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English-German Dictionary

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eastern hemisphereöstliche Hemisphäre {f}
eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis] Kanadische Schierlingstanne {f}
eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis] Kanadische Hemlocktanne {f}
eastern hemlock-spruce [Tsuga canadensis](Kanadische) Schierlingstanne {f}
eastern hemlock-spruce [Tsuga canadensis]Kanadische Hemlocktanne {f}
eastern highfin spurdog [Squalus albifrons]Östlicher Hochflossen-Dornhai {m}
eastern hognose / hog-nosed snake [Heterodon platirhinos, syn.: H. platyrhinos]Östliche Hakennatter {f}
eastern hognose / hog-nosed snake [Heterodon platirhinos, syn.: H. platyrhinos]Gewöhnliche Hakennatter {f}
eastern hognose / hog-nosed snake [Heterodon platirhinos, syn.: H. platyrhinos] Südöstliche Hakennatter {f}
eastern hognose (snake) [Heterodon platirhinos, syn.: H. platyrhinos]Östliche Hakennatter {f}
eastern Holstein [also: Eastern Holstein (Kreis)] Ostholstein {n}
eastern honey bee [Apis cerana] Östliche Honigbiene {f}
eastern honey bee [Apis cerana] Asiatische Honigbiene {f}
eastern honey bee [Apis cerana]Indische Honigbiene {f} [veraltet]
eastern honeybird [Prodotiscus zambesiae] Graubauch-Laubpicker {m}
eastern honeybird [Prodotiscus zambesiae]Zwerghoniganzeiger {m}
eastern honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus, syn.: I. narokensis]Tavetahoniganzeiger {m}
eastern honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae] Graubauch-Laubpicker {m}
eastern honeyguide [Prodotiscus zambesiae] Zwerghoniganzeiger {m}
eastern hoolock gibbon [Hoolock leuconedys]Östlicher Weißbrauengibbon {m}
eastern hoolock gibbon [Hoolock leuconedys] Östlicher Hulock {m}
eastern horizon Osthorizont {m}
eastern house mouse [Mus musculus]Östliche Hausmaus {f}
eastern hyomys [Hyomys goliath] Goliathratte {f}
eastern imperial eagle [Aquila heliaca] Östlicher Kaiseradler {m}
Eastern Indian leopard gecko [Eublepharis hardwickii, syn.: Gymnodactylus lunatus]Ostindischer Fettschwanzgecko {m}
eastern indigo snake [Drymarchon couperi, syn.: D. corais couperi] Östliche Indigonatter {f}
eastern jackrabbit [Lepus europaeus] Feldhase {m}
eastern Jewish ostjüdisch
eastern juniper [Juniperus virginiana] Virginischer Wacholder {m}
eastern juniper [Juniperus virginiana]Bleistiftzeder {f}
eastern juniper [Juniperus virginiana] Virginische Zeder {f}
eastern juniper [Juniperus virginiana]Virginische Rotzeder {f}
eastern kingbird [Tyrannus tyrannus] Königstyrann {m}
eastern kingsnake [Lampropeltis getula getula] Östliche Kettennatter {f}
eastern kingsnake [Lampropeltis getula] Kettennatter {f}
eastern kingsnake [Lampropeltis getula]Gewöhnliche Königsnatter {f}
eastern kingsnake [Lampropeltis getula] Kettenkönigsnatter / Ketten-Königsnatter {f}
eastern knotgrass [Persicaria orientalis, syn.: P. pilosa, Polygonum orientale, P. pilosum]Orient-Knöterich {m}
eastern knotgrass [Persicaria orientalis, syn.: P. pilosa, Polygonum orientale, P. pilosum]Östlicher Knöterich {m}
eastern koel [Eudynamys orientalis] Pazifikkoel {m}
Eastern KurdistanOstkurdistan {n}
eastern Lapland bunting [Calcarius lapponicus, syn.: Emberiza lapponicus] Spornammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
eastern larkspur [Consolida orientalis, syn.: Consolida hispanica]Morgenländischer Feldrittersporn {m}
eastern larkspur [Consolida orientalis, syn.: Consolida hispanica] Spanischer Feldrittersporn {m}
eastern larkspur [Consolida orientalis, syn.: Consolida hispanica] Orientalischer Rittersporn {m}
Eastern Latvia Ostlettland {n}
eastern least honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus]Tavetahoniganzeiger {m}
eastern (least) honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus, syn.: I. narokensis]Olivmantel-Honiganzeiger {m}
eastern lemon dove [Columba larvata, syn.: Aplopelia larvata] Zimttaube {f}
eastern leopard gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis] Leopardgecko / Leopard-Gecko {m}
eastern leopard gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis]Panthergecko / Panther-Gecko {m}
eastern leopard gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis] Pakistanischer Fettschwanzgecko {m}
Eastern leopard's-bane / leopard's bane [Doronicum columnae] Herzblättrige Gämswurz {f}
eastern lesser bamboo lemur [Hapalemur gilberti, syn.: Hapalemur griseus] Gilbert-Bambuslemur {m}
eastern lesser bamboo lemur [Hapalemur griseus] Östlicher Bambuslemur {m}
eastern lesser bamboo lemur [Hapalemur griseus]Östlicher Halbmaki {m}
Eastern LithuaniaOstlitauen {n}
eastern long-beaked echidna [Zaglossus bartoni]Östlicher Langschnabeligel {m}
eastern long-beaked echidna [Zaglossus bartoni]Barton-Langschnabeligel {m}
eastern long-billed corella [Cacatua pastinator] Wühlerkakadu {m}
eastern long-fingered bat [Myotis macrodactylus] Nordostasiatische Wasserfledermaus {f}
eastern long-fingered bat [Myotis macrodactylus]Ostasiatische Wasserfledermaus {f}
eastern longitude östliche Länge {f}
eastern longnose spurdog [Squalus grahami] Östlicher Langnasen-Dornhai {m}
eastern long-tailed hermit [Phaethornis superciliosus] Östlicher Langschwanz-Schattenkolibri {m}
eastern lowland gorilla [Gorilla beringei graueri] Östlicher Flachlandgorilla {m}
eastern lowland gorilla [Gorilla beringei graueri] Grauergorilla {m}
eastern lowland olingo [Bassaricyon beddardi] Beddards Makibär {m}
eastern lubber grasshopper [Romalea microptera]Kleinflügel-Tölpelschrecke {f}
eastern mallee fowl [Leipoa ocellata]Thermometerhuhn {n}
eastern mangrove snake [Myron richardsonii] Östliche Mangrovennatter {f}
Eastern MarchOstmark {f}
eastern marginöstlicher Rand {m}
eastern marginOstrand {m}
eastern marsh harrier [Circus spilonotus] Mangroveweihe {f}
eastern meadowlark [Sturnella magna] Östlicher Lerchenstärling {m}
eastern meadowlark [Sturnella magna] Lerchenstärling {m} [auch: Lerchen-Stärling]
eastern Mediterranean ostmediterran
Eastern Mediterranean ostmittelmeerisch
eastern Mediterranean dodder [Cuscuta palaestina, syn.: C. balansae, C. globularis]Palästina-Seide {f}
eastern Mediterranean region [also: Eastern Mediterranean region] Ostmittelmeerraum {m}
eastern moa [Emeus crassus] [extinct] Kleiner Moa {m} [ausgestorben]
eastern mole [Scalopus aquaticus]Ostamerikanischer Maulwurf {m}
eastern mole vole [Ellobius tancrei] Zaisan-Mull-Lemming {m}
eastern Montpellier snake [Malpolon insignitus] Östliche Eidechsennatter {f}
eastern Montpellier snake [Malpolon insignitus]Griechische Eidechsennatter {f}
eastern mosquito fern [Azolla caroliniana, syn.: Salvinia azolla] Carolina-Algenfarn {m}
eastern mosquito fern [Azolla caroliniana, syn.: Salvinia azolla] Kleiner Algenfarn {m}
eastern mosquito fern [Azolla caroliniana, syn.: Salvinia azolla] Feenmoos {n} [Kleiner Algenfarn]
eastern mountain bush-cricket [Antaxius difformis]Alpine Bergschrecke {f}
eastern mountain owlet-nightjar [Aegotheles archboldi] Archboldbergschwalm {m}
eastern mountain stonecrop [Sedum orientale, syn.: Sedum montanum ssp. orientale] Östliche Berg-Fetthenne {f}
eastern mouse-ear / mouse ear hawkweed [Hieracium hoppeanum] Hoppes Habichtskraut {n}
eastern mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] Zwerg-Mäuseschwänzchen / Zwergmäuseschwänzchen {n}
eastern mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus]Mäuseschwänzchen {n}
eastern mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] Kleiner Mäuseschwanz {m}
eastern mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] Zwergmäuseschwanz {m}
eastern mud turtle [Kinosternon subrubrum, syn.: Kinosternon pensylvanicum] Gewöhnliche Klappschildkröte {f}
eastern mudminnow [Umbra pygmaea] Kleiner Hundsfisch {m}
« EastEastEasteasteasteasteasteasteasteasteasy »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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