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eastern diamondback [Crotalus adamanteus] Diamant-Klapperschlange {f}
eastern diamondback rattlesnake [Crotalus adamanteus] Diamant-Klapperschlange {f}
eastern dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida] (Amerikanischer) Blumen-Hartriegel / Blumenhartriegel {m}
eastern dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida] Blüten-Hartriegel / Blütenhartriegel {m}
eastern dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida]Schönblühender Hartriegel {m}
eastern dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida] Schönblühender Hornstrauch {m}
eastern dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida] Amerikanischer Hornstrauch {m}
eastern double-collared sunbird [Nectarinia mediocris]Füllebornnektarvogel {m}
eastern dwarf clawed frog [Hymenochirus boulengeri] Boulengers Zwergkrallenfrosch {m}
eastern edge Ostrand {m}
eastern end Ostende {n}
eastern England [also: Eastern England] Ostengland {n}
eastern equine encephalomyelitis <EEE> östliche Pferdeenzephalomyelitis {f}
Eastern Estonia Ostestland {n}
Eastern Europe Osteuropa {n}
Eastern Europe expertOsteuropa-Experte {m} [auch: Osteuropaexperte]
Eastern Europeanosteuropäisch
Eastern European licorice [Glycyrrhiza echinata] Russisches Süßholz {n}
Eastern European statesosteuropäische Staaten {pl}
Eastern European studiesOsteuropastudien {pl}
Eastern European Time <EET> osteuropäische Zeit {f} <OEZ>
eastern falanouc [Eupleres goudotii]Falanuk {m}
eastern falanouc [Eupleres goudotii] Ameisenschleichkatze {f}
eastern festoon (butterfly) [Allancastria cerisyi, Zerynthia cerisyi] Östlicher Osterluzeifalter {m}
eastern festoon (butterfly) [Allancastria cerisyi, Zerynthia cerisyi]Balkan-Osterluzeifalter {m}
eastern filbert blight <EFB> [Anisogramma anomala, syn.: Apioporthe anomala, Cryptosporella anomala] Östlicher Haselnussbrand {m} [Schadpilz]
Eastern fir [Abies balsamea, syn.: A. balsamifera] Balsam-Tanne / Balsamtanne {f}
eastern fir [Abies fraseri, syn.: A. americana, A. humilis, Pinus fraseri] Frasers Balsam-Tanne {f}
eastern fir [Abies fraseri, syn.: A. americana, A. humilis, Pinus fraseri] Fraser-Tanne {f}
eastern fir [Abies fraseri, syn.: A. americana, A. humilis, Pinus fraseri]Frasers Tanne {f}
eastern flankOstflanke {f}
eastern flowering dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida](Amerikanischer) Blumen-Hartriegel / Blumenhartriegel {m}
eastern flowering dogwood [Cornus florida, syn.: C. florida f. xanthocarpa, C. urbiniana, Benthamidia florida] Blüten-Hartriegel / Blütenhartriegel {m}
eastern foot [of a hill, mountain] Ostfuß {m}
eastern forest egg-eater [Dasypeltis medici] [snake]Ostafrikanische Eierschlange {f}
eastern fork-marked lemur [Phaner furcifer]Masoala-Gabelstreifenmaki {m}
eastern four-lined ratsnake [Elaphe sauromates, syn.: Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates] [also: eastern four-lined rat snake] Östliche Vierstreifennatter {f}
eastern four-lined ratsnake [Elaphe sauromates]Fleckennatter {f}
eastern four-lined snake [Elaphe sauromates, syn.: Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates] Östliche Vierstreifennatter {f}
eastern four-lined snake [Elaphe sauromates]Fleckennatter {f}
eastern fox snake [Pantherophis vulpinus, syn.: Pantherophis gloydi, Elaphe vulpina] Östliche Fuchsnatter {f}
eastern fox squirrel [Sciurus niger] Fuchshörnchen {n}
Eastern FranceOstfrankreich {n}
Eastern Friesland [region in Northern Germany]Ostfriesland {n}
Eastern Frisia Ostfriesland {n}
Eastern Front / front Ostfront {f}
Eastern Front Medal [WW II German Armed Forces] Medaille {f} "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" [dt. Wehrmacht]
eastern frontier Ostgrenze {f}
eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum dactyloides] Gama-Gras {n}
eastern garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis]Östliche Strumpfbandnatter {f}
eastern gate Osttor {n}
eastern Germani [hist. jargon, rare] Ostgermanen {pl}
Eastern GermanyOstdeutschland {n}
Eastern GermanyOssiland {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
eastern ghost frog [Heleophryne orientalis]Östlicher Gespenstfrosch {m}
eastern glass lizard [Ophisaurus ventralis] Östliche Glasschleiche {f}
eastern glass-snail [Vitrina angelicae] Vitrina angelicae {f} [Landschneckenart]
eastern golden-backed weaver [Ploceus jacksoni] Jacksonweber {m}
eastern goldfinch [Carduelis tristis, syn.: Astragalinus tristis, Spinus tristis] Trauerzeisig {m}
eastern goldfinch [Spinus tristis, syn.: Carduelis tristis] Goldzeisig {m}
eastern gorilla [Gorilla beringei]Östlicher Gorilla {m}
eastern grass owl / eastern grass-owl [Tyto longimembris]Östliche Graseule {f}
eastern grass shrimp [Palaemonetes paludosus] Amerikanische Grasgarnele {f}
eastern grass shrimp [Palaemonetes paludosus]Geistergarnele {f}
eastern grass snake [Natrix natrix persa]Streifenringelnatter {f}
eastern grass snake [Natrix natrix persa] Östliche Ringelnatter {f}
eastern grass-owl [Tyto longimembris] Graseule {f}
eastern gray squirrel [Am.] [Sciurus carolinensis]Grauhörnchen {n}
eastern gray woodpecker [Am.] [Dendropicos goertae, syn.: Mesopicos goertae] Graubrustspecht {m}
eastern graylag goose [Am.] [Anser anser rubrirostris]Östliche Graugans {f}
eastern graylag goose [Am.] [Anser anser rubrirostris] Sibirische Graugans {f}
eastern great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides] Alpengimpel {m}
eastern great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides, syn.: Rubicilla rubicilloides]Alpenkarmingimpel {m}
eastern great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilloides] Gebirgsgimpel {m}
eastern green bush-cricket [Tettigonia caudata]Östliches Heupferd {n}
eastern green magpie [Cissa hypoleuca] Goldbauchelster {f}
eastern green mamba [Dendroaspis angusticeps] Blattgrüne Mamba {f}
eastern green mamba [Dendroaspis angusticeps]Schmalkopf-Mamba {f}
eastern green mamba [Dendroaspis angusticeps] Gewöhnliche Mamba {f}
eastern green tinker barbet [Pogoniulus simplex]Schlichtbartvogel {m} [auch: Schlicht-Bartvogel]
eastern green tinkerbird [Pogoniulus simplex]Schlichtbartvogel {m} [auch: Schlicht-Bartvogel]
eastern green watersnake [Nerodia floridana] Grüne Florida-Wassernatter {f}
eastern green-backed honeybird [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Graubauch-Laubpicker {m}
eastern green-backed honeybird [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Zwerghoniganzeiger {m}
eastern green-backed honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Graubauch-Laubpicker {m}
eastern green-backed honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Zwerghoniganzeiger {m}
eastern Greenland Ostgrönland {n}
eastern grey kangaroo [Macropus giganteus] [Br.]Östliches Graues Riesenkänguru {n}
eastern grey plantain-eater [Crinifer zonurus] [Br.] Bindenlärmvogel {m}
eastern grey squirrel [Br.] [Sciurus carolinensis] Grauhörnchen {n}
eastern grey woodpecker [Br.] [Dendropicos goertae, syn.: Mesopicos goertae] Graubrustspecht {m}
eastern greylag goose [Br.] [Anser anser rubrirostris]Östliche Graugans {f}
eastern greylag goose [Br.] [Anser anser rubrirostris] Sibirische Graugans {f}
eastern grip [also: Eastern grip] [tennis]Easterngriff {m} [Tennis]
eastern groundsel [Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis, syn.: Senecio vernalis] Frühlings-Greiskraut / Frühlingsgreiskraut {n}
eastern half Osthälfte {f}
eastern hare-wallaby [Lagorchestes leporides] [extinct] Östliches Hasenkänguru {n} [ausgestorben]
eastern heath snail [Xerolenta obvia, syn.: Helicella candicans, H. obvia] Östliche Heideschnecke {f}
eastern heath snail [Xerolenta obvia, syn.: Helicella candicans, H. obvia] Weiße Heideschnecke {f}
eastern heather vole [Phenacomys ungava, syn.: Phenacomys intermedius ungava] Östliche Heidekraut-Wühlmaus {f}
« eastEastEastEasteasteasteasteasteasteasteast »
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