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etudes Etüden {pl}
etudes for keyboard [practice exercises] Klavierübungen {pl} [Etüden für Klavier]
étui Kästchen {n}
etui Futteral {n}
etui [needle case] Nadelbüchse {f} [Dose]
etui [rare but some usage esp. in sewing]Etui {n}
etymological etymologisch
etymological sprachgeschichtlich [etymologisch]
etymological dictionary etymologisches Wörterbuch {n}
etymological dictionary Herkunftswörterbuch {n}
etymologically etymologisch
etymologically sprachgeschichtlich [etymologisch]
etymologistEtymologe {m}
etymologist [female] Etymologin {f}
etymology Etymologie {f}
etymology Wortherkunft {f}
etymologyHerkunft {f}
etymology Ursprung {m} [eines Wortes]
etymology Begriffsherkunft {f}
etymon Etymon {n}
etymotic [frequency response] etymotisch [Frequenzgang]
EU accession processEU-Beitrittsprozess {m}
EU alien EU-Ausländer {m}
EU allowance <EUA> [official title of the carbon credits or pollution permits]European Union Allowance {f} <EUA, EU-Allowance>
EU anniversary summit EU-Jubiläumsgipfel {m}
EU border EU-Grenze {f}
EU budget EU-Haushalt {m}
EU budgetEU-Budget {n}
EU burden sharing [climate policy] EU-Lastenverteilung {f}
EU citizen EU-Bürger {m}
EU citizens Unionsbürger {pl}
EU climate commissioner [female]EU-Klimakommissarin {f}
EU Commissioner EU-Kommissar {m}
EU Commissioner [female] EU-Kommissarin {f}
EU Competition Minister [female]EU-Wettbewerbskommissarin {f}
EU conformity declaration EU-Konformitätserklärung {f}
EU conformity markingEU-Konformitätszeichen {n}
EU Council building [Europa building]EU-Ratsgebäude {n} [Europagebäude]
EU Council PresidencyEU-Ratspräsidentschaft {f}
EU Council Presidency [also: EU Council presidency]EU-Ratsvorsitz {m}
EU countryEU-Staat {m}
EU countryEU-Land {n}
EU declaration of conformity EU-Konformitätserklärung {f}
EU Digital COVID Certificate digitales COVID-Zertifikat {n} der EU
EU Directive EU-Richtlinie {f}
EU directive EG-Richtlinie {f}
EU energy services directive EU-Energiedienstleistungsrichtlinie {f}
EU enlargement EU-Erweiterung {f}
EU Enlargement Commissioner EU-Erweiterungskommissar {m}
EU environmental legislation EU-Umweltrecht {n}
EU Flood Directive EU-Hochwasserrichtlinie {f}
EU Force Commander Befehlshaber {m} der EU-Einsatzkräfte
EU foreign policy chiefChef {m} der EU-Außenpolitik
EU framework directive EU-Rahmenrichtlinie {f}
EU fundsEU-Mittel {pl}
EU guidelinesEU-Richtlinien {pl}
EU lawEU-Recht {n}
EU legal limits [coll.]EU-Grenzwerte {pl} [ugs.]
EU member stateEU-Mitgliedsstaat {m}
EU membershipEU-Mitgliedschaft {f}
EU official EU-Beamter {m}
EU official [female] EU-Beamtin {f}
EU partners [also: EU's partners]EU-Partner {pl}
EU permit for permanent residency Erlaubnis {f} zum Daueraufenthalt-EU
EU policy Unionspolitik {f}
EU policy EU-Politik {f}
EU qualification approval EU-Bauartzulassung {f}
EU RegulationEU-Verordnung {f}
EU special summitEU-Sondergipfel {m}
EU standard EU-Norm {f}
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region <EUSBSR>EU-Strategie {f} für den Ostseeraum
EU summitEU-Gipfel {m}
EU Timber Regulation <EUTR> [short, coll.]EU-Holzhandelsverordnung {f} [Kurzform, ugs.]
EU training aidEU-Ausbildungsförderungsbeihilfe {f} [für Unternehmen]
EU treaty EU-Vertrag {m}
EU Troïka / troïka / troika EU-Troika {f}
EU Vice-President EU-Vizepräsident {m}
EU Water Framework Directive <WFD>EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie {f} <WRRL>
EU wine lakeEU-Weinsee {m}
EU-4 [originally Denmark, Greece, Sweden, and United Kingdom]EU-4 {pl} [die 4 Euro-Verweigerer]
euanthium Euanthium {n}
eubacteria Eubakterien {pl}
eubacterial eubakteriell
eubacterium Eubakterium {n}
eu-biome Eu-Biom {n}
Euboea Euböa {n}
eucalyptol [1,8-cineol]Eucalyptol {n} [1,8-Cineol]
eucalypts [genus Eucalyptus] Eukalypten {pl}
eucalyptus [genus Eucalyptus]Eukalyptus {m}
eucalyptus candy [Am.] Eukalyptusbonbon {n} {m} [österr. nur {n}]
eucalyptus candy [Am.] Eukalyptus {m} {n} [Eukalyptusbonbon]
eucalyptus forest Eukalyptuswald {m}
eucalyptus leaves [Folia eucalypti] Eucalyptusblätter {pl} [auch: Eukalyptusblätter]
eucalyptus lozenge Eukalyptusbonbon {n} {m} [österr. nur {n}]
eucalyptus oil Eukalyptusöl {n}
eucalyptus tea Eukalyptustee {m}
eucalyptus tree Eukalyptusbaum {m}
eucalyptus tree [Eucalyptus globulus, syn.: E. gigantea, E. glauca, E. perfoliata, E. pulverulenta] Gemeiner Fieberbaum {m}
eucalyptus tree [Eucalyptus globulus, syn.: E. gigantea, E. glauca, E. perfoliata, E. pulverulenta] (Gewöhnlicher) Eukalyptus {m}
« ethiEthiethnethnethyetudeucaeucrEuleeumeeupy »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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