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eagle owl [Bubo bubo]Uhu {m}
eagle owl [Bubo bubo]Schuhu {m} [regional] [veraltend] [Uhu]
eagle owl territory [also: eagle owl's territory] Uhurevier {n} [auch: Uhu-Revier]
eagle owlsUhus {pl}
eagle owl's territory [also: eagle owl territory]Revier {n} des Uhus
eagle parents Adlereltern {pl}
eagle pose [garudasana]Adlerstellung {f} [Yoga]
eagle rays [family Myliobatidae]Adlerrochen {pl}
Eagle Scout [Am.] [höchster Rang bei den Boy Scouts of America (Pfadfindern)]
eagle speciesAdlerart {f}
eagle stone Adlerstein {m}
eagle stop Adlerzug {m}
eagle tree [Brugmansia sanguinea, syn.: Datura sanguinea] Rote Engelstrompete {f}
eagle tree [Brugmansia sanguinea, syn.: Datura sanguinea] Blutrote Engelstrompete {f}
eagle vulture [Gypohierax angolensis]Geierseeadler {m}
eagle warrior [Cuauhtli]Adlerkrieger {m} [Cuauhtli]
Eagle-dalmatic [part of the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire] Adlerdalmatika {f} [auch: Adlerdalmatica] [Teil der Reichskleinodien]
eagle-eyed [attr.] [fig.]mit Adleraugen [fig.] [nachgestellt] [mit scharfem, durchdringend blickendem Auge]
eagle-eyesArgusaugen {pl}
eaglehawk [Aquila audax] Keilschwanzadler {m}
eagles Adler {pl}
eagles and hawks [family Accipitridae]Habichtartige {pl}
eagles and hawks [family Accipitridae]Greifvögel {pl}
eagle's feather Adlerfeder {f}
eagle's nestAdlernest {n}
eagle's nest Adlerhorst {m}
Eagle's Nest [building used by Hitler for official receptions] Kehlsteinhaus {n}
Eagles of Carthage [nickname of the Tunisian national football team]Adler {pl} von Karthago [Spitzname der tunesischen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft]
eagle's screechAdlerschrei {m}
Eagle's solution Eagle-Lösung {f} [Labormedizin]
eagle's wing Adlerflügel {m}
eagle-shaped fibula Adlerfibel {f}
eagless Adlerweibchen {n}
eagletAdlerjunges {n}
eaglet Jungadler {m}
eagre [(tidal) bore]Flutwelle {f}
eagresFlutwellen {pl}
eakerite [Ca2SnAl2Si6O18(OH)2·2H2O] Eakerit {m}
ealdorman [Br.] [Old Engl. nobility]Ealdorman {m} [altengl. Adelstitel: Grafschaftsvorsteher]
Ealey's ningaui [Ningaui timealeyi] Pilbara-Ningaui {n}
Ealhwine Alkuin {m}
earGehör {n}
earOhr {n}
earOhrwaschel {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.]
earWaschel {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.] [Ohrwaschel, Ohr]
ear [attr.] [e.g. clip, lobe, malformation, muffs, scoop, tag] Ohr- [z. B. Clip, Läppchen, Fehlbildung, Wärmer, Löffel, Marke]
ear [attr.] [e.g. complaint, drops, flap, hospital, infection, specialist]Ohren- [z. B. Leiden, Tropfen, Schützer, Klinik, Entzündung, Arzt]
ear [esp. deer, hare, chamois] Lauscher {m} [Jägersprache] [auch hum.] [Ohr]
ear [esp. deer, hare, chamois] Loser {m} [Lauscher, Ohr]
ear [esp. deer, hare, chamois]Luser {m} [Lauscher, Ohr]
ear [fruiting spike of a cereal]Ähre {f} [Getreideähre]
ear [seed-bearing head of a cereal grass, e.g. maize] Kolben {m} [walzenförmiger Blüten- oder Fruchtstand]
ear acupuncture Ohrakupunktur {f}
ear and labyrinth disorders Erkrankungen {pl} des Ohrs und des Labyrinths
ear bandageOhrenverband {m}
ear bandage Ohrenbinde {f}
ear bandageOhrbinde {f} [selten] [Ohrenbinde]
ear bending (operation)Ohranlegeoperation {f}
ear bleeding Ohrenblutung {f}
ear bleeding Ohrenbluten {n}
ear bonesOhrknöchelchen {pl}
ear buds In-Ohr-Kopfhörer {pl}
ear buds [Br.] [cotton buds] Wattestäbchen {pl}
ear bungs Ohrenstöpsel {pl}
ear canal [Canalis acusticus] Ohrkanal {m}
ear canal <EC> [Meatus acusticus externus] [external auditory meatus](äußerer) Gehörgang {m}
ear canal resonanceGehörgangsresonanz {f}
ear canal volumeGehörgangsvolumen {n}
ear cancerOhrenkrebs {m} [ugs.]
ear candle Ohrkerze {f}
ear candle treatmentOhrenkerzenbehandlung {f}
ear candlingOhrkerzentherapie {f}
ear candlingOhrkerzenbehandlung {f}
ear candlingOhrenkerzenbehandlung {f}
ear candyOhrenschmaus {m}
ear candy [coll.] [angenehme, leichte Popmusik]
ear capOhrenkappe {f}
ear careOhrenpflege {f}
ear carriageOhrenhaltung {f} [bei Hunden]
ear cartilage Ohrmuschelknorpel {m}
ear catheterOhrkatheter {m}
ear cleaner Ohrenreiniger {m}
ear cleaner [mainly in Asia] Ohrputzer {m} [in Asien verbreitet]
ear cleaning Ohrenreinigung {f}
ear clearing [ear pressure equalization esp. while diving]Druckausgleich {m} [z. B. beim Tauchen]
ear clipOhrklipp {m}
ear clipOhrclip {m}
ear clip Ohrenklipp {m} [seltener] [Ohrklipp]
ear clip Ohrenclip {m} [seltener] [Ohrclip]
ear clips Ohrclips {pl}
ear clips Klips {pl}
ear cockle eelworm [Anguina tritici, syn.: Anguillulina tritici, Tylenchus scandens, T. tritici]Weizenälchen {n}
ear complaintOhrenleiden {n}
ear congestion [otocleisis] Ohrverstopfung {f}
ear coning Ohrkerzentherapie {f}
ear correctionOhrenkorrektur {f}
ear cropping Kupieren {n} der Ohren
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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