flower [Erythrina variegata, syn.: E. indica, E. variegata var. orientalis] Indischer Korallenbaum {m}
Easter fountain Osterbrunnen {m}
Easter full moon Ostervollmond {m}
Easter gift Ostergeschenk {n}
Easter greeting Ostergruß {m}
Easter greetings Ostergrüße {pl}
Easter hamOsterschinken {m}
Easter hare Osterhase {m}
Easter holiday Osterurlaub {m}
Easter holidays Osterferien {pl}
Easter holidays Osterfeiertage {pl}
Easter holidays {pl} Osterurlaub {m}
Easter IslandOsterinsel {f}
Easter Island butterflyfish [Chaetodon litus]Osterinsel-Falterfisch {m}
Easter kerygma Osterkerygma {n}
Easter lamb Osterlamm {n}
Easter lightOsterlicht {n}
Easter lily [Amaryllis belladonna] Belladonna-Lilie / Belladonnalilie {f}
Easter lily [Amaryllis belladonna]Echte Amaryllis {f}
Easter lily [Hippeastrum puniceum, syn.: Amaryllis punicea]Barbados-Ritterstern {m}
Easter lily [Lilium lancifolium, syn.: L. tigrinum, L. lancifolium var. fortunei]Tiger-Lilie / Tigerlilie {f}
Easter lily [Lilium longiflorum, also L. longiflorum var. eximium]Oster-Lilie / Osterlilie {f}
Easter lily [Lilium longiflorum, also L. longiflorum var. eximium]Langblütige Lilie {f}
Easter lily [Lilium longiflorum]Bermuda-Lilie {f}
Easter lily [Zantedeschia aethiopica, syn.: Arodes aethiopicum, Calla aethiopica, Richardia aethiopica] (Gewöhnliche) Calla {f} [Rsv.: (Gewöhnliche) Kalla]
Easter lily [Zantedeschia aethiopica]Zimmercalla {f}
Easter lily [Zantedeschia aethiopica] Gewöhnliche Calla {f}
Easter liturgy Osterliturgie {f}
Easter march Ostermarsch {m}
Easter March movementOstermarschbewegung {f}
Easter massOstermesse {f}
Easter mealOstermahl {n}
Easter message Osterbotschaft {f}
Easter Monday Ostermontag {m}
Easter Monday processionOstermontagsprozession {f}
Easter morning / morn Ostermorgen {m}
Easter mysteryOstergeheimnis {n}
Easter Parade [Charles Walters] Osterspaziergang
Easter (Passion) playOsterspiel {n}
Easter plait [Br.] Osterzopf {m}
Easter postcard Osterpostkarte {f}
Easter preparationsOstervorbereitungen {pl}
Easter rabbit Osterhase {m}
Easter recess {sg} Osterferien {pl}
Easter riding procession Osterreiten {n} [Prozession]
Easter Rising Osteraufstand {m} [Irland, 1916]
Easter rose [Helleborus niger] Christblume {f}
Easter rose [Helleborus niger] Schwarze Nieswurz {f}
Easter rose [Helleborus niger]Winterrose {f}
Easter rose [Helleborus niger] Schneerose {f}
Easter rose [Helleborus niger] Weihnachtsrose {f}
Easter sale [selling of goods at bargain prices] Ostersonderverkauf {m}
Easter sales {pl} [gross receipts]Ostergeschäft {n}
Easter Saturday [Saturday following the Christian festival of Easter] Ostersamstag {m} [Samstag nach Ostern]
Easter season Osterfestkreis {m}
Easter sequence [Victimae paschali laudes]Ostersequenz {f}
Easter sermonOsterpredigt {f}
Easter service Ostergottesdienst {m}
Easter stickers Osteraufkleber {pl}
Easter SundayOstersonntag {m}
Easter tablesOstertafeln {pl}
Easter time Osterzeit {f}
Easter tourismOstertourismus {m}
Easter tradition Ostertradition {f}
Easter traffic forecastOsterstauprognose {f}
Easter traffic jamOsterstau {m}
Easter twist (bread) Osterzopf {m}
Easter vacationOsterurlaub {m}
Easter vacation {sg}Osterferien {pl}
Easter vigilOsternacht {f}
Easter vigil liturgy Osternachtliturgie {f}
Easter walk Osterspaziergang {m}
Easter week Osterwoche {f}
Easter weekend Osterwochenende {n}
Easter well [archaic] Osterbrunnen {m}
Easter wheel run [German Easter tradition]Osterräderlauf {m}
Easter whip [in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and some parts of Hungary] [Easter custom]Osterrute {f} [Osterbrauch]
Easter with snow Ostern {n} mit Schnee
[Easter rattle] Osterratsche {f} [südd.] [österr.]
Easter-bell / Easter bell [Stellaria holostea] Großblütige Sternmiere {f}
Easter-bell / Easter bell [Stellaria holostea]Große Sternmiere {f}
« earteasieasteastEastEastEasteasteasteasteast »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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