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exercise of virtue Tugendübung {f}
exercise on the bars Barrenübung {f}
exercise on the parallel bars Barrenübung {f}
exercise pen Laufstall {m} für Tiere
exercise physiology Sportphysiologie {f}
exercise planTrainingsplan {m}
exercise price Ausübungspreis {m}
exercise price Basispreis {m}
exercise price Beschaffungspreis {m}
exercise regime Trainingsprogramm {n}
exercise regimen Trainingsplan {m}
exercise riskBeschaffungsrisiko {n}
exercise roomÜbungsraum {m}
exercise roomFitnessraum {m}
exercise routineTrainingsroutine {f}
exercise sandals [wood]Klapperlatschen {pl} [ugs.] [Gymnastiksandalen (mit Holzfußbett)] [veraltend]
exercise section [e.g. in a grammar book] Übungsteil {m} [z. B. in einer Grammatik]
exercise sequence Übungssequenz {f}
exercise seriesÜbungsserie {f}
exercise sheetAufgabenblatt {n}
exercise sheet Übungsblatt {n}
exercise sheet Übungszettel {m}
exercise sheet [for a horse]Ausreitdecke {f}
exercise suggestion Übungsvorschlag {m}
exercise therapyBewegungstherapie {f}
exercise tolerance Belastungstoleranz {f}
exercise tolerance testBelastungstoleranztest {m}
exercise wheel Laufrad {n} [für Mäuse, Hamster usw.]
exercise yard Laufhof {m}
(exercise) stress testStresstest {m} [Belastungs-EKG]
exerciseable [spv.] ausübbar
exercised trainiert
exercised option ausgeübte Option {f}
exercise-induced asthma anstrengungsinduziertes Asthma {n}
exercise-induced asthma Belastungsasthma {n}
exercise-induced cardiomegaly Sportlerherz {n}
exercise-induced cardiomegaly Sportherz {n}
exercise-induced cardiomegaly [athlete's heart] Leistungsherz {n} [Sportherz]
exerciser Prüfsystem {n}
exercises Übung {f}
exercises Übungen {pl}
exercises Übungsaufgaben {pl}
exercises {pl} Manöver {n}
exercises {pl} [e.g. military training exercises] Übungsbetrieb {m}
exercises {pl} for the reserves Reserveübung {f}
exercises {pl} for the reservesWiederholungskurs {m} <WK> [schweiz.] [Reserveübung]
exercises {pl} in the morning Morgengymnastik {f}
exercises in style Stilübungen {pl}
exercises of the feet Fußübungen {pl}
exercising ausübend
exercising a pre-emption rightAusübung {f} eines Vorkaufsrechts
exercitation geistige Tätigkeit {f}
exercitation [religious exercise] Exerzitium {n} [geistliche Übung]
exergame Fitnessspiel {n}
exergonic exergon
exergonic exergonisch
exergue Abschnitt {m} [unterster Teil des Münzbildes]
exergyExergie {f}
exergy analysis Exergieanalyse {f}
exergy destructionExergievernichtung {f}
exergy loss Exergieverlust {m}
exerted angestrengt
exerted ausgeübt
exerting anwendend
exerting bemühend
exerting Strapaze {f}
exerting strebend
exertion Ausübung {f}
exertion Kraftanstrengung {f}
exertion Anstrengung {f}
exertion Betätigung {f}
exertionAnspannung {f}
exertionStrapaze {f}
exertion of force Kraftanstrengung {f}
exertion (of force) Kraftaufwand {m}
exertion of influence Einflussnahme {f}
exertion of Kristeller maneuvers [Am.]Kristellern {n} [Anwendung des Kristeller-Handgriffs]
exertion of pressure Druckausübung {f}
exertional dyspnea [Am.]Belastungsdyspnoe {f}
exertional dyspnoea [Br.] Belastungsdyspnoe {f}
exertions Strapazen {pl}
exertive anstrengend
Exeter point Exeter-Punkt {m}
exeunt gehen ab [eine Gruppe von der Bühne]
Exeunt omnes. Alle ab. [Bühnenanweisung]
Exeunt Romeo and Juliet. Romeo und Julia ab. [Bühnenanweisung]
ex-fiancé Ex-Verlobter {m} [auch: Exverlobter]
ex-fiancéVerflossener {m} [ugs.] [Ex-Verlobter]
exfilExfiltration {f}
exfiltrationExfiltration {f}
exfoliant Körperpeeling {n}
exfoliating body wash Körperpeeling {n} [Duschlotion oder Tätigkeit]
exfoliating scrubPeeling {n} [Mittel oder Tätigkeit]
exfoliation Entlaubung {f}
exfoliation Abblätterung {f}
exfoliationAbschilferung {f}
exfoliationExfoliation {f}
exfoliation Peeling {n}
« execexecexecexemexemexerexfoexhaexhaexhiexhi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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