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eurythmic [rare] [harmonious]harmonisch
eurythmical eurythmisch
eurythmically eurythmisch
eurythmics [Am.] [treated as sg.] Eurythmie {f} [Bewegungskunst und -therapie]
eurythmist [esp. in anthroposophic medicine] Eurythmist {m} [bes. in der anthroposophischen Medizin]
eurythmyEurythmie {f}
eurythmy therapist Eurythmietherapeut {m}
eurythmy therapist [female]Eurythmietherapeutin {f}
eurythmy therapy Eurythmietherapie {f}
eurytopic eurytop
eurytopic eurytopisch
Eurytus Eurytos {m}
euryxeny Euryxenie {f}
EU's external border EU-Außengrenze {f}
eusebeia Eusebie {f} [veraltet]
Eusebian [related to Eusebius of Caesarea]eusebianisch
Eusebians [adherents of Eusebius of Nicomedia] Eusebianer {pl}
Euskara [Basque]Euskara {n} [auch: Euskera] [Baskisch]
eusocial eusozial
eusocialecht [hoch] sozial
eusociality Eusozialität {f}
euspondylous euspondyl
eusporangiate eusporangiat
eusporangium Eusporangium {n}
EustaceEustachius {m}
Eustachian / eustachian tube [Tuba auditiva] Eustachio-Röhre {f}
(eustachian / Eustachian) tube ventilationTubenbelüftung {f}
Eustachian catarrhTubenkatarrh {m} [Katarrh der Eustachi-Röhre]
eustachian catheter [often: Eustachian catheter] Ohrkatheter {m}
eustachian tubeeustachische Röhre {f}
Eustachian tube [also: eustachian tube] [Tuba Eustachii / eustachii] eustachische Tube {f} [eustachische Röhre]
Eustachian tube [Tuba auditiva Eustachii, Tuba pharyngotympanica] Eustachi-Röhre {f}
Eustachian tube [Tuba Eustachii / eustachii]Ohrtrompete {f} [eustachische Röhre, Eustachiröhre]
eustatic eustatisch
eustele Eustele {f}
Euston Road [Br.] [Monopoly]Elisenstraße {f} [Monopoly]
eustress [positive or healthful stress] Eustress {m}
eusynanthropic eusynanthrop
eusynanthropyEusynanthropie {f}
eutectic eutektisch
eutectic (mixture) Eutektikum {n}
eutectoid eutektoidisch
eutectoid steel eutektoider Stahl {m}
eutectoid temperatureeutektoide Temperatur {f}
eutelic eutelisch
eutely Eutelie {f}
eutelyZellkonstanz {f} [Eutelie]
Euterpe Euterpe {f}
EuterpeEutelpe {f} [auch Euterpe]
euthanasialeichter Tod {m}
euthanasia sanfter Tod {m}
euthanasia [active / passive] Euthanasie {f}
euthanasia [active / passive] Sterbehilfe {f}
euthanised [Br.] [animals]eingeschläfert
euthanized [animals]eingeschläfert
euthenics [treated as sg. or pl.]Euthenik {f}
euthermiaEuthermie {f}
Euthydemus [Platonic dialogue] Euthydemos {m} [platonischer Dialog]
euthynteriaEuthynterie {f}
Euthyphro [Platonic dialogue]Euthyphron {m} [platonischer Dialog]
Euthyphro dilemma Euthyphron-Dilemma {n}
eutocia Eutokie {f}
eutony Eutonie {f}
eutrophic eutroph
eutrophic eutrophisch [selten für eutroph]
eutrophic water-nymph [Najas minor, syn.: Caulinia minor, Fluvialis minor, Ittnera minor] Kleines Nixenkraut {n}
eutrophic water-nymph [Najas minor, syn.: Caulinia minor, Fluvialis minor, Ittnera minor]Kleines Nixkraut {n}
eutrophication Eutrophierung {f}
eutrophicationNährstoffeintrag {m}
eutrophy Eutrophie {f}
eutropic eutrop
eutunicate eutunicat
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield EU-US-Datenschutzschild {m}
euvolaemia [Br.] Euvolämie {f}
euvolemia [Am.] Euvolämie {f}
EU-wide EU-weit
euxanthone [C13H8O4] Euxanthon {n}
euxenite [(Y,Ca,Ce,U,Th)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2O6]Euxenit {m}
Eva Eva {f}
evac [coll.] Evakuierung {f}
evac chopper [coll.]Evakuierungshelikopter {m}
evacuant Abführmittel {n}
evacuated umquartiert
evacuated ausgelagert
evacuated [air-evacuated] luftleer [Vakuum]
evacuated bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.]Unterdruckdose {f}
evacuated tube collector [solar thermal collector] Vakuumröhrenkollektor {m} [thermischer Solarkollektor]
evacuationEntleerung {f}
« EuroEuroEuroEuroeuroeuryevacevalEvanevapeven »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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