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exfoliation Abschuppung {f} [Exfoliation]
exfoliation Abschiefern {n}
exfoliationAufschieferung {f}
exfoliation [flaking due to aging] Abblättern {n} [des Metalls, Alterung]
exfoliation corrosion Schichtkorrosion {f}
exfoliation corrosion schichtförmige Korrosion {f}
exfoliation glove Rubbelhandschuh {m}
exfoliative exfoliativ [lamellös schuppend]
exfoliative cytologyExfoliativzytologie {f}
ex-friend Ex-Freund {m}
ex-general Ex-General {m}
ex-girlfriend Exfreundin {f}
ex-girlfriendEx-Freundin {f}
ex-girlfriendVerflossene {f} [ugs.] [frühere Freundin]
ex-governor Ex-Gouverneur {m}
ex-gratia paymentfreiwillige Leistung {f}
ex-gratia paymentKulanzleistung {f}
exhalation Ausatmung {f}
exhalationAusatmen {n}
exhalation Exhalation {f}
exhalationVerströmen {n}
exhalationAusdünstung {f}
exhalation Aushauchen {n} [geh.] [Ausatmen]
exhaled air [breath] Ausatemluft {f}
exhaled breath condensate Atemkondensat {n}
exhalent ausstrahlend
exhaling on exertionPressatmung {f}
exhaust Abführung {f} [Dampf]
exhaust {sg} [waste gases] Auspuffgase {pl}
exhaust [exhaust pipe] Auspuff {m}
exhaust [waste gases]Abgas {n}
exhaust air Abluft {f}
exhaust air Fortluft {f}
exhaust air Austrittsluft {f}
exhaust air collecting ductAbluftsammelkanal {m}
exhaust air connection Abluftstutzen {m}
exhaust air decontamination system Abluftreinigungssystem {n}
exhaust air filterAbluftfilter {m}
exhaust air grille Abluftgitter {n}
exhaust air hoseAbluftschlauch {m}
exhaust air installation Abluftanlage {f}
exhaust air nozzleAbluftstutzen {m}
exhaust air opening Abluftöffnung {f}
exhaust air problems Abluftprobleme {pl}
exhaust air purification Abluftreinigung {f}
exhaust air purification systemAbluftreinigungssystem {n}
exhaust air scrubber Abluftwäscher {m}
exhaust air treatmentAbluftreinigung {f}
exhaust air treatment system Abluftreinigungsanlage {f}
exhaust air unitAbluftanlage {f}
exhaust (air) line Abluftleitung {f}
exhaust (air) port [usually: air exhaust port] Abluftanschluss {m}
exhaust analysisAbgasuntersuchung {f} <AU>
exhaust area Abdampfquerschnitt {m}
exhaust bend Abdampfkrümmer {m}
exhaust brakeMotorbremse {f}
exhaust brake Auspuffbremse {f}
exhaust casing Abdampfgehäuse {n}
exhaust chamber Abgaskammer {f}
exhaust cleaner Abgasreiniger {m}
exhaust cloudAbgaswolke {f}
exhaust cone Abflusstrichter {m}
exhaust control systemAbzugsregler {m}
exhaust cross-section Abdampfquerschnitt {m}
exhaust damper [also: smoke (exhaust) damper] Entrauchungsklappe {f} <ERK>
exhaust deflectorAbgasdeflektor {m}
exhaust deflector Auspuffblende {f}
exhaust ductAbzugshaube {f}
exhaust embellisherAuspuffblende {f}
exhaust emission measurement device Abgasmessanlage {f}
exhaust emission regulations Abgasgesetze {pl}
exhaust emission standardAbgasnorm {f}
exhaust emission standard Abgasgrenzwert {m}
exhaust emission test Abgasuntersuchung {f} <AU>
exhaust emissions {pl}Schadstoffausstoß {m}
exhaust (end) section Abdampfteil {n}
exhaust extraction systemAbgas-Absauganlage {f}
exhaust fanAbluftventilator {m}
exhaust filter Abgasfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
exhaust filter Abluftfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
exhaust flange Abdampfstutzen {m}
exhaust flapAbluftklappe {f}
exhaust flow rate Abzugsleitung {f} [Nassätzen]
exhaust fumes Auspuffgase {pl}
exhaust fumesAutoabgase {pl}
exhaust fumes {pl} Abgas {n}
exhaust gas Abgas {n}
exhaust gas analysisAbgasanalyse {f}
exhaust gas back pressure Abgasgegendruck {m}
exhaust gas catalytic converter Abgaskatalysator {m}
exhaust gas cleaning Abgasreinigung {f}
exhaust gas cleaning system <EGC, EGCP> Abgasreinigungsanlage {f}
exhaust gas cleaning system <EGC, EGCP>Abgasreinigungssystem {n}
exhaust gas cleaning unit Abgasreinigungsanlage {f}
exhaust gas component Abgaskomponente {f}
exhaust gas components Abgaskomponenten {pl}
exhaust gas composition Abgaszusammensetzung {f}
« execexecexemexemexerexfoexhaexhaexhiexhiexig »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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