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executioner Exekutor {m} [österr.] [Scharfrichter]
executioner wasp [Polistes carnifex] Henkerwespe {f}
executionersScharfrichter {pl}
executioner's ax [Am.]Henkersbeil {n}
executioner's axe Henkersbeil {n}
executioner's bell Armesünderglocke {f}
executioner's bell Armsünderglocke {f}
executioner's hoodScharfrichterhaube {f}
executioner's houseScharfrichterhaus {n}
executioner's swordRichtschwert {n}
(executioner's) block Richtblock {m}
executions Abwicklungen {pl}
executions Ausführungen {pl}
executions moratorium Hinrichtungsmoratorium {n}
execution-stylewie bei einer Hinrichtung
executive ausführend
executive Führungskraft {f}
executive ausübend
executive Exekutive {f}
executive leitender Angestellter {m}
executive leitend
executive vollziehend
executive exekutiv
executive Manager {m}
executive [luxury, suited for executives] für gehobene Ansprüche [postpos.] [Kleidung, Möbel etc.]
executive abilityFührungsfähigkeit {f}
Executive Action [David Miller] Unternehmen Staatsgewalt
executive agency Exekutivorgan {n}
executive arm chair Chefsessel {m}
executive assistant Assistent {m} der Geschäftsleitung
executive assistant Vorstandsassistent {m}
executive assistant Chefassistent {m}
executive assistant [female]Chefassistentin {f}
executive assistant [female]Assistentin {f} der Geschäftsleitung
executive authority Exekutive {f}
executive authorityvollziehende Gewalt {f}
executive authority Exekutivorgan {n}
executive ball clicker [Newton's cradle]Kugelpendel {n} [Newtonpendel]
executive board Geschäftsführung {f}
executive board Geschäftsleitung {f}
executive boardLeitungsgremium {n}
executive board Vorstand {m}
executive boardHauptgeschäftsführung {f}
executive boardHauptvorstand {m}
executive board [UNESCO]Exekutivrat {m} [UNESCO]
executive board memberVorstandsmitglied {n}
executive board spokesman [as a title (esp. in front of the name): Executive Board spokesman / Spokesman] Vorstandssprecher {m}
executive bodyGesellschaftsorgan {n}
executive body Organ {n} [einer Gesellschaft]
executive bodyVollzugsorgan {n}
executive body ausführendes Organ {n}
executive body Exekutivorgan {n}
executive box Führungsloge {f}
executive branchExekutive {f}
executive (branch) ausführendes Organ {n}
executive briefcase Diplomatenkoffer {m}
executive burnoutManagerkrankheit {f}
executive chair Chefsessel {m}
executive chefKüchenleiter {m}
executive chefKüchendirektor {m}
executive chef [head chef]Küchenchef {m} [veraltete Bezeichnung des Berufsbildes: Chefkoch]
executive coachTrainer {m} für Führungskräfte
executive coach [female] Trainerin {f} für Führungskräfte
executive committee Exekutivkomitee {n}
executive committee Vorstand {m}
executive committeegeschäftsführender Ausschuss {m}
executive committee geschäftsführendes Komitee {n}
executive committeeLenkungsausschuss {m}
executive committee Leitungsgremium {n}
executive committee <ExCo> Exekutivausschuss {m} <EA>
executive committee of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratspräsidium {n}
executive consultant Unternehmensberater {m}
executive councilExekutivrat {m}
executive department [e.g. of strategy and controlling] Stabsstelle {f}
executive deskChefschreibtisch {m}
executive director Geschäftsführer {m}
executive director verantwortlicher Direktor {m}
executive directorExekutivdirektor {m}
executive director geschäftsführender Direktor {m}
executive director [female]Exekutivdirektorin {f}
executive editor Hauptschriftleiter {m} [veraltend, bes. Nazi-Ausdruck]
executive editor Chefredakteur {m}
executive editor Chefredaktor {m} [schweiz.] [Chefredakteur]
executive editor [female] Hauptschriftleiterin {f} [bes. Nazi-Terminus]
executive editor [female]Chefredakteurin {f}
executive editor [female] Chefredaktorin {f} [schweiz.] [Chefredakteurin]
executive employee leitender Angestellter {m}
executive fiat Ersatzvornahme {f}
executive floorChefetage {f}
executive floor Vorstandsetage {f}
executive forces {pl} [police et.al.] Exekutive {f} [österr.]
executive function Führungsaufgabe {f}
executive functionAusführungsfunktion {f}
executive function exekutive Funktion {f}
executive function {sg} [collective set of executive functions] exekutive Funktionen {pl}
executive functions exekutive Funktionen {pl}
executive housekeepererste Hausdame / 1. Hausdame {f}
executive instructionAusführungsbefehl {m}
executive jetPrivatjet {m}
« exciexclexcoexcuexecexecexecexemexemexerexfo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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