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Essex emerald [Thetidia smaragdaria, syn.: Antonechloris smaragdaria, Euchloris smaragdaria] [moth]Smaragdspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Essex emerald [Thetidia smaragdaria, syn.: Antonechloris smaragdaria, Euchloris smaragdaria] [moth]Smaragdgrüner Schafgarbenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Essex emerald [Thetidia smaragdaria] [moth]Smaragd-Grünspanner {m}
Essex skipper [Thymelicus lineola]Schwarzkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter {m}
Essex skipper [Thymelicus lineola]Schwarzkolbiger Braundickkopf {m}
Essex skipper [Thymelicus lineola] Schwarzkolbiger Dickkopffalter {m}
Essex skipper [Thymelicus lineola]Gestrichelter Braundickkopffalter {m}
Essex skipper [Thymelicus lineola] Frischrasen-Dickkopf {m}
essexite Essexit {m}
Essex-Lopresti fractureEssex-Lopresti-Fraktur {f}
essive case <ESS> Essiv {m} [Kasus in den finno-ugrischen Sprachen]
Esslingen am NeckarEsslingen {n} am Neckar [vor 1964: Eßlingen am Neckar]
established bewährt
established festgeschrieben
established eingerichtet
established eingesessen
establishedgefestigt [Tradition, Verhältnisse]
establishedausgewiesen [gewährleistet]
establishedbegründet [gegründet]
established [word, phrase]gängig
established [ascertained] festgestellt
established [built, constituted] errichtet
established [existing] bestehend
established [fact, right] verbürgt [Tatsache, Recht]
established [introduced, well-established] eingeführt
established [not doubtful] feststehend [Tatsache etc.]
established [shop etc.] niedergelassen
established [traditional]althergebracht
established [well-founded] fundiert
established [well-known] bekannt
established <est., estab.> gegründet <gegr.>
established by law [postpos.] gesetzlich verankert
established cell surface markers etablierte Oberflächenmarker {pl}
established church Staatskirche {f}
established claim festgestellte Forderung {f}
established clienteleKundenstamm {m}
established factfeststehende Tatsache {f}
established fact verbürgte Tatsache {f}
established firm eingeführte Firma {f}
established graduate secondary-school teacher [female] Studienrätin {f}
established in angesiedelt in
established in 1990 gegründet 1990
established in Londongegründet in London
established in the 16th century gegründet im 16. Jahrhundert
established law bestehendes Recht {n}
established law geltendes Recht {n}
established law practice ständige Rechtsprechung {f}
established man bewährter Mann {m}
established merchant selbstständiger Kaufmann {m} [Rsv.]
established merchant selbständiger Kaufmann {m}
established post Planstelle {f}
established practice feststehender Handelsbrauch {m}
established practiceHandelsbrauch {m}
established products {pl}Bewährtes {n} [Produkte]
established reputation fundierter Ruf {m}
established right verbürgtes Recht {n} [nicht fachspr.] [einzelnes Gewohnheitsrecht]
established rightGewohnheitsrecht {n} [das einzelne Recht]
established standardsanerkannte Normen {pl}
established term feststehender Begriff {m}
established truthanerkannte Wahrheit {f}
established truthfundierte Wahrheit {f}
established wording Formel {f} [feststehender Ausdruck]
[established graduate secondary-school teacher] Studienrat {m} [an Gymnasium]
[established part of one's general education] Bildungsgut {n}
establishing einrichtend
establishing etablierend
establishing gründend
establishing Errichten {n}
establishing Festlegung {f}
establishing [e.g. of fact, identity] Ermittlung {f} [z. B. von Tatsache, Identität]
establishing one's livelihood Existenzgründung {f}
establishing shot Einspieler {m} [selten]
establishing shot Establishing Shot {m} [erste Einstellung einer Sequenz]
establishing shot Eröffnungsszene {f}
establishment Anstalt {f}
establishmentBildung {f} [Gründung]
establishment Einrichtung {f}
establishment Etablierung {f}
establishment Feststellung {f}
establishment Verankerung {f} [von Rechten]
establishmentBetrieb {m}
establishment Establishment {n}
establishmentGeschäft {n}
establishmentGründung {f}
establishment Niederlassung {f}
establishment Unternehmen {n}
establishment Aufstellung {f}
establishment Festlegung {f}
establishmentEtablissement {n}
establishmentErrichtung {f}
establishment Aufrichtung {f}
establishmentOberschicht {f} [Establishment]
establishment [act of establishing, appointment] Einsetzung {f}
establishment [act of establishing]Begründung {f} [Gründung]
establishment [archaic] [marriage]Heirat {f}
establishment [creation] Schaffung {f}
establishment [of a building, highway]Bau {m}
« escuesopespeesquesseEsseestaestaestiEstoestu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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