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excessively optimisticüberzogen optimistisch
excessively politeüberhöflich
excessively restrained übermäßig beschränkt
(excessively) enthusiastichimmelhoch jauchzend
(excessively) restricted view Engführung {f}
excessivenessÜbermäßigkeit {f}
excessiveness Unverhältnismäßigkeit {f} [Übermäßigkeit]
excessiveness Unmaß {n} [Unmäßigkeit]
excess-three code Dreiexzesscode {m}
excess-three codeStibitz-Code {m}
ex-champion Altmeister {m}
exchangeAmt {n} [Telefon]
exchangeAustausch {m}
exchangeTausch {m}
exchange Auswechslung {f}
exchange Börse {f}
exchangeGeldwechsel {m}
exchange Telefonvermittlung {f}
exchange Telephonvermittlung {f} [alt] [Telefonvermittlung]
exchange Umtausch {m}
exchange Wechsel {m}
exchange Wechselstube {f}
exchangeUmwechseln {n}
exchangeEinwechseln {n}
exchange Umwechslung {f}
exchange [chess: rook for a minor piece] Qualität {f} [Schach: Turm gegen Leichtfigur]
exchange [of ideas, words, insults]Abtausch {m} [Ideen, Worte, Beleidigungen]
exchange [of views, arguments]Gedankenaustausch {m}
exchange [telephone exchange]Fernsprechamt {n}
exchange agreementAustauschvertrag {m}
exchange arbitrageDevisenarbitrage {f}
exchange arbitrage Wechselarbitrage {f}
exchange arrangementDevisenabkommen {n}
exchange bankWechselbank {f}
exchange barrier Austauschbarriere {f}
exchange brokerBörsenmakler {m}
exchange broker Kursmakler {m}
exchange business Wechselgeschäft {n}
exchange capacity Austauschkapazität {f}
exchange clauseWährungsklausel {f}
exchange clearing account Börsenverrechnungskonto {n}
exchange coefficient Austauschkoeffizient {m}
exchange control Devisenbewirtschaftung {f}
exchange controlDevisenkontrolle {f}
exchange counterDevisenschalter {m}
exchange deal Tauschgeschäft {n}
exchange dealings {pl} Börsenhandel {m}
exchange economy Tauschwirtschaft {f}
exchange economyAustauschwirtschaft {f}
exchange embargoDevisensperre {f}
exchange engineAustauschmotor {m}
exchange equalization fundDevisenausgleichsfonds {m}
exchange factorAustauschfaktor {m}
exchange fair [money changing]Wechselmesse {f}
exchange filter Austauschfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
exchange fluctuationsDevisenschwankungen {pl}
exchange interaction Austauschwechselwirkung {f}
exchange internAustauschpraktikant {m}
exchange lawWechselrecht {n}
exchange listDevisenkursliste {f}
exchange listDivisenkursliste {f}
exchange lossKursverlust {m} [von Devisen]
exchange market Devisenmarkt {m}
exchange mechanism Austauschmechanismus {m}
exchange medium Tauschmedium {n}
exchange medium [medium of exchange]Tauschmittel {n}
exchange network Tauschnetzwerk {n}
exchange networkTauschnetz {n}
exchange of affection Austausch {m} von Zärtlichkeiten
exchange of blows Schlagwechsel {m}
exchange of blows Schlagabtausch {m}
exchange of body fluids <EBF> Austausch {m} von Körperflüssigkeiten [auch ugs.: Sex]
exchange of caresses Austausch {m} von Zärtlichkeiten
exchange of commoditiesWarenaustausch {m}
exchange of courtesies Austausch {m} von Höflichkeiten
exchange of cylindersZylinderwechsel {m}
exchange of dataDatenaustausch {m}
exchange of diplomatic notesAustausch {m} diplomatischer Noten
exchange of dollarsDollarumtausch {m}
exchange of energyEnergieaustausch {m}
exchange of experienceErfahrungsaustausch {m}
exchange of experiencesErfahrungsaustausch {m}
exchange of fire Schusswechsel {m}
exchange of giftsGabentausch {m}
exchange of goods Warenaustausch {m}
exchange of goods Güteraustausch {m}
exchange of goods Warentausch {m}
exchange of goods Gütertausch {m}
exchange of goods and services Waren- und Dienstleistungsverkehr {m}
exchange of greetings Austausch {m} von Grüßen
exchange of ideas Gedankenaustausch {m}
exchange of ideas Ideenaustausch {m}
exchange of ideasMeinungsaustausch {m}
exchange of individualsIndividuenaustausch {m}
exchange of information Informationsaustausch {m}
exchange of informationAustausch {m} von Informationen / Information
exchange of information Nachrichtenaustausch {m}
exchange of insights Austausch {m} von Erkenntnissen
exchange of knowledge Wissensaustausch {m}
exchange of letters Briefwechsel {m}
« exceexceexceexceexceexceexchexchexciexclexcl »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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