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English-German Dictionary

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eucestodes [subclass Eucestoda, class Cestoda, phylum Platyhelminthes] [true tapeworm]Euzestoden {pl} [seltener für: Eucestoden]
Euchareena's musk shrew [Crocidura olivieri] Afrikanische Riesenspitzmaus {m}
eucharis lily [Eucharis x grandiflora, also E. ×grandiflora] Großblütiger Herzkelch {m}
eucharis lily [Eucharis x grandiflora, also E. ×grandiflora] Amazonen-Lilie / Amazonenlilie {f}
Eucharist Abendmahl {n} [Sakrament]
Eucharist das heilige Mahl {n} [Brot und Wein]
Eucharist lily [Eucharis amazonica, syn.: E. grandiflora] Amazonaslilie {f}
Eucharist lily [Eucharis amazonica, syn.: E. grandiflora] Herzenskelch {m}
eucharistic eucharistisch
eucharistic / Eucharistic theologyAbendmahlstheologie {f}
Eucharistic celebration Eucharistiefeier {f}
eucharistic community eucharistiefeiernde Gemeinde {f}
Eucharistic CongressEucharistischer Kongress {m} [kath.]
eucharistic controversy Abendmahlsstreit {m}
eucharistic doctrineAbendmahlslehre {f}
Eucharistic elements Elemente {pl} [Abendmahl]
eucharistic fellowshipAbendmahlsgemeinschaft {f}
Eucharistic gifts Mahlgaben {pl} [bei der Eucharistie]
eucharistic hospitality eucharistische Gastbereitschaft {f}
eucharistic liturgy eucharistische Liturgie {f}
Eucharistic mass Eucharistiefeier {f}
Eucharistic mill Hostienmühle {f}
Eucharistic minister [extraordinary minister of Holy Communion]Kommunionhelfer {m}
Eucharistic Prayer Hochgebet {n}
Eucharistic Prayer Eucharistiegebet {n}
Eucharistic Prayer Abendmahlsgebet {n}
eucharistic questionAbendmahlsfrage {f}
eucharistic sacrifice eucharistisches Opfer {n}
eucharistic specieseucharistische Gestalten {pl}
eucharistic spoon [also: Eucharistic spoon]eucharistischer Löffel {m}
Eucharistic vestments Messgewänder {pl}
Euchites Euchiten {pl}
euchlorine [KNaCu3(SO4)3O] Euchlorin {m}
Euchologion [Orthodox and Uniat liurgical book]Euchologion {n}
euchre Euchre {n}
euchroite [Cu2(AsO4)(OH)·3H2O]Euchroit {m}
euchromatic euchromatisch
euchromatin Euchromatin {n}
eucinetid beetles [family Eucinetidae]Purzelkäfer {pl}
eucinetid beetles [family Eucinetidae] Wiesenkäfer {pl}
eucinetids [family Eucinetidae] [family of beetles] Purzelkäfer {pl}
eucinetids [family Eucinetidae] [family of beetles] Wiesenkäfer {pl}
euclase [BeAlSiO4(OH)] Euklas {m}
Euclid Euklid {m}
Euclid of Megara Euklid {m} von Megara
Euclidean euklidisch
Euclidean algorithm euklidischer Algorithmus {m}
Euclidean distanceeuklidischer Abstand {m}
Euclidean domain euklidischer Ring {m}
Euclidean geometryeuklidische Geometrie {f}
Euclidean group euklidische Gruppe {f}
Euclidean metriceuklidische Metrik {f}
Euclidean norm euklidische Norm {f}
Euclidean ring euklidischer Ring {m}
Euclidean space euklidischer Raum {m}
Euclidean three-dimensional space euklidischer dreidimensionaler Raum {m}
Euclidean vector spaceeuklidischer Vektorraum {m}
Euclid's algorithmeuklidischer Algorithmus {m}
Euclid's ElementsEuklids Elemente
Euclid's lemma [Euclid's first theorem] Lemma {n} von Euklid
Euclid's principle euklidisches Prinzip {n}
Euclid's proof Beweis {m} von Euklid
Euclid's theoremSatz {m} von Euklid
Euclid's theorem Satz {m} des Euklid [auch: Satz von Euklid]
eucnemid beetles [family Eucnemidae]Schienenkäfer {pl}
eucnemid beetles [family Eucnemidae] Kammkäfer {pl}
eucnemid beetles [family Eucnemidae]Dornhalskäfer {pl}
eucnemid beetles [family Eucnemidae]Eucnemiden {pl}
eucnemids [family Eucnemidae] Eucnemiden {pl}
eucnemids [family Eucnemidae]Dornhalskäfer {pl}
eucnemids [family Eucnemidae]Kammkäfer {pl}
eucnemids [family Eucnemidae] Schienenkäfer {pl}
Eucobresia glacialis [terrestrial snail in the family Vitrinidae] Gletscher-Glasschnecke {f}
Eucobresia pegorarii [terrestrial snail in the family Vitrinidae]Gipfel-Glasschnecke / Gipfelglasschnecke {f}
euconulids [family Euconulidae] [terrestrial snails] Kegelchen {pl} [Landschneckenfamilie]
eucrasia [equilibrium of the humors]Eukrasie {f}
eucrenalEukrenal {n}
eucrenonEukrenon {n}
eucryptite [LiAlSiO4]Eukryptit {m}
eudaemon [also: eudemon, eudaimon]Eudämon {m} [auch: Eudaimon]
eudaemonism Eudaimonismus {m}
eudaemonistic eudämonistisch
eudaimonia Eudämonie {f}
eudaimoniaEudaimonie {f}
eudaimonism Eudämonismus {m}
eudaimonism Eudaimonie {f}
eudaimonismEudaimonismus {m}
eudaimonistic eudämonistisch
Eudel's / Eudel tubeEudel-Sonde {f}
eudemonia Eudämonie {f}
eudemonistic eudämonistisch
eudialyte [Na15Ca6(Fe,Mn)3Zr3 [(Cl,OH)|Si(O,OH,H2O)2|Si3O9|Si9O27]2] Eudialyt {m}
eudiapauseEudiapause {f}
eudicots Eudikotyledonen {pl}
« EthiethnethoetioEUaceuceeudiEuleeunuEuraEura »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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