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exchange market Devisenmarkt {m}
exchange mechanism Austauschmechanismus {m}
exchange medium Tauschmedium {n}
exchange medium [medium of exchange] Tauschmittel {n}
exchange networkTauschnetzwerk {n}
exchange networkTauschnetz {n}
exchange of affectionAustausch {m} von Zärtlichkeiten
exchange of blows Schlagwechsel {m}
exchange of blows Schlagabtausch {m}
exchange of body fluids <EBF>Austausch {m} von Körperflüssigkeiten [auch ugs.: Sex]
exchange of caresses Austausch {m} von Zärtlichkeiten
exchange of commodities Warenaustausch {m}
exchange of courtesiesAustausch {m} von Höflichkeiten
exchange of cylinders Zylinderwechsel {m}
exchange of data Datenaustausch {m}
exchange of diplomatic notes Austausch {m} diplomatischer Noten
exchange of dollars Dollarumtausch {m}
exchange of energyEnergieaustausch {m}
exchange of experienceErfahrungsaustausch {m}
exchange of experiences Erfahrungsaustausch {m}
exchange of fireSchusswechsel {m}
exchange of gifts Gabentausch {m}
exchange of goods Warenaustausch {m}
exchange of goodsGüteraustausch {m}
exchange of goods Warentausch {m}
exchange of goods Gütertausch {m}
exchange of goods and servicesWaren- und Dienstleistungsverkehr {m}
exchange of greetings Austausch {m} von Grüßen
exchange of ideasGedankenaustausch {m}
exchange of ideasIdeenaustausch {m}
exchange of ideasMeinungsaustausch {m}
exchange of individualsIndividuenaustausch {m}
exchange of informationInformationsaustausch {m}
exchange of information Austausch {m} von Informationen / Information
exchange of informationNachrichtenaustausch {m}
exchange of insights Austausch {m} von Erkenntnissen
exchange of knowledge Wissensaustausch {m}
exchange of letters Briefwechsel {m}
exchange of matter Stoffaustausch {m}
exchange of money Geldwechsel {m}
exchange of niceties Nettigkeitenaustausch {m}
exchange of notes Notenwechsel {m}
exchange of opinionMeinungsaustausch {m}
exchange of personnel Personalaustausch {m}
exchange of populations Bevölkerungsaustausch {m}
exchange of prisoners Austausch {m} von Gefangenen
exchange of prisonersGefangenenaustausch {m}
exchange of ringsRingtausch {m} [bei der Hochzeit] [seltener auch: Ringetausch]
exchange of services Leistungsaustausch {m}
exchange of shares Austausch {m} von Aktien
exchange of sharesAktientausch {m}
exchange of shots Schusswechsel {m}
exchange of sth. boughtUmtausch {m}
exchange of stockAustausch {m} von Aktien
exchange of students Schüleraustausch {m}
exchange of substancesStoffaustausch {m}
exchange of tax information Steuerinformationsaustausch {m}
exchange of the day Tageskurs {m}
exchange of views Meinungsaustausch {m}
exchange of (wedding) rings Ringwechsel {m} [Eheschließung]
exchange of womenFrauentausch {m}
exchange of words Wortwechsel {m}
exchange officeWechselstube {f}
exchange parity Devisenparität {f}
exchange partTauschteil {n}
exchange part Austauschteil {n}
exchange participant Teilnehmer {m} an einem Austausch
exchange partner Austauschpartner {m}
exchange partnerTauschpartner {m}
exchange partners Tauschpartner {pl}
exchange poolTauschpool {m}
exchange position Devisensituation {f}
exchange possibilityEintauschmöglichkeit {f}
exchange priceBörsenpreis {m}
exchange processAustauschprozess {m}
exchange process Austauschvorgang {m}
exchange professorAustauschprofessor {m}
exchange profit Kursgewinn {m}
exchange profitsKursgewinn {m}
exchange program [Am.]Austauschprogramm {n}
exchange programme [Br.] Austauschprogramm {n}
exchange protocol [e.g. of contents, data] Austauschprotokoll {n} [z. B. von Inhalten, Daten]
exchange pupil Austauschschüler {m}
exchange rate Kurs {m}
exchange rateWechselkurs {m}
exchange rate Umrechnungskurs {m}
exchange rate [cash exchange rate, i.e. notes and coins] Sortenkurs {m}
exchange rate [in non-cash currency exchanges] Devisenkurs {m}
exchange rate arrangements {pl} [also: exchange rate regime]Wechselkursregime {n}
exchange rate control Kurskontrolle {f} [Wechselkurskontrolle]
exchange rate criterionWährungskriterium {n} [Maastricht]
Exchange Rate Deviation Index <ERDI> [Abweichung des nominalen Wechselkurses von der Kaufkraftparität]
exchange rate differenceKursdifferenz {f}
exchange rate difference Währungsdifferenz {f}
exchange rate exposure Wechselkursrisiko {n} <WR>
exchange rate exposure Wechselkurs-Exposure {n}
exchange rate fixingDevisenkursfestlegung {f}
exchange rate fluctuation Kursschwankung {f}
exchange rate fluctuation Wechselkursschwankung {f}
exchange rate fluctuations Wechselkursschwankungen {pl}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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