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eulittoral eulitoral
eulittoral (zone) Eulitoral {n}
eulogia Eulogie {f} [orthodoxe Kirchen]
eulogiageweihtes Brot {n} [orthodoxe Kirchen]
eulogistLobredner {m}
eulogist Lobpreiser {m}
eulogist [female]Lobrednerin {f}
eulogist [female] Lobpreiserin {f}
eulogistic lobend
eulogistichymnisch [fig.]
eulogistsLobredner {pl}
eulogium [formal] Eulogie {f}
eulogized gepriesen
eulogizing preisend
eulogyLobpreisung {f}
eulogyLobrede {f}
eulogyLobschrift {f}
eulogy Totenspruch {m}
eulogyEloge {f}
eulogy Laudatio {f}
eulogy Eulogie {f}
eulogy Grabrede {f}
eulogy Preisung {f} [Lobrede; Lobschrift]
eulogy Lobesrede {f} [Lobrede]
eulogy [at a funeral]Totenrede {f}
eulogy [at a funeral] Trauerrede {f}
eulytine [Bi4(SiO4)3]Eulytin {m}
EumaeusEumaios {m}
eumediterranean eumediterran
eumedusoid Eumedusoid {m}
eumelanin Eumelanin {n}
EumenidesEumeniden {pl}
eumeristem Eumeristem {n}
eumeristematic eumeristematisch
EumeswilEumeswil [Ernst Jünger]
eumetazoans [Eumetazoa] Gewebetiere {pl}
eumetazoans [Eumetazoa]Eumetazoen {pl}
eumetazoans [Eumetazoa] Eumetazoa {pl}
eumetazoans [Eumetazoa]echte Vielzeller {pl}
eumitosis Eumitose {f}
eumitotic eumitotisch
eumitotically eumitotisch
EumolpusEumolpos {m}
eumorphic teeth eumorphe Zähne {pl}
eumorphic teeth überzählige Zähne {pl}
eumycetoma [Madura foot] Eumyzetom {n} [Madurafuß]
Eunapius (of Sardis) Eunapios {m} (von Sardes)
Eungella honeyeater [Lichenostomus hindwoodi] Eungellahonigfresser {m}
Eunomians [Neo-Arian sect] Eunomianer {pl}
eunuch Eunuch {m}
eunuchKastrat {m}
eunuchEunuche {m} [Rsv.]
eunuch Verschnittener {m}
eunuch [fig.]Waschlappen {m} [ugs.] [Feigling, Schwächling]
euodia [Tetradium]Bienenbaum {m}
Euomphalia strigella [syn.: Helix strigella] [land snail species] Große Laubschnecke {f}
euouae [short] [seculorum amen]Euouae {n}
Eupalinian aqueduct [also: Tunnel of Eupalinos] Eupalinos-Tunnel {m}
euparin [C13H12O3] Euparin {n}
eupatorin [C18H16O7] Eupatorin {n}
eupatorium perfoliatumWasserhanf {m}
eupatory [Ageratina adenophora, syn.: Eupatorium adenophorum, E. glandulosum] [crofton weed] Drüsiger Wasserdost {m}
eupepsiagute Verdauung {f}
eupepsygute Verdauung {f}
eupeptic [fig.] fröhlich
eupeptic [fig.] gut aufgelegt
eupetes [Eupetes macrocerus] Rallenflöter {m}
euphemism beschönigende Umschreibung {f}
euphemism sprachliche Beschönigung {f}
euphemism Hüllwort {n}
euphemismUmschreibung {f} [beschönigend]
euphemism <euph., euphem.>Euphemismus {m}
euphemism treadmillEuphemismus-Tretmühle {f}
[euphemism for a health insurance company]Gesundheitskasse {f}
[euphemism for the invasion of Austria by the German army in 1938, literally "flower campaign"] Blumenfeldzug {m} [Euphemismus für den Einmarsch der Wehrmacht in Österreich 1938]
euphemismsEuphemismen {pl}
euphemisticverhüllend <verhüll.>
euphemistic <euph., euphem.> euphemistisch [geh.]
euphemistically euphemistisch [geh.]
euphemistically verhüllend [euphemistisch]
Euphemus Euphemos {m}
euphenics Euphänik {f}
euphobia Angst {f} vor guten Nachrichten
euphol [C30H50O] Euphol {n}
euphonias [family Fringillidae, genus Euphonia] Organisten {pl}
euphonic euphonisch
euphonic eufonisch
euphonical eufonisch
euphonical euphonisch
euphoniesWohlklänge {pl}
euphonium Euphonium {n}
euphonium Eufonium {n} [Rsv.]
euphony Wohlklang {m}
euphony angenehme Aussprache {f}
« ethyEtosEUpoeucleukaeulieuphEuraEuraeuroEuro »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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