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« backPage 357 for words starting with E in the English-German dictionarynext page »
expected value Erwartungswert {m}
expected volatility erwartete Schwankung {f}
expectedly wie zu erwarten
expecting erwartend
expecting in guter Hoffnung [schwanger]
Expecting [Lubo Kristek]Die Tragende
expecting mother werdende Mutter {f}
expecting your final decision in Erwartung Ihrer definitiven Antwort
expection [rare]Erwartung {f}
expectorant schleimlösend
expectorantExpektorans {n}
expectorant Schleimlöser {m}
expectorant expektorierend
expectorant Abhustemittel {n} [Expektorans]
expectorantHustenlöser {m}
expectorant (agent)schleimlösendes Mittel {n}
expectorantsExpectorantia {pl}
expectorantsExpektoranzien {pl}
expectorateExpektorat {n}
expectorateAuswurf {m}
expectorateSputum {n}
expectoration Auswurf {m}
expectorationExpektoration {f}
expectoration Aushusten {n} [Auswurf]
expectoration of bloodBluthusten {n}
expedience Zweckmäßigkeit {f}
expedienceRatsamkeit {f}
expedience Zweckdienlichkeit {f}
expediencyZweckmäßigkeit {f}
expediency Schicklichkeit {f}
expediency Zweckdienlichkeit {f}
expediency Opportunität {f} [geh.]
expediency Tunlichkeit {f}
expediency [calculation] Berechnung {f} [selbstsüchtig]
Expediency Discernment Council [Iran] Schlichtungsrat {m}
expedient brauchbar
expedient Notlösung {f}
expedient Hilfsmittel {n}
expedient Mittel {n} (zum Zweck)
expedient Ausweg {m} [Lösung]
expedientAusflucht {f} [Ausweg]
expedient zielführend
expedient [advantageous] vorteilhaft
expedient [politic] zweckmäßig
expedient [appropriate, advantageous]angebracht [zweckdienlich]
expedient [means employed in an exigency] Nothilfe {f} [Notlösung]
expedient [opportune] opportun [geh.]
expedient [suitable, appropriate]schicklich [geh.]
expedient [suitable] passend [geeignet]
expediential Nützlichkeits-
expediently zweckmäßig
expedited beschleunigt
expedited procedureEilverfahren {n} [beschleunigtes Verfahren]
expedited service Express-Dienst {m}
expedited service [express service] Expressverfahren {n}
expediterTerminüberwacher {m}
expediter Disponent {m}
expediting Terminüberwachung {f}
expeditingBeschleunigung {f}
expediting [speed up orders]Anmahnung {f} [Drängen auf Bestellung]
expedition Expedition {f}
expedition Forschungsreise {f}
expedition Feldzug {m}
expedition Expeditionsreise {f}
expedition [formal] [promptness or speed in doing something]Schnelligkeit {f} [bei der Ausführung von etw.]
expedition [journey of exploration]Entdeckungsreise {f} [Expedition]
expedition [unorganised, spontaneous exploration trip] Streifzug {m}
expedition cartography Expeditionskartographie {f}
expedition doctorExpeditionsarzt {m}
expedition leaderExpeditionsleiter {m}
expedition mountaineeringExpeditionsbergsteigen {n}
expedition of discoveryEntdeckungsfahrt {f}
expedition organizer Expeditionsreiseveranstalter {m}
expedition participants Expeditionsteilnehmer {pl}
expedition reportExpeditionsbericht {m}
expedition teamExpeditionsmannschaft {f}
expedition team Expeditionsteam {n}
expeditionary corpsExpeditionskorps {n}
expeditionary forceExpeditionskorps {n}
expeditionary force Expeditionsstreitmacht {f}
expeditionary force {sg} Expeditionstruppen {pl}
expeditionary troops {pl}Expeditionstruppen {pl}
expeditions Entdeckungsreisen {pl}
expeditionsExpeditionen {pl}
expeditions of conquest Eroberungszüge {pl}
expeditious prompt
expeditious schnell durchführbar
expeditiously schnell
expeditiously zeitsparend
« exorexotexpaexpaexpeexpeexpeexpeexpeexpeexpe »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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