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Easter-bell / Easter bell [Stellaria holostea] Echte Sternmiere {f}
Easter-bell starwort [Stellaria holostea]Große Sternmiere {f}
Easter-bell starwort [Stellaria holostea] Echte Sternmiere {f}
Easter-bell starwort [Stellaria holostea]Großblütige Sternmiere {f}
Easter-ledges [Bistorta officinalis, syn.: Persicaria bistorta, Polygonum bistorta, Bistorta major] Natterwurz {f}
Easter-ledges / Easter ledges [Bistorta officinalis, syn.: Persicaria bistorta, Polygonum bistorta, Bistorta major]Otterwurz {f}
easterliesOstwinde {pl}
Easterlin paradoxEasterlin-Paradox {n}
Easterlings [in J. R. R. Tolkien's works] Ostlinge {pl}
easterlyOstwind {m}
easterly trough Ostwindtrog {m}
easterly waveöstliche Welle {f}
easterly wave tropische Welle {f}
easterly wind Ostwind {m}
eastern östlich
eastern [race term of nazism]ostisch [Begriff der nationalsozialistischen Rasseideologie]
Eastern / eastern Slavic ostslavisch [Rsv.]
(Eastern / Northern) red-backed salamander [Plethodon cinereus]Rotrücken-Waldsalamander {m}
eastern akalat [Sheppardia gunningi, syn.: Erithacus gunningi] Blauflügelrötel {m} [auch: Blauflügel-Rötel]
eastern alchymist [Aedia leucomelas, syn.: Anophia leucomelas] [moth] Süßkartoffel-Eulenfalter / Süßkartoffeleulenfalter {m}
eastern alchymist [Aedia leucomelas, syn.: Anophia leucomelas] [moth] Leucomelaseule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
eastern Alpine area Ostalpenraum {m}
eastern alpine mannikin [Lonchura monticola]Bergschilffink {m}
eastern alpine mannikin [Lonchura monticola]Bergnonne {f} [Prachtfinkenart]
eastern alpine munia [Lonchura monticola] Bergschilffink {m}
eastern alpine munia [Lonchura monticola] Bergnonne {f} [Prachtfinkenart]
eastern alpine regions östliche Alpengebiete {pl}
Eastern AlpsOstalpen {pl}
Eastern American chipmunk [Tamias striatus] Östlicher Chipmunk {m}
Eastern American chipmunk [Tamias striatus] Streifen-Backenhörnchen {n}
Eastern AnatoliaOstanatolien {n}
eastern anchusa [Anchusa aegyptiaca] Ägyptische Ochsenzunge {f}
eastern apse Ostapsis {f}
eastern arborvitae [Thuja occidentalis]Abendländischer Lebensbaum {m}
eastern arborvitae [Thuja occidentalis]Abendländische Thuja {f}
eastern arborvitae [Thuja occidentalis] Gewöhnliche Thuja {f}
Eastern Armenia Ostarmenien {n}
Eastern Armenia Kaukasisch-Armenien {n}
Eastern Armenian [language]Ostarmenisch {n} [Sprache]
Eastern Asia Ostasien {n}
Eastern Atlantic Ostatlantik {m}
Eastern Atlantic arrow crab [Stenorhynchus lanceolatus, syn.: Leptopodia canariensis, L. lanceolatus, Pactolus boscii]Atlantische Spinnenkrabbe {f}
Eastern Australian angelshark [Squatina albipunctata] Östlicher Engelhai {m}
eastern avahi [Avahi laniger] Östlicher Wollmaki {m}
eastern balsam-poplar [Populus balsamifera (subsp. balsamifera), syn.: Populus tacamahaca, P. candicans] Balsampappel / Balsam-Pappel {f}
eastern banded catshark [Atelomycterus marnkalha] Östlicher Gestreifter Katzenhai {m}
eastern banded grasshopper [Arcyptera microptera]Kleine Höckerschrecke {f}
eastern banjo frog [Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii and Limnodynastes dumerilii grayi] Östlicher Banjo-Frosch {m}
eastern bankOstufer {n}
eastern barbastelle [Barbastella leucomelas]Östliche Mopsfledermaus {f}
eastern barred bandicoot [Perameles gunnii]Tasmanischer Langnasenbeutler {m}
eastern barred owlet [Glaucidium scheffleri]Schefflerkauz {m}
eastern Bath white [Pontia edusa]Resedafalter {m}
eastern baton blue [Pseudophilotes vicrama] [butterfly]Östlicher Quendelbläuling {m} [Tagfalter]
Eastern Bavaria Ostbayern {n}
eastern beaded chiton [Chaetopleura apiculata, syn.: Chiton apiculatus]Chaetopleura apiculata {f} [Maritime Käferschneckenart]
eastern bearded dragon [Pogona barbata] Östliche Bartagame {f}
eastern bearded robin [Cercotrichas quadrivirgata, syn.: Erythorpygia quadrivirgata, Erythropygia quadrivirgata]Streifenkopf-Heckensänger {m}
eastern bearded robin [Cercotrichas quadrivirgata, syn.: Erythorpygia quadrivirgata, Erythropygia quadrivirgata] Brauner Bartheckensänger {m} [auch: Brauner Bart-Heckensänger]
eastern bearded scrub robin [Cercotrichas quadrivirgata]Streifenkopf-Heckensänger {m}
eastern bearded scrub-robin / scrub robin [Cercotrichas quadrivirgata, syn.: Erythorpygia quadrivirgata, Erythropygia quadrivirgata] Brauner Bartheckensänger {m} [auch: Brauner Bart-Heckensänger]
eastern bent-toed gecko [Cyrtodactylus intermedius] Kleiner Bogenfingergecko {m}
eastern bent-toed gecko [Cyrtodactylus intermedius] Zimtfarbener Bogenfinger {m}
eastern bettong [Bettongia gaimardi] Festlandbürstenkänguru {n}
eastern bettong [Bettongia gaimardi] Tasmanienbürstenkänguru {n}
eastern black bear [Ursus americanus americanus] Östlicher Baribal {m}
eastern black crested gibbon [Nomascus nasutus] Östlicher Schwarzer Schopfgibbon {m}
eastern black currant [Ribes americanum] Kanadische Johannisbeere {f}
eastern black rhinoceros [Diceros bicornis michaeli] Ostafrikanisches Spitzmaulnashorn {n}
eastern black walnut [Juglans nigra]Schwarznussbaum {m}
eastern black-and-white colobus [Colobus guereza] Mantelaffe {m} [Guereza]
eastern black-and-white colobus [Colobus guereza] Guereza {m} [Mantelaffe]
eastern black-eared wheatear [Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca] Balkansteinschmätzer {m}
eastern blackneck garter snake [Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus] Östliche Schwarznacken-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
eastern blackneck garter snake [Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus]Östliche Gefleckte Strumpfbandnatter {f}
eastern black-necked garter snake [Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus] Östliche Schwarznacken-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
eastern black-tailed godwit [Limosa limosa melanuroides] Sibirische Uferschnepfe {f}
eastern bleeding-heart [Dicentra eximia, syn.: Fumaria eximia] Zwerg-Herzblume {f} [auch: Zwergherzblume]
eastern bleeding-heart [Dicentra eximia, syn.: Fumaria eximia] Farn-Herzblume {f} [auch: Farnherzblume]
eastern blight of filbert [Anisogramma anomala, syn.: Apioporthe anomala, Cryptosporella anomala] Östliche Haselnusstrockenfäule {f} [Schadpilz]
Eastern bloc Ostblock {m}
Eastern bloc countries Ostblockstaaten {pl}
Eastern bloc countries Ostblockländer {pl}
Eastern Bloc spy Ostspion {m}
Eastern bloc statesOstblockstaaten {pl}
eastern blue devil [Paraplesiops bleekeri, syn.: Plesiops bleekeri]Bleekers Mirakelbarsch {m}
eastern blue groper [Aus.] [Achoerodus viridis] Eastern Blue Groper {m} [östliche Art des Riesenlippfisches, Australien]
eastern bluebird [Sialia sialis] Rotkehlhüttensänger {m}
eastern bluebird [Sialia sialis]Rotkehl-Hüttensänger {m}
eastern bluetongue [Tiliqua scincoides scincoides]Östlicher Blauzungenskink {m}
eastern blue-tongued lizard [Tiliqua scincoides scincoides] Östlicher Blauzungenskink {m}
eastern blue-tongued skink [Tiliqua scincoides scincoides]Östlicher Blauzungenskink {m}
eastern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus] Virginiawachtel {f}
eastern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus]Virginische Baumwachtel {f}
eastern Bonelli's warbler [Phylloscopus orientalis] Balkanlaubsänger {m}
eastern bongo [Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci] Östlicher Bongo {m} [Antilope]
eastern bongo [Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci]Kenia-Bongo {m} [Antilope]
eastern borderOstgrenze {f}
« easieasteastEastEastEasteasteasteasteasteast »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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